

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
hemostasis 基本解释


hemostasis 网络解释

1. 止血:2.1.8生理性止血(hemostasis)是指当小血管受损,血液自血管内流出数分钟后出现自行停止的过程.

2. 止血法:hemorrhagic shock 出血休克 | hemostasis 止血法 | hemothorax 血胸

3. 生理止血:hemolysis 溶血 | hemostasis 生理止血 | hemostatic plug 止血栓子(血栓)

4. 止血/止血法:hemostasia /止血法/ | hemostasis /止血/止血法/ | hemostat /止血钳子/止血剂/

hemostasis 双语例句

1. The results suggest that having such virtues as the effective hemostasis, low occurence rate of early post-operative complications and rapid recovery of postoperative function, it is considered a good surgical therapeutic measure to be combined with those techniques of the hepatopetal blood occlusion of half liver, packing hemostasis with self-making parcels and sewing, and LSSD.

2. Objective: to observe the effect of hemostasis sponge to prevent the dry socket after exodontias.

3. Transfusion of apheresis platelets can increase the number of platelets in peripheral blood obviously and achieve hemostasis quickly.

4. The supply artery and VAA itself were completely occluded in 21 patients after embolization. The VAAs were completely excluded by covered-stent placement in 3 patients(2 superior mesenteric aneurysms, 1 renal aneurysm).The flow of superior mesenteric arteries and renal artery was preserved. Hemostasis was rapidly achieved in 13 of 14 patients. One patient with hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm required another 2 times interventions for recurrent bleeding after the first procedure failed. Partial splenic infarct developed in 1 patient after splenic embolization. There was no complication related-to endovascular procedures.
结果 内脏动脉瘤血管内治疗均获得成功,技术成功率为100%。21例动脉瘤栓塞后,供血动脉完全闭塞,动脉瘤未显影。2例肠系膜上动脉和1例肾动脉主干动脉瘤被覆膜支架完全隔绝,肠系膜上动脉及肾动脉血流通畅。14例有出血症状者13例术后迅速停止出血,1例肝动脉假性动脉瘤进行3次栓塞后最终止血。1例脾动脉瘤栓塞后出现部分脾梗塞,未发生与介入治疗操作有关的并发症。

5. As a result, firstly they have more sols with the content of 69~85% and lower gel crosslinking density with the swelling degree of 2700~5200%; secondly they own many hydroxyl groups in the chains which promote the formation of strong hydrogen bonding; thirdly they display micro-phase separation structure originating from crystal and non-crystal regions; fourthly by controlling the molar ratio of monomers, adjustable mechanical properties(tensile strength of 0.1~0.7MPa, elastic modulus of 0.05~0.7MPa, elongation at break of 12~115%), good hydrophilicity(water contact angle of 45~57°) and low water-uptake(3~8%) can be gained; fifthly after 7.5 day degradation, their mass loss can reach above 30%, and the rate of degradation is influenced by the sol content, crosslinking density, branching degree of sols, hydrogen bonding between gels and sols etc.; finally they are desired to be used as drug delivery carrier, hemostasis agent, bone wax, scaffold material, anti-adhesion film after operation etc.
研究发现,该弹性体溶胶含量在69~85%之间,交联密度较小(凝胶质量溶胀度在2700~5200%之间);材料结构中含有大量的羟基,分子链段间存在较强的氢键作用;材料具有结晶区域和非晶区域共存的微相分离结构;通过单体摩尔配比的控制,材料具有可调的力学性能(拉伸强度0.1~0.7MPa、弹性模量0.05~0.7 MPa、伸长率12~115%)、较好的亲水性能(水接触角45~57°)和较低的吸水率(3~8%);材料经过7.5天的降解,其失重可达到30%以上,材料的降解速率受材料的溶胶含量、交联密度的大小、溶胶的支化程度、以及溶胶和凝胶间氢键作用强弱的影响;该材料以期用作药物缓释载体、止血剂、骨蜡、组织工程支架和外科手术防粘连膜等方面。


6. As a result, firstly they have more sols with the content of 61~63% and lower gel crosslinking density with the swelling degree of 2000~2600%; secondly they own many hydroxyl groups in the chains which promote the formation of strong hydrogen bonding; thirdly they display micro-phase separation structure originating from crystal and non-crystal regions; fourthly by controlling the molecular weight of prepolymers, adjustable mechanical properties(tensile strength of 0.4~0.7MPa, elastic modulus of 0.3~0.7MPa, elongation at break of 100~260%), good hydrophilicity(water contact angle of 34~44°) and low water-uptake(1~9%) can be gained; fifthly, after 28 day degradation, their mass loss can reach above 30%, and the rate of degradation is influenced by the sol content and molecular weight, crosslinking density, hydrophilicity and water-uptake, hydrogen bonding between gels and sols etc.; finally they are desired to be used as drug delivery carrier, hemostasis agent, bone wax, scaffold material, anti-adhesion film after operation etc.


