

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆



coccus 基本解释



coccus 网络解释

1. 球菌:1.球菌(coccus)按球菌分裂的方向,及分裂后的排列,分为6种球菌2.杆菌(bacillus)杆菌只有一个分裂方向,即与菌体长轴垂直分裂,分裂后有不同的排列:1.细胞壁(cell wall) 是在细菌细胞膜的外面一层无色透明、坚韧而有弹性的膜;

2. 球菌;球??;分果片:cocais 巴巴斯椰子 | coccus 球菌;球??;分果片 | coconut palm grove 椰子林

3. 球菌{属}:coastal zone 沿岸区;海岸地区 | coccus 球菌{属} | cockle rake 贝耙

4. 球:-baculum:棒 | -coccus:球 | -sphaera:球形

coccus 双语例句

1. According to above test result, detached bacterium appraisal is the green pus bacili of a miscellaneous goat and alvine coccus.

2. Coccus sp. PCC 7002. Proce edings of the Symposium for

3. Consider to already confirmed, the grape coccus of the caky enzymatic negative that can produce ESS is the mainest condition pathogenic bacteria, ESS is the crucial factor of infection, ESS is caught easily by abstruse Xin La color, be considered as material of a kind of polysaccharide, its chemistry structure is still indistinct, the mechanism of ESS is to reduce airframe polymorphous nucleus leucocyte is right of the bacterium gobble up and inside the cell exterminate ability, affected the antigen structure of the hyperplasia of lymphocyte and its surface, change its inferior model generation, reduce the capacity of airframe resistance bacterium.

4. The wide variety of clinical symptoms of AIDS, the general in the early symptoms as the beginning of the cold, flu, fatigue can not afford full-body, loss of appetite, fever, weight loss, with the increase of the condition, growing number of symptoms such as skin, the skin appears white stick read coccus Infections, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, purpura, hematoma, blood blister, Xueban lag, skin vulnerable to injury, after injury, such as bleeding more than; after violations of internal organs gradually and continuously Unexplained persistent fever, it could take more than 3 -- 4 months; can cough, shortness of breath, persistent diarrhea, bloody stool, hepatosplenomegaly, complicated by malignant tumors, respiratory difficulties and so on.

5. Results It has been shown that aqueous solution in pH 3.1 which draw from the dry fruit of Illicium floridanum has the varying degree of antimicrobial effect to fungus, bacillus and coccus, the most obvious effect of antifungal.
结果 莽草水煮液在pH为3.1时,对真菌、杆菌和球菌均有不同程度的抑菌效果,其中对尖孢镰刀菌和球菌的抑制作用最明显。

6. The large intestine of result test group dust rare bacterium, white beads bacterium and black music mould reclaim rate all prep above 70%, the coccus of golden yellow grape that accords with group of test of; of experiment of test and verify and bacili of withered careless gemma reclaim rate under 70%, do not accord with test and verify to experiment.


7. In animal's large intestine, the bile acid can suppress the backwoods coli, the chain coccus and other harmful bacterium's multiplication.

8. Finally: Nurses in the process 2 examples to have the lungs to infect, accounts for 3.8%, the pseudomonas aeruginosa and pneumonia chain coccus infect each 1 example. because 1 example chokes in tracheotomy 14 d coughs a thyroid gland arterial bifurcation breakage hemorrhage, stops bleeding after the prompt ligation.
结果:护理过程中2例发生肺部感染,占3.8%,其中绿脓杆菌和肺炎链球菌感染各1例。1例在气管切开14 d因呛咳甲状腺一小动脉破裂出血,经及时结扎而止血。

9. This experimental use dull colony notation counting, the determination titration acidity discovers the fermentation rule, thus obtains two kind of fungi the proportional relationships to he addicted to the hot chain coccus and the Bulgarian lactobacillus for 3:2 time the yogurt flavor is ideal, the shelf life is long, is the most ideal proportion.

