

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆



vanilla 基本解释

名词香子兰,香草; 香子兰荚; 香子兰精,香草精

形容词香草的; 香草味的; 相对没有新意的,普通的

vanilla 相关例句


1. He loves vanilla ice-cream.

vanilla 网络解释


1. 香草:三款诱色情迷眼影: 铜褐晶玉(Topaz), 香草(Vanilla)与梦幻(Dream)所组合而成. 一款诱色情迷胭脂: 罗曼史(Romance)垂延欲滴的梦幻色系,塑造时代都会女性的晶透亮眼,薄透的光泽,若隐若现,更添神秘风采. 如丝绸般的丝滑质感,

2. 香子兰:味如橘汁/香子兰(vanilla)的纤维粉易溶於水,是由一组可溶和不可溶的纤维加上一些有益的微生物(probiotics)及利於消化的营养素组合而成. 一单位服用量可提供 15 亿有益健康的微生物,

3. 香草精:许多处方药物需要这个途径来解毒(例如降血脂药物Clofibfate、降血糖药物Tolbutamide),非处方药物阿司匹林(Aspirin)、清凉药膏或漱口水里面的薄荷脑让毒素不停留(Menthol)、制作糕点的人工香草精(Vanilla)、食物防腐剂苯甲酸(Benzoates),

4. 香草味:这种雪茄传承多种口味--香草味(Vanilla),椰香味(Coconut),樱桃味(Cberry)等;口感十分香浓,一定会令你喜欢的. 原产地是美国. 带塑料过滤嘴.

vanilla 双语例句

1. Its creamy Vanilla ice cream, caramel ribbon and New Orleans-style praline-coated pecans is one of the world's favorite flavors.

2. Well rounded, elegantly balanced and complex red wine with the aroma of mature fruits and subtle nuances of Vanilla.

3. Cow dung - It turns out you can make an incredibly pleasant smelling vanilla fragrance from extracts of cow dung.

4. I've got a variety of flavors for you to choose from. I've got strawberry, peach, chocolate, coffee, vanilla and praline.

5. I like herb vanilla cream most, and chocolate the next.

6. I`d like a tall double latte with vanilla syrup to go, thank you!

7. In some markets, customers will pay a nickel more for a venti, or large-sized, cup of vanilla bean- or coffee-flavored frappuccino; 15 cents more for a venti mocha or vanilla latte; and 25 cents more for a venti caramel macchiato.

8. Linda:Here you go. We have your cocktail and there`re salad, friedchicken, French fries and vanilla ice cream for dessert.

9. We have vanilla, cheery, Hazelnut, Irish Cream, Mint, Coconut and other choices.

10. Balsam of Tolu has a vanilla like smell and taste and it is used mostly for flavoring cough syrups, soft drinks, confectionaries, and chewing gums.


11. Its jammy aroma seduces with note of cherry and blackberries seasoned with vanilla and mocha.

12. AROMA味道 Its jammy aroma seduces with note of cherry and blackberries seasoned with vanilla and mocha.

13. Pale yellow with brilliant clarity. A delightful mix of nicely ripe apricots, dried fruits, citrus (orange and grape-fruit) and an elegant hint of vanilla.
酒评 Tasting Note :酒体呈浅黄色,清澈透明,具有熟杏,干果和桔子,柚子类柑橘植物的复合香气,伴随着一丝香草的芬芳。

14. Tasting Notes: A fruity wine with sweet plum fruit entry, caramel and vanilla flavours.

15. Classic ganache—made of Valrhona chocolate and fresh cream and infused for 24 hours with vanilla pods and pure truffle oil—is shaped around a Périgord truffle, then dipped in Valrhona and rolled in cocoa powder.

16. Since the path-dependent options are very sensitive to volatility, we must build model to describe the skew and smile. As SABR model is a good model to capture the dynamic process of skew and smile, and in line with implied volatility curve in the market, so it provide an easy way to compute market risks, including first-order and second-order risks of volatility. Therefore, we use SABR model to model the asset return distribution, the revised composition of the vanilla options can be drawn under the SABR model.

17. The special proportion showed 1:2~3 between vanilla aldehyde and lilac aldehyde in aged brandies.

18. Other name perfume plant, lysimachia foenumgraecum, vanilla, yellow vanilla, English name: Lavender.

19. There's Rocky Road, and Cookie Dough, and Bing! Cherry Vanilla.

20. It was the old substantial dinner you get in a country hotel and consisted of vol-au-vent a la financiere, fowl boiled in rice, beans with a sauce and vanilla creams, iced and flavored with burnt sugar.

vanilla 词典解释


1. 香草精;香子兰精
Vanilla is a flavouring used in ice cream and other sweet food.

e.g. I added a dollop of vanilla ice-cream to the pie.
e.g. ...vanilla essence.

2. 寻常的;无特色的
If you describe a person or thing as vanilla, you mean that they are ordinary, with no special or extra features.

e.g. ...just plain vanilla couples like me and Tony...
e.g. The tensions of the Nixon presidency were replaced by the plain vanilla administration of a friendly, middle-aged, middle-class man from the Middle West.

vanilla 单语例句


1. Combine the pumpkin puree, buttermilk and vanilla in a medium bowl and set aside.

2. Chardonnay 2006 has lovely nut, butterscotch and vanilla oak weight supporting a zesty palate packed with apple and citrus flavors.

3. Spell Eyeshadow in " blueberry fizz ", " black cherry " and " French vanilla " will add to your look.

4. Other great desserts include lime cheesecake, walnut tarts and brownies with vanilla mousse.

5. The tannins offered silky threads of pleasure in my mouth and vanilla notes combined with cherry fruit aromas.

6. The lemon tart tastes like a tart but cleverly encapsulated in an edible lemon rind that is soaked in vanilla syrup for 36 hours.

7. Among their special desserts are puff pastry strawberry slices coated with vanilla custard and marinated fresh strawberries with vanilla ice cream.

8. vanilla的翻译

8. The panna cotta gives a heavy vanilla cream taste while the texture is soft and light for a gentle whipped treat.

9. But for an unusual taste of truffle, nothing beats the white truffle and vanilla bean ice cream.

10. It is almost black in the glass but has a luscious sweetness in the mouth, like a vinous vanilla slice - a famous Australian dessert.

vanilla 英英释义


1. a distinctive fragrant flavor characteristic of vanilla beans

2. a flavoring prepared from vanilla beans macerated in alcohol (or imitating vanilla beans)

Synonym: vanilla extract

3. vanilla的近义词

3. any of numerous climbing plants of the genus Vanilla having fleshy leaves and clusters of large waxy highly fragrant white or green or topaz flowers



1. plain and without any extras or adornments

e.g. the most common type of bond is the straight or plain vanilla bond
the basic car is known as the vanilla version


2. flavored with vanilla extract

e.g. he liked vanilla ice cream

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1164980.html
