

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

3. During AN production process, a kind of dilute AMS solution and a kind of solution with CN^(-1) heavy constituent were formed. The dilute AMS solution using evaporative crystallization process produced fertilizer grade AMS, and using four-stage evaporation, the heavy solution was concentrated and reduced the follow-up processes quatlty. At the same time, the two kinds of working conditions produce indirect steam were used or cooled, and the condensate returned to the process water system.

4. In vitro by way of double-dilute method in plates of 96 wells. Three kinds of extractions of Ilex latifolia Thunb. ethanol extg., n- butylol extg. and acetic acid ester extg.

5. The key to the AOD process is to dilute the oxygen used for blowing with argon, to reduce the partial pressure of the evolved carbon monoxide.

6. When this body is treated with dilute mineral acids it splits up into Indigo Blue and a kind of sugar.

7. The trace amounts of uranium is determined by differential pulse polarography on dropping mercury electrode after the complex is desorpted and soluted by dilute HCl.
在pH 4.2~8.2的范围内,U与8-羟基喹啉反应生成不溶于水的络合物,定量吸附在微量萘的表面上,用15 mL 2 mol/L的HCl使该络合物脱附溶解后,在滴汞电极上采用微分脉冲极谱法测定痕量铀。

8. Some insist on using crushed ice or adding a shot of water, but in fact crushed ice doesn dilute the drink appreciably more or less than cubed.

9. To make their oil taste better, some of our competitors dilute their oil heavily with orange juice, which means that you get much less omega 3 per serving.

10. The concentration of the green algae is too thick. I use the insolated water to dilute it, but it is a little green, maybe the multiply of insolating is not enough.

11. Yes, it does cost more, but the money spent on treating sick birds usually exceeds the difference between good quality and poor quality wire. If you can't get this wire, you must physically scrape off all tags of zinc, then wash the wire with dilute vinegar. Rinse off the vinegar after an hour, allow the wire to dry and then paint with a matte black paint. Do not rely on weathering to remove zinc. I have found toxic levels of zinc on wire 2 years old.
如果买不到这种产品时,那一定要将所有金属的标签擦刮掉,之后用稀释醋水浸泡一小时,待清水冲洗后,再涂上一层无光黑油漆(注:a matte black paint),不要让那些标签自然地经过时间地v落,因为以我所知,锌金属的毒性可在器皿表层维持两年之久。。。

12. Globulin: Any of a major class of proteins insoluble in pure water and soluble in dilute saline solutions.


13. The role of bubble in flow transition from bubbling to fast fluidization and particle cluster property in dilute phase was also investigated in this paper.

14. In addition, experiments complement the mass transfer data in fast fluidization region so that complete mass transfer data from fixed bed, fluidized bed to fast fluidization and dilute transport in documents are summarized.


15. The effect of two kinds of dilute SiO2 and CaF2 on the quality of ceramic layer was studied in detail.

16. South Korea alone with Sally and Sophie Dan Dan essence fill rate, the secret court Whitening White Powder ---- Spiced seven whitening effects to enhance and focus to improve the color, continued with the son (phytoclear EL-1) is not only dilute the skin surface Chloasma and blotches, but also to remove the skin has been the formation of melanin, whitening performance is enhanced stability of concentrated vitamin C and less emergence of a new stain to, loss of vitality of the skin quickly becomes smooth beautiful, translucent white.
津元。御白抽色霜独含韩方仙柔丹和精气补率丹,宫廷美白秘方----五香七白散提升美白效果,集中改善肤色,续随子(phytoclear EL-1不仅淡化皮肤表面上黄褐斑与黑斑,还去除皮肤中已经形成的黑色素,具强化美白效能的浓缩稳定维他命C及少新色斑的产生,使暗沉、失去活力的皮肤迅速变得光滑亮丽,白皙通透。

17. The water from the tap stands for happy, active and positive thought, which can dilute your worry, wash away your puzzlement, and drive away all negative.

18. If a chemical comes in contact with skin or eyes, immediately flush the contamined part with water for several minutes to dilute and wash away the chemical.


19. The non-printing area is etched away with dilute nitric acid.

20. Your family can because long period lying on the bed or lung disease, so lung phlegm, volume many and to stick thick, not easy to cough out, even breathe difficult; this time he need to assist to atomise to inhale inside to cure to make use of water or medicine, to dilute away of breathe to stick liquid and to secrete things, the phlegm easy to cough and to lessen partial to stimulate, convulsions, congestion, to become inflamed swelling pain etc, not comfortable of symptoms.

dilute 词典解释

1. (使)稀释;(使)冲淡
If a liquid is diluted or dilutes, it is added to or mixes with water or another liquid, and becomes weaker.

e.g. If you give your baby juice, dilute it well with cooled, boiled water...
e.g. The liquid is then diluted...

...ditches dug for sewage dilution.

2. 稀释过的;冲淡的
A dilute liquid is very thin and weak, usually because it has had water added to it.

e.g. ...a dilute solution of bleach.

3. 削弱;降低;减轻
If someone or something dilutes a belief, quality, or value, they make it weaker and less effective.

e.g. There was a clear intention to dilute black voting power...
e.g. Serious attention is being given to diluting the value of personal tax allowances.

...a potentially devastating dilution of earnings per share.
dilute 单语例句

1. The Honghua hydropower station has stored 500 million cubic meters of water, which can greatly dilute the cadmium concentration.

2. dilute什么意思

2. Police used squirt guns to dilute the smoke, while sealing the chloride tanker in water mixed with caustic soda.

3. Afterwards, firefighters rushed into the plant to spray water foam and dilute the chlorine gas.

4. Even if it puts in no new cash, the convertible will dilute its stake by no more than 2 percentage points.

5. dilute

5. New Zealand opposed Australia's move amid concern their defection could dilute the quality of the region and leave it vulnerable to FIFA politics.

6. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

6. Eating too many cold things at once could dilute your gastric acid, which could affect your digestion.

7. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

7. Water was also diverted from the Yangtze River to dilute the lake water.

8. Chinese lawyers are calling for former forced labourers in Japan to present lawsuits together rather than dilute their compensation claims by independently launching legal action.

9. dilute的翻译

9. The company cut the gas supply later and fire fighters sprayed water around the pipeline to dilute the gas to avoid explosion.


10. He said Jilin had quickly blocked entry of the pollutants into the river and discharged water from a reservoir to dilute pollutants in the river.

dilute 英英释义


1. lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture

e.g. cut bourbon

Synonym: thin thin out reduce cut

2. corrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance
often by replacing valuable ingredients with inferior ones

e.g. adulterate liquor

Synonym: load adulterate stretch debase


1. dilute的反义词

1. reduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity

e.g. diluted alcohol
a dilute solution
dilute acetic acid

Synonym: diluted

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1197963.html
