

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

1. He was in prison for twenty years.


2. Shanghai Walking Healthy Living Center Shanghai suh woo Fitness Leisure Products Co., Ltd. Shanghai suh woo Fitness Leisure Products Co., Ltd. belongs to the Australian dragon sports and leisure goods Co., Ltd., with its headquarters in Australia and has over twenty years of professional fitness and sports products operating history, to Australia a number of large health club and professional sports venues, to provide fitness equipment and related supporting services.

3. There will be a large crowd of people on the square in twenty minutes` time.


4. It will be said that, while a little leisure is pleasant, men would not know how to fill their days if they had only four hours of work out of the twenty-four.

5. Every male person being twenty-one years of age, and resident in any particular town in this commonwealth, for the space of one year next preceding, having a freehold estate within the same town, of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate of the value of sixty pounds, shall have a right to vote in the choice of a representative or representatives for the said town.术. v. the members of the house of representatives shall be chosen annually in the month of may, ten days at least before the last wednesday of that month.术.. the house of representatives shall be the grand inquest of this commonwealth; and all impeachments made by them shall be heard and tried by the senate.术.. all money bills shall originate in the house of representatives; but the senate may propose or concur with amendments, as on other bills.
术。。议院应选举,返回最后法官,和自己的成员资格,正如在宪法,并应于上周三5月,每年确定和宣布谁是eah区内选出是参议员由多数票,并在有不得返回的参议员的总人数,由各区民政票多数当选,供应不足,应以下列方式,即:房子的成员代表,例如参议员的应被宣布当选,应作为应发现在这类地区的票数最高的这些人的姓名,并没有当选,相当于两倍的参议员人数的希望,如果有这么许多赞成,并指出,这些应以抽签方式选出的参议员人数不足以填补这些地区的空缺; inthis的方式对所有这些职位空缺,须填写的每一个联邦区设立,并以同样的方式在所有空缺在参议院,由去世而出现的,从国家或其他地方进行,应提供可尽快将这些空缺之后发生。

6. DC Comics agreed to pay each of them twenty thousand dollars a year for life.

7. It takes twenty-four hours for the earth to go around one time.


8. Twenty-four meters below the ground, the ammunition bunker has been transformed into a wine cellar to preserve the historical heritage.

9. There are twenty floors in the building, and I live on the eighth floor.


10. There are some tall buildings in the town and the tallest one has twenty floors.

11. Our second stage was to build a building of twenty stories.

12. Our second stage was the building of a building of twenty storeys.

13. There are twenty stories in each vessel, one for each year the idea is protected.

14. He fell down from the top of the twenty-story building, dead.

15. Though vacuum boosters designed and produced by china exist for more than twenty years, it is still dissatisfactory for us of the quality and the assembly efficiency of those products.


16. Also twenty baso of gold, of a thousand dram and two veels of fine coer, precious as gold.
8:27 金碗二十个,重一千达利克。上等光铜的器皿两个,宝贵如金。

17. And it is seventh in the percentage of eighteen to twenty-four year olds in college.

18. You are twenty-one, and it is time you make up your own mind.


19. I was the wild boy, twenty-one and completely out of control.
我是一名21 岁的野孩子,完全不受控制。


20. He is twenty-one and his name is Geoff.
他 21 岁,他的名字是杰夫。

twenty 词典解释

1. (数字)20
Twenty is the number 20.

2. (20 至 29 之间的数字)二十几
When you talk about the twenties, you are referring to numbers between 20 and 29. For example, if you are in your twenties, you are aged between 20 and 29. If the temperature is in the twenties, the temperature is between 20 and 29 degrees.

e.g. They're both in their twenties and both married with children of their own.

3. twenty的意思

3. 二十世纪二十年代(1920 至 1929 年间)
The twenties is the decade between 1920 and 1929.

e.g. It was written in the Twenties, but it still really stands out.

twenty 单语例句

1. The most important trend affecting the business world in the past twenty years is globalization.

2. twenty

2. Twenty six reports to the central authorities as reference for policy making were presented by the groups.


3. One of the most famous American advertising campaigns was launched twenty years ago by Canon, the camera manufacturer.

4. twenty

4. Twenty crew members were reported missing after their foreign cargo ship collided with a Chinese vessel off the East China coast around 4 am yesterday.

5. I would probably make the phone call twenty minutes before the bus leaves for the chapel and ask if anyone is available to come.

6. Twenty homes on Long Island Sound in Connecticut were destroyed by churning surf.

7. Twenty were hit in the first four games alone as New York and Cleveland split the opening series that ended on the weekend.

8. The National Intellectual Property Strategy includes the Compendium as well as twenty thematic studies.

9. twenty

9. Twenty people sued the restaurant after they failed to reach an agreement on compensation with the restaurant.


10. There are over twenty rivers converging here into nine which continue on into the sea.

twenty 英英释义



1. a United States bill worth 20 dollars

Synonym: twenty dollar bill


2. the cardinal number that is the sum of nineteen and one

Synonym: 20 XX


1. denoting a quantity consisting of 20 items or units

Synonym: 20 xx

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1144447.html
