

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆





corresponding 基本解释

形容词相当的,对应的; 通信的; 符合的,符合。。; 一致的

动词相符合( correspond的现在分词); 类似(correspond的ing形式); 相配

corresponding 相关例句



1. All rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities.

corresponding 网络解释


1. 相应的:因此,我们的感情、思想和情绪都经历了(undergo)相应的(corresponding)变化. 未来派们声称,这种生活节奏的加速需要新的表现形式. 如果我们想诠释现代生活的压力,就必须加速文学(的表现手法). 我们必须大量(a large stream of)使用(pour out)实词(essential words),

2. 对应:摘要:不同的生产方式、地理环境、饮食习惯、价值观念和宗教信仰构建成不同的社会文化环境,而不同的社会文化环境下形成的英汉习语往往带有鲜明的民族文化特征. 它们之间往往存在对应(corresponding)、半对应(semi-corresponding)和非对应(non-corresponding)的关系,

corresponding 双语例句

1. This paper introduces the connection using the brazing technique, selects corresponding brazing filler metal and flux together with proper technology, and determines the techniques and measures.

2. A proper way is to assign weights to the categories. The weights are determined based on the concept of risk in this paper, that is, the category which has a closer relationship with accident consequence is assigned with greater weight. The relationship is measured by the similarity between their corresponding time series created from historical accident statistical data. The similarity is calculated by Euclidean distance.

3. The paper mainly deals with following three aspects: offering a frame of filtering system in collecting high-precision data of weak signals when strong electromagnetic interferes and analyzing the corresponding errors, discussing common digital filtering theory and its realization with field programmable gate array, applying self-adaptive theory to reducing noise.

4. A theorem on sufficiency and necessity of fuzzy positive matrix is proposed after much analysis. Based on the thought of minimun deviationan, an optimization model is constructed first, and then a formula with parameter is taken advantage to approximate the corresponding element in the fuzzy complementary matrix and results in obtaining a fuzzy positive matrix. Meanwhile, the ordering vector of the fuzzy positive matrix is calculated.

5. One thing to note is that not all of the things that have a corresponding collective noun, or nouns of assemblage.

6. Into the algorithm, first-out (2) at least recently used algorithm (3) the best out of algorithm In this experiment, the page address stream length of 320, the page number for each failure to visit the corresponding instructions, the instructions corresponding to the number of pages is not memory.

7. The characteristic equation of the stability analysis is deduced and the corresponding computational program is developed.


8. Based on the small internal accounting control are analyzed, and then put forward the corresponding improvement measure.

9. At present the market two big contrary are market nominal and each country government, government the economic stability for the country, inevitable meeting enacts corresponding measure, nominal for the biggest turn profit, it is to borrow all sorts of opportunities to hit necessarily control the market, the wave motion of the market can be increased quickly.

10. Aim: To detect the efect of sepsis on fatty acid binding proteins levels and corresponding enzymes in lung and intestine of mice, and to explore the role for FABP in acute inflammation.

11. Lutathione-S-Transferases is a common family of metabolism enzymes. GSTs have the function of detoxification for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and mixed cyclic chemical carcinogen or cocarcinogen of organochloride and from the fried, smoked or baked food. It was reported that the GSTM1 null and GSTT1 null genotypes could decrease the activity of the corresponding enzyme.
STs是目前研究得较多的一个代谢酶系,GSTs在体内对有机氯、炸烤熏制食物等含有的多环芳烃、杂环类化学致癌/促癌剂具有解毒功能,有报道GST Mu酶和GST Theta(GSTT1)基因缺失会导致相应酶活性的降低。


12. If a specific transition sequence is schedulable, the corresponding task sequence can complete its execution successfully; otherwise, nonschedulable transitions should be pinpointed to help adjust timing constraints, Secondly, a technique for compositional timing analysis is also proposed to deal with complex transition sequences.

13. This paper analysed this problem in two factors, quality and stock of costume material, and proposed the corresponding solutions.

14. Chapter 4 is about the corresponding opinions and suggestions aimed to implement comprehensive income report and relevant problem, which aims at the characteristics and current situations of the income statement of our country.

15. The equations to determine the frequency corresponding to an arbitrary scale, the central frequency of the mother wavelet, and the sampling frequencies of both the signal and the wavelet function were derived, and the computational complexity of this algorithm was analyzed.


16. Stray light can become an issue under twilight conditions, and that's where night glasses are frequently used, and corresponding care has been taken in the construction of the three contenders.

17. The hardware design ATmegal6 microcontroller as the main control chip USES of gas alarm system, infrared human induction system, door magnetic switch system and the voice of the output state system analysis, when any abnormal condition after a module of alarm system, through the microcontroller input signal is analyzed, thus stimulates the alarm sound, and displayed on the LCD module, through the corresponding key control system operation.

18. Since there are some shortages in calculating the wetting deformation of sand with the Nobari method and the Single-Line method, the initial stress increment FEM is put forward in this paper and the corresponding program is developed.
针对砂土湿化变形计算中N obari法和单线法的不足,采用初应力增量有限元的分析方法,并编制相应的计算程序,对某高速公路路基砂土三轴试验得到的Duncan-Chuang模型参数进行计算分析。

19. The real parameters supplied for this macro expansion (see lines 3, 10 and 33), this information is traced inside the invoked with block, where the corresponding formal and actual parameters are listed.
本次宏展开所提供的实际参数(见第 3,10 和 33 行),这些信息用一个 invoked with 块来跟踪,其中列出相应的形参和实参。

20. Larger by a semitone than the corresponding major or perfect interval.

corresponding 单语例句

1. corresponding在线翻译

1. All others will have to buy tickets through their corresponding national Olympic committee.

2. Each Nushu character is followed by phonetic notation, notes and paraphrase and a corresponding Chinese character and example sentences.

3. corresponding

3. The second line Indicates the percentage occupied by those whose scores are lower than the corresponding scores in the standard HSK reference group.

4. There is a clear division of labor among the three layers of government, accompanied by corresponding revenue share and taxing powers.

5. corresponding的解释

5. The draft judicial explanation would resolve such a case by stipulating that schools should take corresponding responsibility for failing to perform proper care for students.


6. We must stick to the policy of stimulating domestic demand and implement corresponding macroeconomic policies in light of actual needs.

7. Family members said Howard underwent an extreme personality change in the weeks corresponding with his haircut spree that they attributed to cocaine addiction.

8. So he glues a corresponding Chinese character next to each of them.

9. corresponding

9. We are handicapped because we don't have enough classical Chinese vocabulary to come up with two lines with words corresponding in their metrical length.

10. corresponding是什么意思

10. The agency says the handbook should detail the coalmine worker's rights and obligations, typical colliery disasters and corresponding measures when they occur.

corresponding 英英释义




1. accompanying

e.g. all rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities

2. corresponding

2. conforming in every respect

e.g. boxes with corresponding dimensions
the like period of the preceding year

Synonym: comparable like

3. similar especially in position or purpose

e.g. a number of corresponding diagonal points

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1207779.html
