
down payment是什么意思_down payment在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
down payment  

第三人称复数:down payments

down payment 基本解释

na.预付定金; 分期付款的首次交款

down payment 网络解释

1. 定金:按合同规定,签约后一个月内,买方在收到卖方银行出具的不可撤销保函(Irrevocable letter of guarantee)后必须支付20%的定金(Down payment). 由于种种原因,交货期多次推迟,在此期间W公司宣布破产倒闭,其财产被法院指定的财产清算委员会拍卖,

2. 首期付款:该消费者打算以分期付款形式购买这辆车,首期付款(Down Payment)为1500美元,关于余下的6000美元,从汽车销售商处取得消费信贷. 汽车销售商通常向消费者提供若干种支持它的银行的信用条款. 对于该消费者,他(她)有如下三种选择:

3. 首付:比如,用第二房贷(second mortgage)来帮助借贷者少付甚至不付首付(down payment),使他们事实上的贷款-资产比达到甚至超过100%,连借贷手续费都不用准备,全都折算在房贷本金中去了.

4. 订金:你还需要知道能够为购置房屋筹得多少钱,以应付一次性的开支----这就是常说的首期订金(down payment)以及交收费用 (closing fee). 当你已经有所预算,并已确认了你的整体开支及收入,你便可以将余下资金,作最佳的安排. 为购置房屋储畜,

down payment 双语例句

1. They'll allow you to put your down payment on the credit card but not the entire amount.

2. You are not able to use a conventional IRA account or 401-K plan for a down payment without paying high penalties and taxes on the gains that accrued while the money was in your saving plan.
你不能用常规共和军帐户或401 k计划为首期无需支付昂贵的惩罚和税收对收益累积的,而钱是在你的储蓄计划。

3. In the case of any right stipulated by applicable law or sub contract not being harmed, the general contractor has the right to detain or slow down the full or some portion of payment to sub contractors.

4. However, if you have a large down payment or wait two...

5. An increasing number of people can get enough money to make a down payment on a house.

down payment

6. Yes, in that case, i just save some money for the down payment.

7. Finance is possible but a larger down payment is...

8. There are essentially two types of mortgage loans that you can get with no down payment.

9. It is required for conventional loans when the down payment is less than 20%.

10. You can expect to pay higher rates on the down payment or 20 percent portion of the loan.

11. If the seller is willing to carryback a percentage of the loan then the loan-to-value may be low enough that the lender may consider that as good as a down payment.

12. Loans for car dealers to provide customers FAW Toyota financial and financial companies for the owners to choose, the minimum down payment of 30%, can apply for a maximum 5-year repayment period, we are also on the amount of rough clearing yuan in 1900, the specific rules for the operation of consultation needed to shop.

13. If you qualify for the First Home Owner Grant (http://www. firsthome. gov. au) however, some banks may be willing to count this grant towards the down payment.
如果你有资格申请的第一家业主补助金( http://www.firsthome.gov.au )不过,部分银行可能愿意指望这笔款项对首期付款。

14. Now we have settled down the terms of payment.

down payment是什么意思

15. Borrowers in order to alleviate the unnecessary burden of interest that commercial banks can only buy the main structure of the housing cap personal personal mortgage payment; borrowers apply for personal loans to buy the first set of owner-occupied housing, individual housing loans continue to enforce the existing concession housing loan interest rates and the ratio of the first payment of not less than 20% of the requirement; on the purchase of high-grade houses, villas or the second set of the above real estate borrowers, commercial banks may be appropriate to raise the personal housing loans down payment ratio and the implementation of the People`s Bank announced the same period in the same level of lending rates, interest rates are no longer the implementation of the provisions of preferential housing; borrowers to apply for personal loans抵借commercial buildings should not exceed more than 60%, loan period no longer than 10 years.
借款人,以减轻不必要的负担的利息,商业银行只能购买的主要结构的住房抵押贷款上限个人个人支付;借款人申请个人贷款购买第一套自住住房,个人住房贷款继续执行现有的优惠住房贷款利率和比例的首期付款不得少于20 %的要求;对购买高档住宅,别墅或第二套以上房地产借款人,商业银行可适当提高个人住房贷款首付款比例和执行人民银行公布同期在同一水平的贷款利率,利率已不再执行该规定的优惠住房;借款人申请个人贷款抵借商业楼宇不应超过60 %以上,贷款期限不超过10年。

down payment的意思

16. You may have to pay a higher interest rate and a bigger down payment upfront.

17. You have enough for your down payment and accompanying costs and you buy your house.

18. This will include your down payment and the all the monthly payments you have been making.

19. It could help with the down payment and can save a lot of money for the home buyers.

20. The first part is the down payment and the second part is the monthly payments.

down payment 词典解释down payment

1. (购物时的)首付款
If you make a down payment on something, you pay only a percentage of the total cost when you buy it. You then finish paying for it later, usually by paying a certain amount every month.

e.g. If you're borrowing money for the down payment, provide a copy of the entire loan agreement...
e.g. Celeste asked for the money as a down payment on an old farmhouse.

down payment 单语例句

1. Banks in Shanghai implemented a policy requiring down payment of 30 percent for clients buying their first home.

2. Experts say the central bank's down payment increase is helpful in curbing speculation but it should be strictly carried out.

3. Insiders said it was common practice in the real estate market for brokers to make use of the down payment to buy more houses.

4. down payment的意思

4. The government adopted a series of tightening measures to cool the property market this year, including prohibiting purchases of third home and raising down payment requirements.

5. Thirteen other cities now have similar loan caps and higher down payment to cool down the overheated property market.

6. down payment什么意思

6. Some shops even close down after receiving advance payment from a large group of customers.


7. Zhuang said the remaining 20 percent required for the down payment will be advanced by the developer.

8. In October a supplier pushed forward the date of a down payment, and Wang had to raise all the money within two days.

9. Also, the down payment ratio could be lowered to 20 percent.

10. down payment在线翻译

10. This has prompted policymakers to implement a series of tightening measures since April, including greater controls over bank lending and an increase in down payment levels.

down payment 英英释义


1. a partial payment made at the time of purchase
the balance to be paid later

Synonym: deposit

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1181401.html
