
talk of是什么意思_talk of在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
talk of  
talk of 基本解释

[法] 谈到,说到,说及

talk of 情景对话

talk of是什么意思

Talk straight from the shoulder.-(直言不讳)

A:What do you think of my work?


A:Please talk straight from the shoulder.

B:It’s not very satisfactory, you should be more careful.

talk of 网络解释

1. 谈论,议论:take up 占去,占据(时间、地位等) | talk of 谈论,议论 | used to sth 习惯于

2. 谈到,说起:1003. talk about 谈论 | 1004. talk of 谈到,说起 | 1005. talk about谈论,议论,讨论

3. 谈到:think of想到 | talk of谈到 | break off打断

4. 谈到,说到:talk about 谈到;谈论 | talk of 谈到;说到 | tall adj. 高的

talk of 双语例句

1. Don't hold meetings which are marathons of empty talk, and don't stray from the subject at hand.

2. I want to learn the language of my partner in the future, manderin or cantonese, so i can talk with her family.

3. In other cultures, this is disliked; Americans, for instance, talk about invasion of their space.

talk of是什么意思

4. Head to the temple and ask Dorion M2.2(2) about temple's problem. It appears that there are giant amebas in the crypts and they want you to clear them out and find three pieces of a broken relic relic.
和多利昂对话 Talk to Dorion 前往神殿,和多利昂(DorionM2.2(2)对话,得知在地穴中有巨型变形虫,你需要清除这些怪物,并拿到遗迹的三个碎片。

5. There was much talk of more money to go into training athletes and etc.

6. I dare that you will disappear. Perhaps you don't know it and you can't understand. To get a baby I had paid a high price. I think you will understand it in the future. I don't to fetter you with the baby, because you are always free. Recently as if we havn't have anything to talk to each other. I don't know what you are thinking. I'm worried about it. I am in low spirits everyday. I wept the day you were out of home. I will be contented, even though the things I did just can give me a little consolation.

7. I wanted solid answers about JoAnn's health, and he'd thrown me with his talk of miracle cures.

8. But before you call, talk to anyone who has visited one of our Ontario outpost camps.

9. In the cinema, some people talk loudly on cell phones in front of others. I'm strongly against talking loudly in the cinema, for this behavior shows no respect at all to others; what's worse, it upsets the audience who are in the mood of having fun.

10. In the cinema, some people talk loudly on cell phones in front of others. I`m strongly against talking loudly in the cinema, for this behavior shows no respect at all to others; what`s worse, it upsets the audience who are in the mood of having fun.
在影片中,有些人大声说话手机在前面的超越很强烈反对大声喧哗,因为这在电影院都不尊重行为对他人,更糟的是,它会在观众的乐趣。10,Difficulty in studying English英语学习困难

11. They talk much, but there is no way of sifting anything intelligent out of their talk.

12. They enjoy braging, but most of the time they only just talk bout it.

talk of在线翻译

13. Zhao Zhongxiang style well-known show host recently participated in a talk show of the recording and filming in the program, said Zhao Zhongxiang its some programs deny Kam Po views.

14. To be honest, since my current form isn`t that great, I feel undeserving of such talk. Right now, I think the reason my teammates rely on me is because I`m the one that really needs to do well.

talk of是什么意思

15. Let me talk about a big case on the bar, blood character study, episode heavily at this stage, Holmes used his superhuman ability, with the help of a doctor Watson solved one by one a mystery.

16. He wasn't of their tribe, and he couldn't talk their lingo, was the way he put it to himself.

17. When we talk about visual patterns we consider only spatial dimensions, disregarding the dimension of time.

18. It's good to have somebody to share all this with and someone to talk to and bounce things off of.

19. You talk about it, you write about it, but you have never known it except perhaps at rare intervals of total self-abandonment.

20. I talk about some of the history of snowflakes and people who have photographed them and studied them before.

talk of 单语例句

1. There is also growing talk of business ethics now that the insiders are exiting their businesses.

2. What promises to be a busy week began with loads of trade talk, much of it centered around two of the league's best known superstars.


3. With no initial public offerings on the calendar for the rest of the year, talk has turned to 2004 and increasing speculation over an anticipated Google offering.

4. He was soon swiftly engulfed by the media but calmly pointed out that it was too early to talk of pressure or title nerves.

5. Hey, don't you dare let your old man talk you out of going back to camp.

6. And for all the talk of ending a dangerous reliance on foreign oil, the US depends more on Canada for imported oil than it does any other country.

7. talk of

7. His candidacy became the talk of the nation on Thursday with many commentators saying he had revolutionized the battle overnight.

8. Talk of Cannes developing an environmental conscience mainly draws snorts of disbelief from cynical market execs.


9. It seems people cannot afford to ignore China whenever they talk of economic potential.

10. There is some talk of imposing a capital gains tax to cool off speculation, which alarms investors.

talk of 英英释义


1. discuss or mention

e.g. They spoke of many things

Synonym: talk about

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1181087.html
