

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
verdure 基本解释

名词新鲜; <文>青翠的草木; 繁盛; 朝气

verdure 网络解释


1. 新鲜:verdigris 铜绿 | verdure 新鲜 | verdurous 碧绿的

2. 风景挂毯:Verdol jacquard 韦多尔式提花机 | verdure 风景挂毯 | verge trimmer 边缘修整器

3. 翠绿:lightcyan淡青色 | verdure翠绿 | aqua水绿

4. 菜类:Cinghiale Wild Boar 野? | 菜类 Verdure | Aglio 大蒜

verdure 双语例句

1. Hester gazed after him a little while, looking with a half fantastic curiosity to see whether the tender grass of early spring would not be blighted beneath him, and show the wavering track of his footsteps, sere and brown, across its cheerful verdure.

2. Hester gazed after him a little while, looking with a half fantastic curiosity to see whether the tender grass of early spring would not be blighted beneath him, show the wavering track of his footsteps, sere brown, across its cheerful verdure.

3. Her mighty lakes, like oceans of liquid silver; her mountains, with their bright aerial tints; her vallys, teeming with wild fertility; her tremendous cataracts, thundering in their solitudes; her boundless plains, waving with spontaneous verdure; her board deep rivers, rolling in solemn silence to the ocean; her trackless forests, where vagetation puts forth all its magnificence; her skies, kindling with the magic of summer clouds and glorious sunshine

4. Material with the verdure chufa, the effects of ultra-line pulverization by wet processing on the particle size of chufa powder was studied.


5. The slope of the hill, which was a wild tangle of verdure in summer, debouched into a wide plain extending to the Potomac.

6. I flow by valleys seeing birds sing and flowers radiate their fragrance; I walk by grassplot hearing insects and frogs sing. I walk by fencing seeing the first verdure on top of twigs. I flow into wellspring and become cliffside waterfalls to wash and dress up ridges and peaks; I flow into rivers and become sprays to sing fair-sounding love songs for the rocks on the shores. I flow into lakes and become blue soft waves to be stay together with green hills to receive sunrising and moondown. Finally, I come to you to wait for your acceptance.

7. The earth was covered with thick verdure in the small village.

8. I have a dream that one day the blue sky and the verdure will always surround us

9. It's a calm village surrounded by mountains clad in verdure.

10. In a garden you can see by the verdure where the water flows, and you can soon perceive when the Spirit of God comes.

11. And see fields of teff-wheat and places of verdure and gold.

12. Kay and Gerda took each other's hand: it was lovely spring weather, with abundance of flowers and of verdure.

13. In this paper, several influence factors such as verdure of fish meat, wash technique, pyrogenation mode, additives and protease inhibitor, are discussed. The studies focus on action theories of anti-freezing denaturant, gel intensifier including Ca(superscript 2+), sodium gluconate, TGase, starch, un-sarcous albumen and reducing agents to investigate the effective methods to improve the surimi gel properties were.


14. In this paper, several influence factors such as verdure of fish meat, wash technique, pyrogenation mode, additives and protease inhibitor, are discussed. The studies focus on action theories of anti-freezing denaturant, gel intensifier including Ca2+, sodium gluconate, TGas...

15. The lawn of large area is a verdure as before in cold winter, there still is musical system in lawn, contain ground lamp.

16. No matter how smart and verdure you are, it is wrong to do everything by yourself.

17. The good news is that these young people have healthy body, verdure, and beflexible, they soonly get use to this kind of dull, boring and long time working life, also be habituated to neat and tidy but organized factory life.

18. The middle within the belt of verdure was floored with a thick flossy carpet of moss and grass intermingled, so yielding the the foot was half buried within it.

19. Some have referred this to the reflection of the verdure, but it is equally green there against the railroad sand-bank, and in the spring, before the leaves are expanded, and it may be simply the result of the prevailing blue mixed with the yellow of the sand.

20. Her mighty lakes, like oceans of liquid silver; her mountains, with their bright aerial tints; her valleys, teeming with wild fertility; her tremendous cataracts, thundering in their solitudes; her boundless plains, waving with spontaneous verdure; her broad deep rivers, rolling in solemn silence to the ocean; her trackless forests, where vegetation puts forth all its magnificence; her skies, kindling with the magic of summer clouds and glorious sunshine; ?no, never need an American look beyond his own country for the sublime and beautiful of natural scenery.
她强大的湖泊,像海洋的液体银;她的山脉,其明亮的空中色彩;她的山谷,到处是野生生育率;她巨大的白内障,雷鸣般的solitudes ;她无限的平原,挥舞着自发性绿;她广泛深刻的河流,滚动在庄严肃穆的海洋;她轨森林,植被提出在其所有的辉煌,她的天空,点燃了魔术队的夏季云和光荣的阳光;不,再也不需要美国的眼光超越自己国家的崇高和美丽的自然风光。

verdure 单语例句

1. verdure是什么意思

1. The island is covered with verdure and many miniature landscapes shaped by seawater corrosion.

2. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

2. One feels small in this terrain of feverish danxia and tranquil verdure, traversed by ribbons of water.

3. Visitors are beguiled by the terrain of feverish danxia and tranquil verdure in Chishui.

verdure 英英释义


1. the lush appearance of flourishing vegetation

Synonym: greenness verdancy

2. green foliage

Synonym: greenery

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1161779.html
