

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


tenancy 基本解释


名词租期; 租用,租赁; 租屋

tenancy 网络解释

1. 租赁;租约;租用权:tenancies management information system 租务资料系统 | tenancy 租赁;租约;租用权 | tenancy agreement 租赁协议;租约

2. 佃农制:temperature range 温差 | tenancy 佃农制 | tenant farmer 佃农

tenancy 双语例句

1. The Lands Tribunal handles tenancy claims, rating and valuation appeals and compensation assessments when land is resumed by the Government or reduced in value by development.


2. In general, the tenancy system was an important cause of the countrys poverty and backwardness in the Republic of China.


3. Any such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. On completion of the tenancy, Party B must

4. As a result, many house tenancy deals are made under the counter, which hinders the development in gear of our house tenancy market and lessens the related tax revenue.

5. A large number of foreign tenants to leave the field, resulting in the surrender of tenancy and housing rental business almost stagnant, and this excessive investment for the blind development of the real estate project is a warning category.


6. Flexible lease term flexible arrangements and the guests are free to adjust their own itinerary, renting easy, quick surrender of tenancy.
灵活 租期灵活,客人可随意安排和调整自己的行程,租房容易,退租快捷。

7. For example, if lessors Late delivery of housing, or the end of the lease term lessee Late surrender of tenancy, the rent may be higher than the standards agreed by Shouquweiyuejin daily; If unauthorized recover housing lessors, or lessees without positioning, one-time commitment to the agreed higher default payment can also agreed not to pay rent to use as a default payment period.

8. 16 During the continuance of this security the Borrower shall not assign, mortgage, charge or otherwise dispose, part with possession or make any arrangement for the sharing of the Property or any part thereof or any interest therein or accept surrender of any lease or tenancy thereof or cause or permit any second or further legal charge or mortgage to be effected or charging order to be created on the Property or in any way encumber assign or otherwise dispose of the equity of redemption therein or diminish, jeopardise or prejudice the security hereby created to the Lender or permit the same to be done without the prior written consent of the Lender and then only in accordance with such conditions as the Lender may stipulate in such consent
9.16 在本抵押存续期间,未经贷款人事先书面同意,借款人不得将物业或其任何部份或其中权益转让、按揭或设定押记,或以其他形式处置、放弃管有或安排共享物业或其任何部份或其中权益;或就物业或其任何部份接受退租;或促使或容许就物业作出第二或更多押记或按揭,或设定押记令;或以任何方式为物业的衡平法赎回权设立产权负担,或出让或以其他形式放弃物业的衡平法赎回权;或缩减、危及或损害藉本契据向贷款人所作的抵押。即使获贷款人事先书面同意,亦只可遵照贷款人在该同意书所列条件作出

9. Party B have to pay to party A in the amount of RMB as security deposit in the day after signing this tenancy, upon expiration of the tenancy Party A shall return the total security deposit.

10. The tenancy award signifies a milestone in the development of the EcoPark, which is one of the Government's key initiatives for supporting the local environmental industry and promoting circular economy.

11. The company will manage and maintain common infrastructure and facilities in EcoPark and monitor the daily operation of tenants in accordance with the tenancy requirements.


12. The joint tenancy is a popular form of co-ownership between husband and wife, because there is no need for a will or probate of the joint tenancy land, which can save significant time and expense.

13. Provided that the acceptance of rent or mesne profits by the Party A after the expiration of the term of the tenancy hereby created shall not be deemed to operate as a waiver or breach of any of the terms hereof nor as a new periodic tenancy by way of holding over or otherwise.

14. Party B may present a written application for extension of the term of the tenancy three (3) months before the expiry of this Agreement. Terms and conditions including the amount of rent shall be negotiated before extending the Lease Agreement. If the parties could not sign the extension agreement one month before the expiry of this Agreement, Party A has right to lease the premises to other parties after the expiry of this Agreement.
3.2 乙方可以在本合同约定的租赁期限届满前三(3)个月向甲方提出续租的书面申请,届时双方重新协商相关的合同条款,包括续租期的租金,但如果双方未能在租赁期限届满前1个月签订续租协议,则甲方有权在租赁期限届满后将该公寓出租给其他第三方。

15. In the fist part of the article, it just pay attention to the basic theory of joint tenancy.

16. Tenth years from day of the effect of the contract of tenancy.

17. Contract of tenancy is the leased agreement reached between lessor and lessee.

18. If there is no arrangement, the lessor shall notify in writing, three months in advance, the lessee of the discharge of tenancy contract, and shall bear corresponding civil liability according to law.

19. If there is no arrangement, the le or shall notify in writing, three months in advance, the le ee of the discharge of tenancy contract, and shall bear corre onding civil liability according to law.

20. Culture of contract; the tenancy contract; evolvement; the notion of contract

tenancy 词典解释u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

1. (土地、房屋的)租赁,租用
Tenancy is the use that you have of land or property belonging to someone else, for which you pay rent.

e.g. His father took over the tenancy of the farm 40 years ago...
他父亲 40 年前租下了这个农场。
e.g. Tenants should check their tenancy agreements closely.

tenancy 单语例句

1. A demonstrator jumped from the deck of a footbridge in Ngau Chi Wan Friday, during a protest against new wet market tenancy contracts.

2. There is no denying that your tenancy does not contravene any laws.

3. The fixed tenancy term is for 10 years at nominal rent, renewable for another five years.

4. But, the laws governing your tenancy are out of date and out of touch.

5. It invited them to lectures on themes like tenancy, employment and children's schooling.

6. tenancy是什么意思

6. Hong Kong Owners Club Ltd contended that the existing tenancy law does not protect landlords'interest enough and needs amendment.

7. tenancy的意思

7. In the past, companies in China would only focus on increasing sustainability levels in their individual tenancy.

8. If the offender accumulates more than 20 points within two years, tenancy is terminated.

9. Since Harvest Charm's tenancy matters are handled by another shareholder, she knows nothing at all about the violations.

tenancy 英英释义


1. an act of being a tenant or occupant

Synonym: occupancy

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1177911.html
