

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆







construct 基本解释

及物动词构成; 修建,建造; 创立; [数]作图

名词结构(物); 构想; 概念

construct 相关例句


1. Construct a triangle on this line.

2. He constructed a theory in collaboration with his colleagues.

3. These wheels are constructed smaller.

4. It took them two years to construct the bridge.


1. Freedom, gravity, ego, and electron are constructs.

construct 网络解释

1. 构件:对象服务是一组内置的协议、构件(construct)和方法,可以操作对象存储,是对象存储的增值. 这些对象服务包括:安全性(加密/数字签名、权限控制等)、复制、报文传递与工作流、目录服务、Script引擎、视图索引、全文索引、文档编辑与提交、日历等等.

2. 建造:2003年6月30日劳动法修改生效后,电梯等设备建造(Construct)之前应取得DOSH的许可. 新设计制造的电梯必须符合<<电梯安全法令>>第三部分新电梯技术要求,该部分技术要求包括:电梯的井道、井道壁和相关结构,电梯的机器和设备,

construct 双语例句

1. Objective To construct an expression profiling of human pancreatic juice protein.
目的 建立人胰液蛋白表达谱。


2. Theoretically, this method can be used to construct dislocations with any shape and any Burgers vector.
利用该方法,选用FCC单晶铜为模拟介质,构造Burgers矢量为b=[1 1 0]/2的刃型全位错和Burgers矢量为b=[11 2]/6圆环形不完全位错环,并使用分子动力学方法模拟全位错的扩展分解过程和不全位错环在自应力作用下的收缩过程,模拟结果与理论分析一致。

3. For verification purpose, we construct a linear edge perfect dislocation with Burgers vector b=[110]/2 and a partial dislocation ring with b= [112]/6 in FCC copper.

4. In this paper, taking the project NPV as an example and applying risk analysis to its estimation, the authors develop a totally new economic evaluation method for construct...
在此 ,作者以项目的财务净现值为例,将风险分析应用于财务净现值的估算中,推出一种全新的建设项目财务评价方法

5. With national construct of express highway quickly developing, it requires bridge structures higher and higher.

6. In this dissertation, we propose two region-based segmentation algorithms and two edge-based segmentation algorithms for echocardiographic images. The first proposed algorithm of region-based segmentation scheme is fuzzy Hopfield neural network with fixed weight approach. This approach incorporated the global gray-level information and local gray-level information to construct a fuzzy Hopfield neural network. When the network converges to a stable state, the segmentation result will be obtained. A new approach using alpha-shape points is another proposed algorithm of region-based category. The region of interest corresponds to one of the clusters under a properly selected alpha. We identify the heart chamber in the ultrasound image by comparing the similarity between the alpha-connected components against the heart chamber obtained from the AQ image.


7. The shield tunneling is one of the main methods to construct tunnel in soft ground region.

8. To construct the sound's order from the strange noise is your first task.

9. Furthermore, using the correspondence between the cocongruence corelations and the subcoalgebras on Set, a way to construct the co-generated subcoalgebra is given in this paper.

10. Firstly, the thesis analyzes and delimitates the research object of the lawsuit function, and brings forward the logical access to functional analysis of lawsuit, in order to construct thinking structures for the global research.

11. In order to meet the different needs of heterologous gene expression, we go on to construct the pHR series vectors.

12. In this thesis, we use ontology concepts to construct an experimental approach for analyzing and protecting the Yami language.


13. OBJECTIVE: To construct a finite element model of pelvis after subtotal sacrectomy, and validate its effectiveness, which is supposed to be useful for evaluating reconstructions of sacroiliac joint.

14. Thesis explain that it will endanger prestige of the sate and the Chinese Communist Party and relation between the party and government with the masses and positive that the masses construct are socialist that the state government-employee extort and accept bribe, using the power that the people give.

15. In order to construct the mapping between the business model of a certain application domain and the XML Schema, the UML technology is introduced into the processing of XML Schema modeling, and based on which the XML Schema is produced.
为了建立应用领域业务模型与XML Schema的映射,将UML技术引入到XML模式的建模过程,在此基础上XML Schema得以生成。

16. We will construct under the practicable state and quality requirement of client. The qualified percent of unit work up to 100%.

17. One way to construct this line is by least square, weighting all points equally.

18. This new method uses a sequential intermediate representation used in a sequential language compiler to construct a high-speed portable compiler of a task-parallel language.

19. Reading comprehension is a reading process where readers can construct the meaning of version.

20. The objective of the present study was to construct a rapid simple and reliable method for the diffrentiation of yellow-pigmen-ted bacteria habring in rice seeds.

construct 词典解释The verb is pronounced /k?n'str?kt/. The noun is pronounced /'k?nstr?kt/. 动词读作 /k?n'str?kt/,名词读作 /'k?nstr?kt/。

1. construct什么意思

1. 建筑;建造;修建
If you construct something such as a building, road, or machine, you build it or make it.

e.g. The French constructed a series of fortresses from Dunkirk on the Channel coast to Douai...
e.g. The boxes should be constructed from rough-sawn timber...


2. 构想,构筑,构思(思想、作品、体系等)
If you construct something such as an idea, a piece of writing, or a system, you create it by putting different parts together.

e.g. You will find it difficult to construct a spending plan without first recording your spending...
e.g. He eventually constructed a business empire which ran to Thailand and Singapore...

3. 复杂的构想(或思想);观念
A construct is a complex idea.

e.g. ...the underlying constructs (beliefs, philosophy, etc.) which influence action and behaviour...
e.g. It was a re-enactment of the same mental construct under which slavery was justified.

4. 建筑物;建造物;创造物
A construct is something that is built, made, or created.

e.g. As the flimsy constructs soared, the men paid out twine until the kites reached three or four thousand feet...
e.g. The country was an artificial construct held together by force and intimidation for more than 70 years.

construct 单语例句

1. The cabinet also urged more efforts to construct a nationwide industrial system that allows recycling of renewable resources and encourages green consumption.

2. construct的翻译

2. The original water control plan was canned after 15 academicians submitted a report to the State Council opposing the proposal to construct a dam.


3. CNPC is also planning to construct a gas pipeline from Myanmar with a capacity of 12 billion cu m a year.

4. construct

4. Construct a key border development and open experiment zone in Ruili, and actively support eligible areas to apply for establishing customs special administration quarters.

5. He underwent surgery to remove his breasts and to construct a penis from muscle tissue and cartilage.


6. The joint venture plans to construct 10 new chemical plants and expand three existing plants as part of the overall expansion.

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7. Properly construct chemical fiber projects to establish a relatively complete industrial chain.

8. The State Development Planning Commission recently issued a circular stipulating that only cities of " considerable " economic strength are qualified to construct urban railways.

9. As part of a clean energy plan to protect its stunning coasts and semitropical ecology, the island has also mapped out a plan to construct wind farms.

10. The trumpet has sounded loud and clear to construct Yunnan into the gateway of opening up in Southwest China.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1161753.html
