
nail down是什么意思_nail down在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
nail down  
nail down 基本解释

钉牢; 用钉子钉住(某物); 迫使(某人)作出决定,讲明意图[采取行动]

nail down 相关例句


1. We should sign a contract with them to nail down their agreement.

2. It took the negotiators ten hours to nail down a deal.

3. She nailed down the corners of the carpet.

nail down 网络解释

1. 用钉钉住:nail down to 束缚 | nail down 用钉钉住 | nail file 指甲锉

2. 达成协议,做成生意:192. make both ends meet 收支平衡 | 193. nail down 达成协议,做成生意 | 194. another nail in your coffin 有害健康,危及生命的东西 coffin nail 香烟

3. 明确,确定(做法、协议等):multipolar world 多极世界 | nail down 明确,确定(做法、协议等) | neutrality 中立地位

4. 钉牢:nail cutters ==> 指甲剪 | nail down ==> 钉牢 | nail drawer ==> 拔钉钳

nail down 双语例句

1. Making nails is not complicated: start with a bale of steel wire, shave it down to the proper diameter, then feed it into a punch that shapes the nail, cuts it and spits it into a bin.

2. By report, DPR female in this general disease reason clan hands down to younger generation by heredity, show the various different symptom generally besides the patient perspires except not having a fingerprint and not having no way, for example hair cutting off, having on skin chromatosis and so on easy to sparse, not to have the tooth, nail cachexic.

3. P6 _ R By report, DPR female in this general disease reason clan hands down to younger generation by heredity, show the various different symptom generally besides the patient perspires except not having a fingerprint and not having no way, for example hair cutting off, having on skin chromatosis and so on easy to sparse, not to have the tooth, nail cachexic.

4. M0 P By report, DPR female in this general disease reason clan hands down to younger generation by heredity, show the various different symptom generally besides the patient perspires except not having a fingerprint and not having no way, for example hair cutting off, having on skin chromatosis and so on easy to sparse, not to have the tooth, nail cachexic.

5. Although this innovation is aimed at abating the farmers'burden, at the angle of law, its main object is to nail down the admeasure relation among the nation, the collectivity and the farmers, and so to lead the admeasure relation to be nomothetic.

nail down的意思

6. Up to four players can take part, first choosing their team, and then using the Madden Wii kick mechanic (hold down the A button and move the Wii controller up quickly) to nail field goals from increasingly longer distances.
由参加游戏的4名玩家自由选择自己的球队和射球的队员,然后利用Wii版Madden NFL 07独有的机能(持续按住A键,并同时快速挥动Wii的手柄)将球尽可能远的射出。

7. At the same time, nail down the function of art enjoying in the developing of students`aesthetic capability, that is, art enjoying can widen eyereach and enlarge knowledge scopes, art enjoying can nuture mentality sentiment and advance spirit ambit, art enjoying is the most important approach to advance art attainment and aesthetic capability.

8. And it`s impossible to really nail it down because we all have different goals in life.

nail down的翻译

9. Something seems unexpected?I can't nail it down, but it makes me uneasy.

10. I intended to nail him down to coning at six.

11. I must hammer the nail in my shoes down, because it has been working up and hurting my foot.

12. What made him fall down stairs with a nail gun?

13. This is a bit of a hard one to nail down actually, it could come across as being a bit vague, but what I'm aiming to cover is a brief introduction into the following

14. She says she'll come, but I can't nail her down to a specific time.

nail down的近义词

15. She says she will come, but I can nail her down to a specific time.

nail down什么意思

16. I intended to nail him down to''.

17. I intend to nail them down to their promise.

18. I intended to nail him down to his promise.

nail down

19. B She says she'll come, but I can't nail her down to a specific time.

nail down的近义词

20. She says she'll visit us, but I can't nail her down to a definite date.

nail down 词典解释

1. 弄清;确定
If you nail down something unknown or uncertain, you find out exactly what it is.

e.g. It would be useful if you could nail down the source of this tension.

2. 确定(协议)
If you nail down an agreement, you manage to reach a firm agreement with a definite result.

e.g. The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord.

3. 钉牢;钉住
If you nail something down, you fix it firmly onto something.

e.g. Lay strips of 4mm ply over the mesh and nail these down with panel pins.

nail down 单语例句

1. McLaren has also said it wants him to stay and is not in any hurry to nail down a new contract.

2. nail down什么意思

2. So as China races to nail down market standards throughout its industries, translators are calling for professional standards.

3. US government support helped Morgan nail down a critical deal that many investors had feared could fall apart.

4. We have repeatedly read reports of " nail households " who refuse to have their houses torn down until their demands for compensation are met by developers.

5. nail down

5. Kind of funny how only the Germans and Chinese have been able to nail down that nasty sentiment in their respective languages.

6. nail down的翻译

6. The Scripps team hopes the samples they gathered during the trip nail down answers to questions of the trash's environmental impact.

7. WHO is now in China to help nail down exactly what happened.

8. " To construct more power generators does not nail down all problem, " said Zhang.

9. " To construct more power generators does not nail down all the problems, " said Zhang.

10. The human and ecological tolls of the explosion are equally difficult to nail down.

nail down 英英释义


1. nail down

1. make final
put the last touches on
put into final form

e.g. let's finalize the proposal

Synonym: finalize finalise settle

2. define clearly

e.g. I cannot narrow down the rules for this game

Synonym: pin down peg down narrow down narrow specify

3. nail down

3. succeed in obtaining a position

e.g. He nailed down a spot at Harvard

Synonym: nail peg

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1197988.html
