

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


washroom 基本解释


washroom 网络解释

1. 盥洗室:回到外面的走廊找到艾琳的手提包,进入医生休息室拾到药包,补给室有两只怪物,杀掉它们调查货架会得到恢复道具,在盥洗室(Washroom)里有墙洞,可回家里存取道具,然后回来找楼梯间跑上二楼.

2. 厕所:「当WWW取代水(Water)、女人(Woman)与厕所(Washroom),成为我生命中最不可或缺的三个W,我惊骇莫名」(摘自96.8.28中国时报). 你是否也有过相似的感觉,或是发现你的学生、你的朋友、你的亲人因过度使用电脑而衍生许多问题?

3. 卫生间:computer room 计算机教室 | washroom 卫生间 | music room 音乐教室

washroom 双语例句

1. Felix Baumgartner and his team smuggled the parachute into the building on Monday and stored it on the roof of a washroom.

2. He spat it out immediately and rinsed his mouth in the washroom.
按:Siti、Azman 不是这两名马来学员的真名。


3. But the Americans seem to prefer 12 to use bathroom or washroom or even restroom.

4. Replaced the washroom with latest version of water-saving Toilet Seats and Glass

5. Illumination for public part (including lobby, front elevator room, staircase, public corridor and washroom).

6. Plumbing riser, guest washroom and bathroom need floor drain trap

7. The sources of pollution are as follows, 1, feces discharged from public washroom emit an unbearable naucious odor; 2、water discharged from factories is black and odorous, covered with floating waste 3、air emission from factories smells pungent and spreads to every corner, 4、air emission from fertilizer factories contains dust, lead, and coal ash, and other particles harmful to health 5、grasslands and lawns in parks are covered with litters which are unhygenic and unsightly.

8. Ding jian Chinese Restaurant thich has 32 deluxe rooms and holds more than 200 people with independent washroom.

9. I need to consider which washroom i should go.

10. First of all, no matter what the name of washroom itself may suggest to us, one thing that we cannot deny is: none of us can do without it.

11. 1A3 Need a list that shows both national and local applicable laws 1A8 Accident record must include personal injury, reason for accident Corrective action and the police summary of injuries 4A1 Comment-add the date that the list was last updated 5A3 No training 5A4 Cleanup of shekow maintenance area 5A5 License and disposal receipts missing 7A2 Firefighting equipment missing in some trucks-self assessment 7A4 Require training records 8A1 Training should include all topics listed in IWAY document 8D1 Each truck should have small first-aid box 8F1 Comment ?Existing safety belts in trucks must be used 9A2 Personal washing facilities must be improved, separated from the kitchen and washroom area 10A1 All workers do not have a contract 10A2 Need to keep accurate records of working hours for each worker 10A3 National law states that workers must be paid within 30days 10A4 Can not be verified 10A5 Working hours can not be verified 10A6 Working hours can not be verified 10A7 Working hours can not be verified 10A8 Working hours can not be verified 109 Can not be verified 10A10 Insurance is not fully covered 11A1 Require a labour force registry 11A2 Require a labour force registry 11A3 Require a labour force registry 12A1 No deposit allowed 13A1 Can be no restriction age 15A1 Cooperation contract rules must follow the law on the limits of fines
眼泪 1 A3 需要一本表示的目录既国家的且地方可适用法律 1 A8 意外事件记录一定包括个人的受伤,意外事件的理由纠正的行动和受伤的警察摘要 4 A1 意见-增加日期目录最后被更新没有训练的 5 A3 shekow 维护区域的 5 A4 清除不见的 5 A5 执照和处理收据 7 A2 枪战仪器在一些卡车-自己的评估中失去 7 A4 需要教育记录 8 A1 教育应该包括在 IWAY 文件中被列出的所有主题 8 D1 每辆卡车应该有小的急救盒子存在卡车的安全带子的 8 F1 意见?一定被用个人的 9 A2 洗濯设备一定被改良,从厨房和盥洗室区域分开所有的 10 A1 工人没有一份契约 10 A2 需要为每个工人保存工作时间的正确记录国家的法律工人一定在 30 天内被支付的州 10 A3 10 A4 不能被查证 10 A5 工作时间不能被查证 10 A6 工作时间不能被查证 10 A7 工作时间不能被查证 10 A8 工作时间不能被查证 109 不能被查证 10 A10 保险不完全被复盖 11 A1 需要一个劳工力量注册 11 A2 需要一个劳工力量注册 11 A3 需要一个劳工力量注册没有的 12 A1 存款允许 13 A1 可能是限制年龄 15 A1 合作契约规则一定遵从在罚款的极限上的法律

12. Washroom remoulding Change Tub, Vanity, Vanity top, faucet, Toilet, Ceramic or Marble tile

13. Yes, there is a washroom at the end of each carriage.

14. I want to go to the washroom.

15. I need to go to the washroom.

16. I hope he doesn't need to use the washroom.

17. I hope he doesn't need to use the washroom!


18. Can you tell me where the washroom is, please?

19. Can you keep an eye on my child, i need to go to washroom.

20. On day at the end of August, in the afternoon, she was having lunch with her colleagues and suddenly she felt sick and then vomited in the washroom.

washroom 词典解释

1. washroom

1. 盥洗室;洗手间
A washroom is a room with toilets and washing facilities, situated in a large building such as a factory or an office block.

washroom 单语例句


1. A pilot of Air Canada's Jazz subsidiary got locked out of the cockpit after stepping out to go to the washroom.

2. The college canceled classes and evacuated the campus during the day after finding a written threat in the men's washroom.

3. washroom的翻译

3. Tam was found dead in her washroom, with her head immersed in the toilet.

4. A college student may be punished for discarding a newborn baby she delivered in a washroom next to her dorm.

5. The Beijing 2008 Olympics emblem suffers parody and has been transformed to washroom signs by mischievous netizens Beijing Legal Evening reports Friday.

6. washroom的近义词

6. It turned out she was leading me to the washroom instead of fresh eggs.

7. Police officers grew suspicious as they observed Lim outside a washroom wearing the uniform but not the regulation black stockings that go with it.

8. Every two huts share one washroom and one kitchen which were indistinctive tattered huts in my eyes.

9. Each bedroom has a washroom and balcony and accommodates two to three school age children, or four to five preschoolers.

10. washroom

10. The " homes " had access to a shared kitchen and washroom.

washroom 英英释义



1. a lavatory (particularly a lavatory in a public place)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1174738.html
