

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
which 基本解释

8. No, tho'I had been inclin'd to it, which I was not, nor could not abide the tho ughts of it, tho'I was all alone.

9. 2 The agitator use unique form, which separates the hydraulic motor and agitator bearing block, it will not influence fluid motor even though abrasion and slurry leak.

10. By a special design on sealing structure of agitator, hydraulic motors are completely separated from bearing seats, which ensure the slurry having mo chance to get into motor even under the situation of sealing failure.


11. Besides the choices I already mentioned, people will sometimes get rid of their problem by using anticholinergics, which work by blocking neural transmitters.
除了选择我已经提到,人们有时会摆脱自己的问题通过使用anticholinergics ,它通过阻断神经工作发射机。


12. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a Swiss Verein, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity.
Deloitte泛指根据瑞士法律组成的社团性质的组织 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu,以及其一家或多家成员所/公司。

13. The results obtained from the forward modeling are in good accordance with the structural geometry observed from the seismic profile, which show that Dachigan structure is a typical trishear structure.

14. Coercion, "pursuit tracking and other ways in which the children are eating is a chore.

15. A smile, which is slight and cold, on his face.

16. Apart from the inter consorts and imperial clansmen, the entourages were about 100, 000(some said 200, 000) people such as artisans, medical officers, musicians, prostitutes, the chamberlain and so on, which is the largest immigration in the history of Northern Song dynasty.

17. This is the first national monument established by the US government in 1906. It is a large mass of igneous rock which is intruded through sedimentary rock beds but does not actually reach the surface, producing a rounded bulge in the sedimentary layers above.


18. In the horizontal direction it shows the magnetic characteristics of sediment trap, squeeze deformation and metamorphic zone, intruded rock, which is representation of diverse tectonic features mentioned above.

19. It is this holy light which enables us to break out of the marshland of materialism.


20. Consisting of eight geographical clusters of protected areas within the boundaries of the Three Parallel Rivers National Park, in the mountainous north-west of Yunnan Province, the 1.7 million hectare site features sections of the upper reaches of three of the great rivers of Asia: the Yangtze, Mekong and Salween run roughly parallel, north to south, through steep gorges which, in places, are 3, 000 m deep and are bordered by glaciated peaks more than 6, 000 m high.
由在3 个平行的河国家公园的边界内的保护区的8 地理的群组成,在云南省,170万平方公引站点特徵亚洲的巨大河中的3 条的上游的部分的巨大北部西边内?长江,Mekong和Salween变得平行,北方到南方,透过在位置内,3,000米深并且毗邻使冰冻山峰高的6,000米是陡的峡谷。

which 词典解释Usually pronounced /w?t?/ for meanings 2, 3 and 4. 义项2,3和4在句中通常不作重读。

1. (用于疑问句中)哪个,哪些
You use which in questions when there are two or more possible answers or alternatives.

e.g. Which do they want me to do? declare war or surrender?...
e.g. Which are the ones you really like?...

2. which的意思

2. (用于指明在两个或多个答案或选项中所作出的选择)哪个,哪些
You use which to refer to a choice between two or more possible answers or alternatives.

e.g. I wanted to know which school it was you went to...
e.g. I can't remember which teachers I had...


3. (用于关系从句句首,具体说明所谈论的事物或提供关于它的更多信息)
You use which at the beginning of a relative clause when specifying the thing that you are talking about or when giving more information about it.

e.g. Soldiers opened fire on a car which failed to stop at an army checkpoint...
e.g. He's based in Banja Luka, which is the largest city in northern Bosnia...


4. (用来回指前面句子表达的观点或状况)这,那
You use which to refer back to an idea or situation expressed in a previous sentence or sentences, especially when you want to give your opinion about it.

e.g. They ran out of drink. Which actually didn't bother me because I wasn't drinking...
e.g. Since we started in September we have raised fifty thousand pounds, which is pretty good going...

5. 哪个是哪个(用于表示无法区分)
If you cannot tell the difference between two things, you can say that you do not know which is which .

e.g. They all look so alike to me that I'm never sure which is which...
e.g. It's essential to know which is which as treatments will be quite different.

6. any which way -> see way
every which way -> see way

which 单语例句

1. The metropolis is working on a campaign to promote the standard Chinese language and characters, which business insiders say will be launched by the end of this year.

2. He said the company will accelerate the pace of developing the GSM business, in which China Unicom had 128 million users by the end of last month.

3. That's because American English is such a plainspoken dialect, which is probably why it's the international language of business and the Internet.

4. United Kingdom architects Lewis & Hickey were a pilot business for the service, which saved the firm 30 to 90 percent of its costs for phone calls.

5. Zhang outlines three possible perspectives, in which domestic and overseas business schools form a pyramid.

6. which的意思

6. Sri Lanka is currently under the spotlight over the UN Secretary General's special panel report which called for a war crimes investigation into Sri Lanka.

7. It means it is risky business for both and should ensure an attacking game in which two teams come to win.

8. " There are various regulations which limit the game business there, " a Sony spokeswoman told China Daily.

9. Some even include their personal incomes in business turnover to evade personal income taxes, which are usually higher than corporate taxes.

10. He plans to major in engineering and business management at Hong Kong University, which has offered him a full scholarship.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1168412.html
