

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
uremia 基本解释


uremia 网络解释

1. 尿毒症:尿毒症 尿毒症(uremia)是指肾功能衰竭,因而使蛋白质消化后产物、尿素等身体废弃物无法排出,滞留体内所产生的中毒现象. 台湾的尿毒症患者比例世界第二,好发45~75岁以上的中老年人,占肾脏疾病中三分之一.

2. 毒症:文章摘要:目的:慢性肾衰竭(CRF)尿毒症(Uremia)患者临床多表现为肾亏血虚证,本实验探讨肾亏髓空的发病机制. 方法:将CRF患者血液透析超滤液(UF)浓缩,凝胶层析分离出分子量(MW)在1000-5000daltons之间的中分子物质(MMS)的三个不同组分,

3. 类 尿毒症:黄斑变性 Macular Degeneration | D类 尿毒症 Uremia | IgA肾病 IgA Nephropathy

4. 尿 青 症:Turmor of the Kidney 肾 瘤 | Uremia 尿 青 症 | Ureteric Stone 输 尿 管 结 石

uremia 双语例句

1. Results The three patients were eclampsia patients, one was uremia patient, had headache, blurred vision, seizures, conscious disturbance and head...

2. Objective To investigate the adjustment of hemostatic function and its clinical significance in patients with uremia.
目的 探讨尿毒症患者止血功能的调节及其临床意义。

3. ICH may also occur spontaneously secondary to rupture of a Tarlov cyst, dehydration, hyperpnea, uremia, or diabetic coma.

4. Methods Treatment and nursing were performed on 25 patients with pulmonary edema related to uremia. When nursing patients with pulmonary edema related to uremia, besides general nursing measures, the following aspects should be included:(1)specially observing the blood pressure, respiration and arterial blood oxygen saturation and urine volume of patients; (2)controlling the blood pressure of patients effectively; (3)dialysing or ultrafiltrating in proper manner and at proper time, meanwhile nursing carefully during dialysis; (4)ameliorating the general nutritional status of patients to prevent infection of the lungs; (5)keeping firmly in mind the care program:post? ?? ? oxygen? ?? ? drugs of vasodilatation? ?? ? hemodialysis; (6)controlling water drinking.

5. Will not like what I am talking about what uremia.

6. To provide theoretic basis for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of uremia.

7. With maturity and development of hemodialysis technologies, more and more patients with uremia select hemodialysis.

8. Objective: To evaluate the clinical characteristics and therapeutic effects of the old patients with chronic renal failure uremia.

9. Abstract] Objective To investigate the diagnosis and therapy of uremia patients who received long term hemodialysis.

10. Results: All patients with serum Cr and BUN to fall back to normal 24 cases, 7 cases of azotemia, uremia in 5 cases, and no case died after treatment.
结果 所有患者血Cr及BUN进行下降,恢复正常24例,氮质血症7例,尿毒症5例,无1例治疗后死亡。

11. When admitted, UREMIA group included 9 cases with end stage renal disease and 5 cases with GFR level between 10~20ml/min, CRF group had 23 cases with GFR level between 20~50ml/min and CRI group had only 3 patients with GFR above 50ml/min. Age、sex、proteinuria、prevalence of blood hypertension, diabetes and coronary heart disease were all matchable within groups, while hemoglobin level and length of kidney were much lower in uremia group.

12. Objective: To explore the effect of Nifedipine on hypertensive patients with uremia hemodialysis.

13. It is a alternative method for IVP and CT in patients with renal function impairment and uremia.

14. spkt with enteric drainage is an effective method for treating type 2 diabetes mellitus with uremia.

15. Detect the urine electric conductivity respectively from healthy people and patients who have dropsical nephritis, uremia, chronic nephritis, renal inadequacy, renal lithiasis, etc.

16. Objective To investigate the applied value of Tei index in estimating left ventricular function for patients with uremia.

17. DAC had been proved greater absorption capacity than those uremia absorbent used in clinic at present. Dialdehyde cellulose could also be developed as the drug delivery.

18. Neuropathy is a common complication of uremia and is one important cause of death.

19. The decetion of EPO concentration has clinical significance for the uremia patientis diagnosis and therapy.

20. Objective To assess the effect of hemodiafiltration and combined hemodialysis- hemoperfusion on the quality of life in patiens with uremia.
目的 研究血液透析滤过和血液透析串联血液灌流对尿毒症患者生存质量的影响。

uremia 单语例句

1. But they were both suffering from deadly uremia and badly in need of a lifesaving kidney transplant.

2. Her father suffers from infantile paralysis and her mother has serious uremia.

3. A man in Jiangxi province successfully donated a kidney to his wife who was suffering from uremia late last month.

4. Celebrations of Xiang's successful matriculation were cut short when his sister suffered uremia.

5. uremia在线翻译

5. A major appeal has been launched to find a kidney donor for an armless artist with uremia who is in " serious danger " of kidney failure.

6. Dong Dong was diagnosed with uremia two years ago and became the youngest person to receive a new kidney on the mainland on December 12.

7. His mother was found out to suffer from uremia one year before he was to take the college entrance examination.

8. Huang married Hu despite he had been suffering from uremia and strong objections from Huang's family.

9. He insisted the uremia patients he helped would not have survived without him.


10. One of the organ recipients was Wang Dexin, who suffered from uremia for years.

uremia 英英释义


1. uremia在线翻译

1. accumulation in the blood of nitrogenous waste products (urea) that are usually excreted in the urine

Synonym: uraemia azotemia azotaemia

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1177865.html

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