7. In this paper, multiple clinical comparison and observations of bare-hand compression, mechanical compression and ACD were discussed after cardiac catheterization following pulling out sheathing canal, and indicated a shorter duration of hemostasis and no significant difference in incidence rate of peripheral vessel complication when ACD is used to hemostasis. The expense of ACD, however, is much higher than traditional hemostasis.

8. The rate of complete hemostasis of pitressin was 45.4%(10/22) and 72.7%(16/20) in 6h and 24h, respectively; Vasopressin was 20%(4/20) and 40%(8/20)(P<0.05 Blood transfussion in the pitressin group was obviously less than that in the control group.


9. BE careful during manicuring the HA to avoid impairing it. It may evidently diminish the incidence of the complications of HA by using MVT. It is effective and safe to use coagulant factors and hemostasis drugs appropriately. It may not increase the incidence of therombosis in the HA.

10. Results:Out of the nine tuberculose patients, six healed after second operation, one sinus formation, two died. Out of the two disruption of wound, one was re-sutured and healed, the other healed after a long term of dressing changing. Seven infectious incision were controlled within one month. Out of the nine cerebrospinal fluid fistulae, eight were cured conservatively, only one spinal meninges was repaired. One epidural hematoma was cleared and made a good healing. Out of the two mold infection, one was cured after focal clearing, the other developed to chronic recurrent sinusitis. Four patients with sore healed after decompression. The other eight patients (four by hemostasis narcotic, two by liquefied fat, two by dermal allergic papular eczema) had good healing after intra-red therapy.

11. Methods The coagulation time was studied with tube method in vitro. Hemostasis was studied with femoral artery hemorrhage models of rats and dogs as well as rabbit hepatorrhexis model in viva.

12. Results: 27 cases had hemostasis in 3 days after operation, while 3 cases had recurrence in 3 days and had been under control after reintubation.
结果:本组中术后3 d内止血24例,3例于拔管后3 d内发生再出血,经再次插管治疗后止血。

13. A little capillary hemorrhage was found in the 20 cases after bronchofibroscope lung biopsy, and 8 cases received the 1 millilitre of 0.001% adrenaline to hemostasis. 1 case were with chest distress after operation, and confirmed to be pneumothorax by X-ray and received aerofluxus treatment.


14. Although genes relevant to hemostasis and vascular integrity undergo circadian oscillation, the role of the molecular clock in thrombotic events remains to be established.

15. Results:21 cases of lying-in women(total 5536)occurred placenta accrete, the morbidity of placenta increta was 0.38%.11 patients received uterectomy, 10 patients had retention of uterus through receiving local resections of the lesion, transfixion and Compression Hemostasis, 21 cases of patients were successful rescued.


16. Hemostasis by epiploon and pledget stuffing could create chances for re operations after the wounded were evacuated.


17. No rebleeding occurred during half year follow-up. Conclusion Hemoclip hemostasis in combination with injecting therapy of epinephrin is the effective method for gastrointestinal bleeding due to Dieulafoy`s lesion.

18. Blue dye staining such as the grass has bactericidal detoxification, reducing the effectiveness of hemostasis; and yellow dye Wormwood, in civil protective shield is evil; other, such as the Su Fang, safflower, shikonin, onion, such as dye plants, are also commonly used in folk medicine.


19. The primary cause of acquired platelet defect is thought to be activation and release of alpha granules during CPB. Before CPB, platelet-rich plasma was prepared by obtaining the required amount of patient`s whole blood by autologous plateletpheresis. PRP could be reinfused after operation in order to protect the function and quantities of the platelets. On the other hand, PRP could be made into autologous platelet gel. APG contains supraphysiologic amounts of growth factors, and has adequate tensile strength and adhesive ability. Therefore, it can be used for hemostasis in operation, sealing wound and enhancing incision or dehiscent sternal wounds healing.

20. Digital pressure hemostasis is simple, safe and effective for internal arteriovenous fistula, especially in the early period.

hemostasis 英英释义


1. surgical procedure of stopping the flow of blood (as with a hemostat)

Synonym: haemostasis hemostasia haemostasia

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1177881.html
