
originate from是什么意思_originate from在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
originate from  
originate from 基本解释

originate from在线翻译

起源; 来自…, 源于…

originate from 网络解释

1. 源于:original version原始著作;原始版本 | originate from源于 | other than除了...以外

2. 由某人发起(首创):= arise from 由...而引起, 由...而产生 | = originate from 由某人发起(首创) | Originate vi.发源, 开始, 发生

3. 来自于:21.be deeply rooted in... 深深扎根于 | 22.originate from 来自于 | 23.be dependent upon... 取决于

originate from 双语例句

originate from

1. The forming of Nuerhachi ethical ideology has its particular economic, political and cultural backgrounds, therefore, his ethical ideology may originate from himself or others.

2. Many of Giles`misunderstanding and mistranslation of the original text originate from the method of literal translation.

3. Trichomes stellate, stalked or sessile, with 2-6 minute basal branches from which originate up to 30, simple or branched rays, sometimes trichomes lepidote, rarely mixed with simple and forked.

4. You will not consider Port as the only worthwhile wine, fortified or not, to originate from Portugal.

originate from什么意思

5. They can be classificated to two kinds. One kind is build by photomultiplier; another kind is build by MCP. The mechanism of delayed luminescence is discussed with subradiation. A photon count system is built. To proof the biophoton is a kind of ultra weak photon stream originate from exothermic reaction, and primarily discuss the relationship between the delayed luminescence and proteins activity, we chose microphyllous banyan leave, ficus elastica leave, gingkgo leave, Chinese fan palm leave, and cinnamomum camphora leave as biological samples. The ultra weak photon emission from normal biosamples, and proteins inactivated biosample were measured separately with photon count system. The results showed that the delayed luminescence of biosamples have

originate from的反义词

6. These results prove that the hysterisis and the flatband shift originate from the charge storage in the nc-Si quantum dots.

7. This is not enough originate from the subsequent force despise dwellings engineering is the key.

8. Then, it is concluded that WU is composed of three chapters from WANWU and DAMING, and that WU may originate from WANWU and SHAO music of the Shang Dynasty.

originate from

9. Nearly one-fifth of the entries in the dictionary, which is updated every five years, now originate from outside Britain, according to the publisher, Oxford UniversityPress.
草凹(cho9 o 差不多个连音)五分之一 e5入字典 e*,in 每五冬共换新,职马出产地是英国以外,根据出版者牛渡大学出版社按呢生讲。

10. However, sincemost iliofemoral thromboses originate from calf-vein thromboses, full anticoagulation with low-molecular-weight heparin is suggestedfor symptomatic patients.

originate from在线翻译

11. We also show that some of the misoriented GSCs probably originate from dedifferentiation of spermatogonia.

12. If the SPF RR does not authorize the IP address the mail can be bounced - it did not originate from an authorized source for the sender's domain.

originate from的解释

13. Agriculture is the foundation of the society's subsistance and development. All production activities in the society originate from agriculture.

14. From remote antiquity up to now, originate the cataract of Songhua River water at long white Shan Tianchi does not cease, she is taking magical fokelore, vast and mighty one have diarrhoea works in, with.

15. Their new findings suggest these positrons originate mainly from stars getting devoured by black holes and neutron stars.

16. Two IMRs are currently operating in the semi arid inland of eastern Australia, in a region where populations of migrant moths and Australian plague locusts Chortoicetes terminifera commonly originate, and some examples of outputs from one of these units are presented.
目前 ,在澳大利亚东部的半干旱内陆地区,即迁飞性鳞翅目害虫和澳大利亚疫蝗的虫源区,装置了两部IMR并连续监测其迁飞活动,本文报告了这两部雷达的部分监测结果。

17. Quite evidently, many departments of application science actually originate from absolute theoretic study and experimental labor.

18. Since China has no established guitar repertoire of its own, the Chinese pieces on this recording originate either from arrangements of traditional Chinese pieces (including two traditional Chinese folk songs arranged for guitar by Gerald Garcia), or new compositions based on Chinese themes (such as Welsh composer Stephen Goss`s Chinese Garden, written especially for Xuefei Yang).

19. The production and accumulation of inspiration originate from the experience of life space. For the author, Yao, Yuan, the sense of achievement by use of color to build the atmosphere of space is the output and prize of satisfying the spiritual creation desire.

originate from是什么意思

20. Beta thalassaemia is seen most commonly in people who originate from Mediterranean Islands, Asia, Middle and the Far East.

originate from 单语例句

1. Excellent movies always originate from directors explaining the world through their special perspectives, rather than catering for certain group's interests.

2. Some scientists argue that Chinese genes originate from an African female, believed to be the ancestor of human beings who emerged two million years ago.

3. The vigorous driving force of a new growth cycle will originate from newly emerging economies including China.


4. " Bazaar " is a word that's said to originate from Persian.

5. The hidden sadness and depression found in his paintings originate from deep feelings about the ongoing rapid development of the world around us.

6. Many of Li's dances originate from his daily work, such as the movements involved in making briquettes and shoveling coal.

7. Helen and Feifei ask people which festivals they enjoy and where these festivals originate from.

8. originate from

8. It must be noted that darker skin tone in southern Chinese does not originate from their DNA.

9. Fu quoted the New York Times as saying that China " has become a convenient scapegoat, it seems all problems originate from China ".

10. This is typical breakfast for Tianjin natives and is said to originate from Shandong province.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1147805.html
