
neon sign是什么意思_neon sign在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
neon sign  
neon sign 基本解释霓虹灯;
neon sign 网络解释

1. 霓虹灯招牌:9.latest 最新的 | 10.neon sign 霓虹灯招牌 | 11.pickpocket 扒手

2. 氖信号:neon light 氖灯 | neon sign 氖信号 | neon tube 氖管

3. 氖灯信号:neon indicator ==> 氖管指示器,氖管指示灯 | neon sign ==> 氖灯信号 | neon tube ==> 氖管

neon sign 双语例句

1. Bar Displays and Pub Signs that Hankscraft/AJS creates will drive your sales through the roof, from a traditional wood pub sign to a high-end back lit acrylic sign for upscale locations, we can make them all, including bottle glorifier, countdown units, table tents displays, back bar displays, neon clocks, Plasma bottles, lenticular and so on.

2. The crackle, crackle of the neon sign outside my window was about to drive me crazy.

neon sign

3. The loose bulb in the neon sign outside my window was about to drive me crazy when there was a knock at my door.

4. To the west, one saw with a shock of wonder on the roof of a building a gigantic neon sign in flaming red and phosphorescent green: LIGHT, HEAT, POWER

5. This is a huge neon sign of investment firm, Lehman Brothers.

6. The letters of that neon sign are so big that they are visible from a distance.

7. Wasn't our single status a neon sign that we couldn't get it right?

neon sign的反义词

8. The letters on that neon sign are so big that they are visible from a distance.

9. But if I buy a neon sign that lights up, it makes more sense that it slowly gets dim over time.

10. The neon atoms in a neon sign emit their characteristic color of light as they absorb energy.

11. Pink neon lights forms a large sign on the wall, `I will leave you in due time`.
墙面有大的霓虹灯标题:I will leave you in due time。

12. That's like a neon sign telegraphing the jury how you feel.

neon sign的解释

13. From left to right: 9kV 30mA (270W) Neon Sign transformer, 10 sections series static gap, 12V battery to run gap fans (later replaced by a wall adapter), tank capacitor, Tesla Coil.
从左至右依次为:9kV 30mA的(270W)霓虹灯变压器,10节系列静态差距,12V电池运行的差距球迷,坦克电容器,特斯拉线圈。

14. The adult butterflies make no attempt to hide themselves; instead, their bright, warning coloration is like a neon sign.

15. It would be a sacrilege to put a neon sign on that beautiful old building.

neon sign的解释

16. At times like this, sensing the eyes on my back, it felt as if the ring were pulsing like a neon sign: Look at me, look at me.

17. A wedding party poses before a vintage Las Vegas neon sign moments after the marriage ceremony at a nearby chapel.

18. On the front of the small octagonal building hung a neon sign that said simply MCDONALD`S HAMBURGERS.

19. A neon sign creates a momentary distraction but reorients all guests to new views.

20. We walked past a movie theater with a small neon sign for a bar and disco.

neon sign 单语例句

1. A neon sign on the outside of a residential area just off of Julu Lu is its only giveaway.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1151469.html
