
what about是什么意思_what about在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
what about  
what about 基本解释怎么样,以为如何;
what about 网络解释

1. 怎么样:what if 切合目前情况的 | what about 怎么样 | with respect to 如果...将怎么样

2. (对于)...怎么样:well up in 精通,熟悉,长于 | what about...? (对于)...怎么样? | what if...? 倘使...将会怎么?

3. (征求意见时)怎么样:wear out 穿破,用坏;(使)疲乏,(使)耗尽 | What about ... ? (征求意见时)怎么样? | What if ... ? 如果......将来会怎么?

4. (征求意见时用语)怎么样:6.wear out 穿破,用坏;耗尽;(使)疲乏 | 7.what about...? (征求意见时用语)怎么样? | 8.what if...? 如果...将会怎么样?

what about 双语例句

1. I don't want Ichigo and Rukia to confess their love and run off into the sunset, namely because it's out of character and their intense connection, their relationship of mutual understanding and support is what I love so much about them, I don't see the need to throw romance into the mix.

2. He's transfixed. Tom Hanks holds back his blinks to communicate the idea that his character is THAT intense about what he's realizing.
Tom Hanks憋着不眨眼来传递信息,他的角色是如此的激动于他所意识到的事情。

3. Here is what we have found out about the Revo Toro.

4. TEENS: Toro, what do you have to say about your members?

5. I think that the entire country felt shame about what had happened.

what about的反义词

6. Are you all clear now about what you have to do?

7. Are you all clear about what I said?

8. Since there's still a couple days before then, we wanted to tell you a bit more about what to expect from Kestrel.

9. I`m not self-conscious and do not care about what others think of me.

10. For this cause be a prophet about the land of Israel, and say to the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, This is what the Lord has said: Truly, in my bitter feeling and in my wrath I have said these things, because you have undergone the shame of the nations

what about的近义词

11. If you thought you knew what funk was all about, you'd better think again.

12. Amanda: What are you going to do about it?

13. They have got the suspension dialed but what about your pedaling, you don't want this to behave like a pedalo on Benidorm beach do you?

what about什么意思

14. Linear dates are not important and higher dimensional beings understand these facts and truths and would never talk about linear dates such as what was originally written.

15. I`d like to visit the Aswan Dam first. What about you

16. I know what just happened is funny, in theory, but I am nowhere near ready to laugh about it.

17. Please tell us what you think about this story and be sure to check out our sources.

18. This is your country, I don't know what you are talking about.

19. What does this say about how you feel about the chick?

what about的解释

20. But wasn't that also what we heard about the idea of a Kevin Garnett trade?

what about 单语例句

1. We are in the business of growing the pie through efficiency improvement and that is what economic growth is all about.

2. " I decided to calm down and carefully think about what my best business opportunity was, " he said.

3. Giving birth to one baby is wonderful, but what about four at the same time?

4. The software of cities can be modified through new technologies, but what about their hardware?

5. what about

5. So what was it about the buxom blonde Texan that Hefner found so alluring?


6. The motive behind the kickbacks and the circumstances of the act match what the criminal law says about taking bribes.

7. what about的意思

7. But the executive admitted there could be hurdles in buying up US companies, including what he calls misconceptions about Chinese companies.

8. what about

8. Audiences all week left the theatre buzzing about what they had just seen.

9. Children are scolded by their parents for questioning about birth or what the differences are between the two sexes.

10. Scientists predict that people will increasingly be surrounded by machines that can not only see but also reason about what they are seeing.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1174730.html
