

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆







crush 基本解释


及物动词镇压; 压破,压碎; 弄皱; 挤榨,榨出

不及物动词挤; 被压碎,被起皱

名词粉碎,被压碎的状态; (特指女子对男性的)迷恋; 拥挤的人群; 果汁饮料

crush 相关词组

1. crush out : 榨出, 熄灭;

2. crush up : 粉碎;

crush 相关例句



1. Their plot to overthrow the government was crushed.

2. This machine crushes wheat grain to make flour.


1. This cloth crushes very easily.

2. Hundreds crushed into the hall.


1. There was such a crush in the room that no one could move.

crush 网络解释

1. 压碎:通过CTC揉切机制作茶叶是取压碎(crush)、撕碎(Tear)、揉捻(curl)每个单词第一个字母来命名. 制成的红茶呈细粒状.

2. 碾碎:然后,红茶将被按照两种方法之一进行加工:CTC方法 (碾碎(Crush)、撕裂(Tear)、卷起(Curl))或者 传统方法 CTC方法一般用于生产袋茶的低质茶叶并且使用机器加工.

3. [??空?]:<<火爆赛车>>(StateShift)完整硬盘版[压缩包]_VeryCD电驴下载<<火爆赛车>>(StateShift)破解版[光盘镜像]_VeryCD电驴下载<<星际之门>>(Anachronox)英文正式版2CD[光盘镜像]_VeryCD电驴下<<压缩空间>>(Crush)美版[光盘镜像][P

crush 双语例句

1. Over the past few months, my husband has developed a huge crush on the sassy political commentator Rachel Maddow; he is a frequent watcher of The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC so the other night while he was putting our son to bed, I decided to catch her show to see just how witty my competition was.

2. Have you ever had a guy have a crush on you?

3. A farmer in Velada, Spain, displays a traditional toboggan-like device that is used to crush straw and open garbanzo bean pods during harvest.

4. A Satinsky clamp, inserted through the suprapubic port is placed across the hilum, medial to the ureter and renal pelis to preent urothelial crush injury.


5. I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.

6. We leading the anti-feudal, anti-imperialist democratic struggle, trying our best to crush feudal autocracy.

7. Air condition has to be installed in all of operation room and crush-room, and drink of sunstroke prevention should be supplied in summer, to prevent sweltering of operators.

8. So she swam about among the beams and planks which strewed the surface of the sea, forgetting that they could crush her to pieces.

9. Crush some ice down and mix it with a small amount of common salt to produce a freezing mixture.

10. Lysias was to send an army against them to crush and destroy the power of Israel and the remnant of Jerusalem and efface their memory from the land.


11. I got a passion baby I lose control you rip my heart in peaces you crush my soul.
我得到激情婴儿输控制你扯裂我的心在 peaces 你压碎我的灵魂。

12. Surface sizing is an important approach to enhance the ring crush compression resistance of corrugated base paper.


13. Xiao Bian like to recommend this simple and easy to remember a few points, and the method is very easy to learn, they want to solve the daily crush of minor illnesses, it is better to learn this massage on the method of good points Bufei Yishen lack of time the column his left index finger is the right wrist on the back, cross-phase shake hands tiger's mouth.

14. In the relentless crush, collisions and roaring shouts, a determination is made on the ultimate winner who becomes the new occupant of the city.


15. The introduction of the Newman Hub will mean that the company's Mt Whaleback iron ore operation will be equipped to mine, crush and screen the ore at site rather than those processes taking place in Port Hedland before the product is shipped from Port Hedland.

16. METHODS: Adult Wistar rats were randomly divided into normal control, crush control, medium treatment and zymosan treatment groups.

17. For example, increment level of processing trade is low in China, only processing fees are paid, and processing trade supplies possibility for smuggle, in addition, processing trade crush common trades.

18. We didn't expect that they would crush us into this tiny room.

19. We go to the crush room after lunch.

20. We didnt expect that they would crush us into this tiny room.

crush 词典解释crush

1. 压坏;压碎;挤压变形
To crush something means to press it very hard so that its shape is destroyed or so that it breaks into pieces.

e.g. Andrew crushed his empty can...
e.g. Their vehicle was crushed by an army tank...

2. (常指通过武力)制服,镇压,彻底击败
To crush a protest or movement, or a group of opponents, means to defeat it completely, usually by force.

e.g. The military operation was the first step in a plan to crush the uprising.
e.g. ...in his bid to crush the rebels.

...the violent crushing of anti-government demonstrations.

3. 使心烦意乱;使消沉
If you are crushed by something, it upsets you a great deal.

e.g. Listen to criticism but don't be crushed by it.

4. 推;压;挤
If you are crushed against someone or something, you are pushed or pressed against them.

e.g. We were at the front, crushed against the stage.

5. 拥挤的人群
A crush is a crowd of people close together, in which it is difficult to move.

e.g. Franklin and his thirteen-year-old son somehow got separated in the crush...
e.g. Everywhere he went he was mobbed by a crush of fans.

6. (对…的)迷恋;(对…的)爱慕
If you have a crush on someone, you are in love with them but do not have a relationship with them.

e.g. She had a crush on you, you know...
e.g. I'd got over my schoolgirl crush.

crush 单语例句

1. Tufa is easy to crush by hand, but turns hard as it ages and is known as travertine.

2. Although Beijing Railway Station was one of the biggest and best in the country, its splendor was lost in the crush and cacophony of crowds.

3. A crush of polls in key states like Ohio and Florida offered contradictory results, and none showed a decisive swing for either candidate.


4. He says he first realized he was gay when young and a classmate crush in his sophomore year confirmed this.

5. Ricardo Sanchez said the coalition was making strides to crush the cleric's militia throughout the country and to retake the largely Sunni city of Fallujah.

6. Russia announced it would send more warships to combat piracy and also called for an international ground military operation to crush piracy.

7. The rash of suicide bombings show President Pervez Musharraf's weakening control of the region despite the deployment of thousands of troops to crush Islamic militants.

8. Subsequent footage shows a bloodied Gadhafi being hustled through a frenzied crowd, before he disappears in the crush and the crackle of gunfire can be heard.

9. Selena Gomez has a crush on'Twilight'vampire Edward Cullen.

10. Soldiers reportedly resorted to uncommon measures including shooting power lines with submachine guns to shatter icicles and driving tanks to crush ice on roads.

crush 英英释义


1. the act of crushing

Synonym: crunch compaction

2. temporary love of an adolescent

Synonym: puppy love calf love infatuation

3. a dense crowd of people

Synonym: jam press

4. leather that has had its grain pattern accentuated

Synonym: crushed leather


1. break into small pieces

e.g. The car crushed the toy

2. become injured, broken, or distorted by pressure

e.g. The plastic bottle crushed against the wall

3. come out better in a competition, race, or conflict

e.g. Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship
We beat the competition
Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game

Synonym: beat beat out shell trounce vanquish

4. make ineffective

e.g. Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination

Synonym: break down

5. crush or bruise

e.g. jam a toe

Synonym: jam

6. to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition

e.g. crush an aluminum can
squeeze a lemon

Synonym: squash squelch mash squeeze

7. humiliate or depress completely

e.g. She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation
The death of her son smashed her

Synonym: smash demolish

8. come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority

e.g. The government oppresses political activists

Synonym: oppress suppress

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1147810.html
