

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
exudates 基本解释渗出物;
exudates 网络解释

1. 渗出液:根据浆膜腔积液的性质,可分为漏出液( transudate )和渗出液( exudates )两大类. 漏出液为非炎性积液,其形成的主要原因为血管内胶体渗透压降低、毛细血管静脉压增高和淋巴管阻塞;渗出液为炎性积液,其形成的主要原因有各种炎症和恶性肿瘤等.

2. 分泌液:orifice 口,孔,洞 | exudates 分泌液 | sepsis 脓毒病,腐败作用

3. 泌出物:exudation 泌出;渗出 | exudates 泌出物 | extrution 挤压

exudates 双语例句

1. But it could not be concluded that root exudates detected in the experiment play key role in Zn hyperaccumulating.

2. In details, the strongest inhabitation to the shoot growth was observed when neutral soluble fractionates were supplied. The shoot biomass with neutral soluble fractionates added was decreased by 10.52% over the blank control, resulting in obvious increase of root: shoot ratio. It suggests that the root exudates would be self-poisonous. Besides, both acid and alkaline soluble fractionates exhibited the trend to increase the stem height and it is necessary to exploit the reasons.


3. This effect have a direct correlation with the concentration of root exudates.

4. The detection of interleukin-1β and prostaglandin E_2 in periapical exudates of acute periapical periodontitis in the course of root canal treatment; 2. PT95 could form exudates on the colony surface during the development of sclerotia.

5. In group 1 active intraocular inflammation like anterior chamber exudates, started at 12 hours after injection (which was early than that in group 2 and 3), aggravated between 48 and 72 hours, alleviated slowly from 4 to 7 days, and was obviously better after 10 to 14 days while the corneal neovascularization and vitreous gray opacity begun to form.
结果 临床观察发现,3个实验组注射后均有不同程度的炎症反应,而总变化趋势趋于一致,混合细菌组在注射后12 h出现明显的前房渗出等炎症反应,较金黄色葡萄球菌组和大肠埃希杆菌组早,48 h~72 h最重,4~7 d炎症反应开始缓慢减轻,10~14 d炎症明显减轻,角膜出现新生血管,玻璃体呈灰白色混浊。

6. Continued to produce micro-current of 0.06ma, the activation of the activity of biological macromolecules, biological macromolecules in order to play the function of regulating metabolism; at room temperature, the emission wavelength 4-14 microns law to launch all-in rate of 78% or more far infrared, to the promotion of microcirculation, increase the amount of sweat; the body to increase non-specific immunity, in favor of exudates absorption and dissipation, so as to achieve anti-inflammatory, reducing the effectiveness
该产品将多种特殊材料进行综合运用,从而达到以下功效:持续产生 0.06ma 的微电流,激活了生物大分子的活性,从而发挥生物大分子调节机体代谢的功能;在常温下,发射波长 4-14 微米,法向全发射率在 78%以上的远红外线,能促进微循环,增加发汗量;提高肌体的非特异免疫力,有利于渗出物的消散及吸收,从而达到消炎、消肿的功效

7. The components of root exudates of C. ficifolia under phosphorus deficiency were more than that in normal phosphorus status.

8. Objective To explore the significance of neutrophil elastasein differentiation of exudates and transudate.
目的 探讨中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶在鉴别渗出液和漏出液中的作用。

9. And found root exudates have the promotable effect on the activity of IAAoxidase of cucumber and squash, .


10. B. Head. Funduscopy should seek hemorrhages or exudates, which may suggest diabetes or hypertension.

11. And the focul points were put on the research on interaction of root exudates and rhizosphere microorganisms, root exudates and rhizosphere effect, rhizosphere microorganisms and quality of forest soil.

12. Nose: pink and moisture, no exudates.
鼻 :黏液膜是潮湿的,无渗出物。

13. It is essential to study the chemical components of rubber tree root exudates for root exudates research.

14. In the exudates from wounds, IL-1 was detected. IL-1 is capable of promoting proliferation of fibroblasts and excretion of collagenase, which induces inflammation and fever and promote wound healing. Inflammation is a defense reaction of the body.


15. Results: Pulmonary candidiasis model were confirmed in 13 rabbits. The early CT appearance of pulmonary candidiasis was found from the second day to the tenth day after inoculation. We found consolidation in 10 cases, including 6 sublobe consolidation (intra-alveolar exudates) and 4 lobe or section consolidation (pulmonary infarct or hemorrhage).
结果:成功建立13例兔肺念珠菌病模型,首次CT阳性表现出现于接种后2~10 d,包括实变影10例:其中小叶性分布6例,病理表现为肺泡炎性渗出;叶段性分布4例,病理表现为肺组织坏死或出血性渗出。

16. Objective: To compare the concentrations of IL-1β in periapical exudates of phoenix abscess with those of chronic periapical periodontitis in vivo; To examine their correlations with clinical and radiographic findings of the involved teeth.

17. The results showed that the apolar fraction of the root exudates from the highly resistant cultivars could kill the pathogen. Those of the general resistant cultivars could inhibit the spore germination and hyphal growth, while the sensitive cultivars couldn`t.


18. NH〓NO〓 extractable Zn and Cd increased after the growth of B. juncea compared with the control. Those results cannot be explained totally by the natural equilibrium between solid and solution phase. The root exudates possibly act to increase metal solubilisation into chemically available forms above the natural equilibrium. A conclusion could be drawn that B.
加入Zn 500mg kg〓的土壤在种植印度芥菜后NH〓NO〓提取的Zn显著高于不种植物的处理;土壤添加Cd200mg kg〓的处理中NH〓NO〓提取的Cd也显著高于不种植物的处理,我们推测其可能的原因是植物根分泌出特殊的分泌物,专一性地螯合溶解根系附近的难溶态Zn和Cd,从而提高土壤溶液中的浓度。

19. The research result as follows. 1. The allelopathic effects of aqueous extract, volatile oil and root exudates of White clover (Trifolium repens L.) were studied on four crops: Abutilon theophrasti Medic., Echinochloa crusgalli L.

20. Disclosed are absorbent cores for inclusion in articles such as diapers, incontinent briefs, training pants, diaper holders and liners, feminine hygiene garments, and the like, designed to provide improved fit and comfort for the wearer while adequately containing body exudates.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1174799.html