10. Results totally 287 strains were isolated from the 256 positive samples, and the gram-negative bacilli were 225(78.4%, ), the gram-positive coccus were 41(14.3%), snd the monilia were 21(7.3%).the distributions of clinical bacteria were respiratory tract(63.4%), urinaryract(7.0%), secretion(includingwound.3%), blood(5.9%), stool(5.2%), pucture fluid(4.9%), and other sites(7.3%). of all isolating bacterium, from the first to the fifth were ps. aeruginosa(19.5%), k. pneumoniae(16.7%), e. coli(14.3%), a. baumannii(11.8%) and psemal (10.1%).resistant rates of methecillin-resistant s. aureus, methecillin-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci and vancomycin-resistantwere 88.2%、70.0% and 11.1% respectively; the incidence of e. coli and k. penumoniae produce extended speutrum beta-lactamase were 68.6%和65.2%, 44.6% of ps. aeruginosa isolates were resistant to imipenem; the highest examining rate of 21 kinds of monilia was candida albicans (66.7%), resistant rate of candida albicans to fluconazole and amphotricin b was 51.3% and 1.3%.
结果 在254份检出细菌阳性标本中共培养出287株细菌,其中革兰阴性杆菌225株(78.4%),革兰阳性球菌41株(14.3%),念珠菌21株(7.3%),检出菌来自呼吸道标本占63.4%,其他标本各占5%左右;细菌检出占构成比前三位的依次为铜绿假单胞菌19.5%、肺炎克雷伯菌16.7%、大肠埃希菌14.3%;耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌、耐甲氧西林凝固酶阴性葡萄球菌和耐万古霉素的肠球菌的发生率分别为88.2%、70.0%和11.1%;大肠埃希菌和肺炎克雷伯菌的超广谱β-内酰胺酶的检出率分别为68.6%和65.2%,铜绿假单胞菌对亚胺培南的耐药率为40.2%;白色念珠菌对氟康唑的耐药率为81.3%,对两性霉素的耐药率为3.2%。

11. Complete sequences of them were obtained and phylogenesis analyses were carried out of Myxococcus, their phylogenetic position was determined. We did also G+Cmol%, physiological and biochemical characteristics tests.
为优口coccus,菌株YN34与菌株YNll2和BDzOS关系均较近,相似性均为10既,与它们关系最近的为橙色粘球菌以办优ococcus fulvus AJ233919,相似性为99.78%;YN65与大抱粘球菌。

12. Dactylopius coccus Costa is an extremely valuable resource insects, is of great economic value.

13. Objective To investigate the resistance of erthromycin and clidamycin in Gram-positive coccus and help to reasonably use clindamycin.
目的 探讨阳性球菌中红霉素诱导克林霉素耐药性的发生情况,合理指导临床用药。

14. At the same time it is good host for Dactyl opius coccus and good species for landscape.

15. Coccus of conclusion excrement bowel is led in clinical depart...


16. objective to investigate the resistance of erthromycin and clidamycin in gram-positive coccus and help to reasonably use clindamycin.

17. In Gram-positive coccus, it was vancocin the resistance rate was the lowest, but Erythroci, clarithromycin and penicillin were the highest.

18. Results totally402succus prostaticus samples were conventionally cultured and130strains of9species of bacteria were isolated with a positive rate of322.2%.out of the130strains of bacteria11strains were gram-positive coccobacteria, accounted for84.6%including strains of coagulase-negative staphylacocciaccounted for66.1%mainly consisted of66strains of staphylococcus epidermidis occupied50.7%of the total strains isolated. other pathogenic bacteria were in the descending order of16strains of gram-positive corynebacterium(12.3%), 14strains of excrement intestines coccus, (10.8%), 6strains of streptococcus(4.6%), the proportion of gram-negative bacteria and staphylococcus aureswas small with a rate of3.1%respectively. the resistance rates of staphylococcus epidermidis to qunolones--ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin the drug of choice for treatment of prostatitis were69.0%and65.0%, respectively. the sensitivity of staphylococcus epidermidis to ni-trofurantoinum, vancocin and rifampcin was over70.0%.the results of other strains of coagulase-negative staphylacocci to an-tibiotics were generally the same.
结果 从402份前列腺液中,共分离出9种130株细菌,阳性率为32.3%。其中革兰阳性球菌110株占84.6%,阳性球菌中凝固酶阴性的葡萄球菌86株,占总分离菌株的66.1%,主要是表皮葡萄球菌66株,占总分离菌株的50.7%。其次是棒状杆菌、粪肠球菌和链球菌,依序分别占12.3%、10.8%和4.6%;而革兰阴性杆菌及金黄色葡萄球菌仅各占3.1%。药敏结果显示表葡菌对喹诺酮类药环丙沙星和左旋氧氟沙星耐药率分别为69%和65%,而较敏感的是呋喃妥因、万古霉素和利福平,敏感率都在70%以上,其它cns的药敏结果与表葡菌基本一致,棒状杆菌及粪肠球菌对临床常用的多种抗生素较为敏感。

19. Results The amount of aerobe bacteria in the rat ileum after chronic alcohol abuse was ten folds higher than in normal control, especially with coccus, meanwhile the number of lactobacillus declined.


20. The coccus isolated from soil has a high de sulfur ability for iodine and can lower the sulfur content of petroleum by half. In addition some bacteria which can eat plastics have been discovered.

coccus 英英释义



1. coccus

1. any spherical or nearly spherical bacteria

Synonym: cocci

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1144458.html
