

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


eyewitness 基本解释

名词目击者; 目击证人

eyewitness 相关例句



1. He was the only eyewitness of the robbery.

2. Were there any eyewitnesses to the murder crime?

3. She gave an eyewitness account of the crime.

eyewitness 网络解释

1. 目击者:此书还成为新加坡大学、马来西亚大学和菲律宾大学英文系的课本之一. 1976年出版了诗集<<目击者>>(Eyewitness). 1982年出版的第三本诗集<<单翅鸟>>(BirdWithOneWing),出版后创造畅销奇迹,3个月不到,已经售完断市.

2. 目击证人,目击者:to call s.o. to witness 作证 | eyewitness 目击证人,目击者 | institution of proceedings 起诉

eyewitness 双语例句

1. B 2087 One eyewitness is better than two hearers.


2. The testimony of an eyewitness can be weighty and convincing. Many a juror has been swayed by the testimony of a creditable witness.


3. Channel 8 Eyewitness News received calls from people in the areas of Summerlin Parkway and Lone Mountain, and 215 and Cheyenne.

4. An investigation by Seattle media KIRO 7 Eyewitness News reveals an alarming 15 Apple brand iPod MP3 players have suddenly burst into flames and smoke, injuring people and damaging property.
西雅图媒体KIRO 7 Eyewitness News近日报道称,其消费调查员艾米?克莱希花了7个月时间查阅到了美国消费品安全委员会关于苹果iPod的800多页文件,记录在案的iPod着火伤人事件共有15起。

5. Lianjiang river, a faithful historical eyewitness.

6. He is the eyewitness of the car accident.

7. John was an eyewitness of Christ and was able to help them because of this.

8. I am an eyewitness to your coming into being.

9. I wish to confront the eyewitness in a court.

10. Eg: He is the only eyewitness of this car accident.

11. He is the eyewitness to the robbery.

12. According to an eyewitness recalls, should cause trouble the bus to run upon a sedan car in the Iwu small commodity city entrance, caused the third engineer series to bump into.

13. Explore the many ways you can interact with the court system as you gain a basic understanding of expert testimony, jury selection, and eyewitness testimony.

14. There are several factors related to eyewitness accuracy, including the inquiry process of the police, lineups and photo arrays, memory, sex, race, level of confidence of eyewitness.

15. Well, of course it's evidence, and there's no higher quality of evidence than direct eyewitness, personal-participation testimony.

16. One eyewitness told reporters that as a result of the change in leaf color is bright wood, and the price is not too expensive, so many families have one owner.


17. EYEWITNESS evidence may be all very well in a court of law, but it cuts no ice with scientists.

18. In Lebanon, battered women cannot file for divorce on the basis of abuse without the testimony of an eyewitness.


19. The relations of Luke with the chief founders of the Church in Palestine, and with Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles; his industry and diligence as an eyewitness and in examining witnesses; the remarkable agreement of the Acts of the Apostles with the Epistles of Paul and with the more genuine historical records, all go to show that Luke had at his command most trustworthy sources, and that he used them in such a manner as to make his work historically authoritative.

20. The team have interviewed one eyewitness so far - a park ranger from the Kiang West National Park who lived to tell the tale of his encounter three years ago.

eyewitness 词典解释

1. 目击者;见证人
An eyewitness is a person who was present at an event and can therefore describe it, for example in a law court.

e.g. Eyewitnesses say the police then opened fire on the crowd.
e.g. ...dramatic eyewitness accounts of the fighting.

eyewitness 单语例句

1. An eyewitness who works in one of the jewelry stores in the mall said he was escorted out of the area that was closed off.

2. eyewitness的近义词

2. Naval investigators said they have no physical evidence or eyewitness testimony to corroborate Maria Lauterbach's claims of rape.

3. eyewitness什么意思

3. An eyewitness told AFP at least 29 children and one teacher had been taken hostage at the international school in the town of Siem Riep.

4. An eyewitness said that after the evening prayer, he heard aircraft hovering overhead and then heard the sound of the explosion.

5. Fang grabbed the air hostess's arms after yelling at her, the eyewitness said.


6. Coroner Ng rejected an application to enhance the quality of the eyewitness video.

7. A male eyewitness surnamed Li said the two victims knew each other and had been waiting in line together at the ticket office.

8. eyewitness的意思

8. The eyewitness said the boss paid his employees Wednesday morning but the two parties seemed have a bitter quarrel.

9. eyewitness的解释

9. But subsequent evidence from the former Soviet Union undermined eyewitness testimony from death camp survivors, and Israel's supreme court freed him in 1993.

10. The news paper quoted an eyewitness as saying that Zhang had dined with friends at a restaurant in east Beijing on Thursday evening.

eyewitness 英英释义


1. a spectator who can describe what happened


1. eyewitness的翻译

1. be present at an event and see it with one's own eyes

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1151506.html
