

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆







remark 基本解释

名词话语; 注意,观察; 评论,谈论,

及物/不及物动词评论; 觉察

remark 相关例句


1. A local newspaper remarked that crime was on the decrease.

2. Did you remark the similarity between them?

3. I remarked the tense atmosphere as soon as I entered the room.


1. He had a habit of making humorous remarks.

2. He saw nothing worthy of remark at the exhibition.

3. Such unkind remark was not called for.

remark 网络解释

1. (芯片频率重标识):register renaming(寄存器重命名) | remark(芯片频率重标识) | resource contention(资源冲突)

remark 双语例句

1. For example: if a rumor or an idle remark could cause an anxious reaction in one person and no reaction in another, this is positive proof that the two people are living in two different states of consciousness.

2. It is his hope that after retirement, people will remark that he is an honest and upright offical.

3. Well, anyway, they come over to help us celebrate the Golden Wedding and it was pretty crimpy weather and the furnace don`t seem to heat up no more like it used to and mother made the remark that she hoped this winter wouldn`t be as cold as the last, referring to the winter previous.

4. I did remark, to be sure, that mounting the stairs made her breathe very quick; that the least sudden noise set her all in a quiver, and that she coughed troublesomely sometimes

5. You might engage in small talk and make a remark about the weather, your job or current events.

6. I'd like to qualify my last remark.

7. I have always right to the center for counseling are often revealed when not feel ashamed of learning in English, he said remark.

8. Often I have heard the house shaking with `Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum; 'all the neighbours joining in for dear life, with the fear of death upon them, and each singing louder than the other, to avoid remark.


9. The teacher did not pass a remark about my late for school.

10. Pass a remark 发表评论 The teacher did not pass a remark about my late for school.

11. There was these two old guys ranched together down home, Earl and Rich -- Dad would pass a remark when he seen them.

12. There was these two old guys ranched together down home, Earl and Rich -- Dad would pass a remark when he seen them. They was a joke even though they was pretty tough old birds.

13. And I don't want a be dead. There was these two old guys ranched together down home, Earl and Rich -- Dadwould pass a remark when he seen them.


14. Do you see the point of my remark?

15. Did you see the meaning of my remark.


16. I see the justice of his remark.

17. See remark # 1 at the bottom of the page.
看到这句话# 1 ,在网页底部的。


18. I fail to see the bearing of that remark.

19. Bring them something decent and see if they remark upon it.

20. If it was someone he liked to see, he would remark how lucky it was that he just come in.

remark 词典解释

1. 说;谈到
If you remark that something is the case, you say that it is the case.

e.g. I remarked that I would go shopping that afternoon...
e.g. 'Some people have more money than sense,' Winston had remarked...

2. 评论;意见
If you make a remark about something, you say something about it.

e.g. She has made outspoken remarks about the legalisation of cannabis in Britain...
她对英国关于 *** 的立法进行了大胆评论。
e.g. Geoff Cooke's recent remark that no one is indispensable will certainly not have escaped him.

If you remark on something, or make a remark about it, you say what you think or what you have noticed, often in a casual way. Visitors remark on how well the children look... General Sutton's remarks about the conflict. If you comment on a situation, or make a comment about it, you give your opinion on it. Mr Cook has not commented on these reports... I was wondering whether you had any comments. If you mention something, you say it, but only briefly, especially when you have not talked about it before. He mentioned that he might go to New York.
remark 经常指比较随意地评论, 说出所思所见。如,Visitors remark on how well the children look (来访者说孩子们看上去很好),General Sutton's remarks about the conflict (萨顿将军就这次冲突发表的评论)。comment 用来指就某事发表观点。如,Mr Cook has not commented on these reports (库克先生还没有对这些报告作出评论),I was wondering whether you had any comments (我在想你是否有什么评论)。mention 指简要提及,尤其是以前没有提及的事。如,He mentioned that he might go to New York (他提到他有可能去纽约)。
remark 单语例句


1. The report said Yahoo's position would not be threatened over Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer's remark about the company's plan to buy out Yahoo.

2. remark

2. A recent remark by Mahathir that " Jews rule the world by proxy " brought widespread criticism, which Mahathir said only proved he was right.

3. Lin's remark is a reminder of a number of citizens recently calling on people not to purchase housing in protest against the high prices.

4. Wood said that during the mundane task of editing copy, " she would sometimes surprise us with an astonishingly candid remark ".


5. It was a casual remark that could have either been a personal observation or a native belief.

6. Kawamura had already chided Aso on Thursday for saying doctors " lacked common sense ", a remark that outraged physicians who have long backed his ruling LDP.

7. He went on to remark that China is playing an important role in the worldwide bid to clean out drugs in sport.

8. remark的解释

8. But he declined to make any comment on Wong's remark, saying he needs time to study the result of the independent probe.

9. remark

9. Zhou made the remark in Beijing at a seminar on risk control of commercial banks.


10. It is really shocking that a distinguished economist should have uttered such a remark that goes against common sense.

remark 英英释义



1. explicit notice

e.g. it passed without remark

2. a statement that expresses a personal opinion or belief or adds information

e.g. from time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account

Synonym: comment input


1. remark什么意思

1. make mention of

e.g. She observed that his presentation took up too much time
They noted that it was a fine day to go sailing

Synonym: note observe mention

2. make or write a comment on

e.g. he commented the paper of his colleague

Synonym: comment notice point out

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1164947.html
