

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


15. Sockeye salmon, on the other hand, are the most sought-after of its entire species because its flesh has a color of deep red and it has a firm rich flavor.

16. Instead of tuna for your sandwiches, opt for canned Alaskan pink or sockeye salmon with bones.

17. The plan includes highly controversial proposals for oil leasing in Bristol Bay, the backbone of Alaska`s wild sockeye salmon fisheries and a critical component of Alaska`s economy.

18. Unlike other Canadian Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), long-term declines in the size at maturity of Fraser River sockeye salmon have not been reported in past studies.

19. Smoked Copper River Sockeye, Smoked salmon gift box, executive wood gift box gift.


20. The menu ranges from starters like Smoked Haddock Brandade or Oriental Duck Salad to Paupiette of Salmon or Whole Bones Poussin for main courses, or straight burgers for the more down-to-earth diners.

salmon 词典解释

1. salmon

1. 鲑鱼; *** 哈鱼
A salmon is a large silver-coloured fish.

salmon 单语例句

1. If you've attempted to buy salmon in the supermarket recently, you will know this to be true.

2. This is a very pretty way to present the cured salmon and the spoon catches any drip waiting to happen.

3. The wine's lemon tang matched the saltiness of the caviar and the juicy smokiness of the salmon.

4. salmon

4. Colleagues and I matched the second bottle with smoked salmon and pink caviar a Russian friend had just arrived with.

5. salmon的意思

5. This is a bit of luxury but salmon caviar is the perfect match for the cured salmon.

6. Forman & Sons, which has been supplying London hotels and restaurants with smoked salmon and caviar since 1905.

7. We started our meal with flash smoked salmon and nuta sauce, one of chef Hiro's signature dishes that are available around the year.

8. Other stars like Kidman and Jennifer Lopez chose pink or salmon chiffon.

9. salmon的反义词

9. He said the whales seem to be having a harder time finding chinook salmon.

10. The other sushi duo on the platter was topped with slightly salted salmon roe and a few decorative chrysanthemum petals.

salmon 英英释义


1. salmon的翻译

1. any of various large food and game fishes of northern waters
usually migrate from salt to fresh water to spawn

2. a pale pinkish orange color

3. flesh of any of various marine or freshwater fish of the family Salmonidae


1. of orange tinged with pink

Synonym: pink-orange pinkish-orange

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1147815.html


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