

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
else 基本解释

12. However, the signal service spouses can render is to tell leaders what no one else dares to.

13. When you abandon it, it is after all just a seed; When you do give up its responsibilities, it will die, and even your life to add a trace of haze; If you Like it when in full bloom, with pride unplug it, you will receive the fruits of someone else and regret it later, did not want the responsibility to re-do time, no chance.

14. To bring or combine together or with something else.

15. The End of the World, where I set up, concerned about a person, not a cancellation Yeah, how else, there are no well-meaning people can help me there, ah, my End of the World set up, concerned about a person, not a cancellation ah, how's going on, ...

16. Or is it another moronic echo of what everyone else...


17. Mussina didn't have a problem with math or with much else in a brilliant career that ended, officially, Thursday afternoon.

18. If nothing else has tipped you offyet, that switch from donkey to'ass'should be evidence enough that Oliphant is not really worried about epizootics

19. If nothing else have tipped you off①yet, those switch from donkey to'ass'have to be evidence full those Oliphant is not really worried about epizootics.


20. Water can do what nothing else on earth can!
水 无所不能。它可以载舟,又可以覆舟

else 词典解释

1. (用于anywhere,someone,what等词之后)其他的,别的
You use else after words such as 'anywhere', 'someone', and 'what', to refer in a vague way to another person, place, or thing.

e.g. If I can't make a living at painting, at least I can teach someone else to paint...
e.g. We had nothing else to do on those long trips...

2. (用在everyone,everything,everywhere等词之后)其他的,别的
You use else after words such as 'everyone', 'everything', and 'everywhere' to refer in a vague way to all the other people, things, or places except the one you are talking about.

e.g. As I try to be truthful, I expect everyone else to be truthful...
e.g. Cigarettes are in short supply, like everything else here.

3. 否则的话;要不然
You use or else after stating a logical conclusion, to indicate that what you are about to say is evidence for that conclusion.

e.g. He must be a good plumber, or else he wouldn't be so busy...
e.g. Evidently no lessons have been learnt or else the government would not have handled the problem so sloppily.

4. (引出不好的结果)否则,要不然
You use or else to introduce a statement that indicates the unpleasant results that will occur if someone does or does not do something.

e.g. This time we really need to succeed or else people will start giving us funny looks...
e.g. Make sure you are strapped in very well, or else you will fall out.

5. else的翻译

5. (表示另外一种可能性)或者,还是,要不
You use or else to introduce the second of two possibilities when you do not know which one is true.

e.g. You are either a total genius or else you must be absolutely raving mad...
e.g. It's likely someone gave her a lift, or else that she took a taxi.

6. 尤其;首先
Above all else is used to emphasize that a particular thing is more important than other things.

e.g. Above all else I hate the cold.



8. (表示威胁)否则的话,要不然的话
You say 'or else' after a command to warn someone that if they do not obey, you will be angry and may harm or punish them.

e.g. Behave, or else!...
e.g. He told us to put it right, or else.

else 单语例句

1. Some drivers recommend waiting outside busy shopping malls so you can hope into a cab as someone else is getting out.

2. But what's the harm in rescuing an animal if nothing else is going on?


3. So you cannot buy a ticket to the opening ceremony with your bank account for anyone else.

4. An employee of an examination center put somebody else's photo in Zhang's computerized file by mistake four years ago.

5. else的反义词

5. They also wanted me to do something else, to spice up the act.

6. Officers traced the cab driver who found the wallet in his vehicle and realized the purse actually belonged to someone else.

7. When Cai discovered that the two victims lying on the dark road were unconscious, he urged the driver to flee before anyone else came along.

8. else是什么意思

8. I finally found a guy who called his friend, who then left me with a number of someone else.

9. Buy a calling card, phone your most beloved and write everyone else.

10. You really have to crowd him or else he can shoot over top of you.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1201386.html
