

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆






navigate 基本解释

及物动词驾驶; 航行于; 使通过

不及物动词航行; 驾驶

navigate 相关例句



1. He navigated the plane through the low cloud.

2. The large ship could not navigate the river.

3. He navigated the ship to a safe port.

4. He was the first man to navigate the Atlantic alone.


1. He has to learn to navigate by electronic instruments.

navigate 网络解释


1. 航行:向前飞离挥如土(profligate),共同束缚 (colligate)送缓和(mitigate) 易怒的是桌子(irritable),灌溉的是大门(irrigate),扔掉大门受惩罚(castigate),那六个大门在 航行(navigate),投资大门为调查(investigate) 前面唱歌的是海鸥(gull),

2. 定位:IWebBrowser2 接口的IWebBrowser2::Navigate2 方法 使得你可以让浏览器定位(Navigate)到一个URL. 在下面的示例代码中, IWebBrowser2::Navigate2 方法 被用于定位到 about:blank 页面. 定位到这个空的页面确保了MSHTML 被加载,并且动态 HTML (DHTML) 对象模型中的 HTML 元素有效.下列文章提供了关于组件对象模型(COM)的信息.

3. 浏览:5) 浏览(navigate)目录(即通过书目信息的逻辑排列或清晰的浏览途径的展示,包括作品、内容表达、载体表现和单件之间关系的展示). 国际编目原则强调的目录功能包括发现(find)、识别(identify)、选择(select)、获取(acquire,

navigate 双语例句

1. Board members with vision and experience can rely on some guideposts to help navigate the way to success.

2. As we navigate the shoals, the forest of jagged rocks gives us the impression that we are not on the river but following a small path through an impenetrable jungle.

3. It is very unlikely that they had a compass, although some Vikings may have used an instrument called a sun-shadow board to help them to navigate.

4. Vector maps are high quality but less data intensive and allow you to continue to navigate even if you lose your network connection.

5. This is really cool as you can navigate to the style of music you like.

6. I don't know how to navigate this.

7. This one is very important, this is how your users navigate your site.

8. This is something that is difficult to see while you are trying to navigate toward success.

9. You can also navigate backwards and forwards with the left and right arrow buttons at the top of the browser.

10. Moreover, that self-assuredness disabled in him the instincts for self-censorship that allow most people to navigate the world without getting into constant fistfights.


11. NVidia's own control panel is not always very intuitive to use. Especially the 3D rendering settings are very cryptic and difficult to navigate. Even the new control panel introduced with the 9x. xx line of Forceware drivers isn't a real improvements for these problems.
简介 :我们都知道在nVidia ForceWare驱动中附带有一项独特的功能,能够为每一个游戏定义不同配置文件,这样的好处是可以适应不同游戏的兼容性并且为每个游戏做出最优化设置。

12. Eye-Fi is dedicated to building products and services that help consumers navigate, nurture and share their digital memories.
眼- Fi是致力于建立产品和服务,帮助消费者浏览,培育和分享他们的数字化存储器。


13. Try to navigate my craft so as not to capsize before either.

14. Secondly, we make full use of the hierarchical architecture of XML data, and analyze the structure of every document to construct a structure thesaurus, which is designed to navigate the user query and to eliminate the structural conflict.

15. To navigate efficiently on uneven off-road terrain, autonomous vehicles must have reliable 3D positioning capability.

16. Comparing the first light of day of make the dawn front to you is to your insult, compare you to make in the desert of sweet spring is to your besmirch, you compare make our to navigate a member is to your dirty Mie......................

17. In fact, sitemaps can be very useful to help users navigate through your website.

18. So go ahead and navigate through our site to start your research.

19. We managed to navigate our way through the forest.

20. We have a really good team and how we navigate through all this stuff.

navigate 词典解释

1. 为(船只、飞机等)导航;确定…的航行方向;(船只、飞机等)驶向
When someone navigates a ship or an aircraft somewhere, they decide which course to follow and steer it there. You can also say that a ship or an aircraft navigates somewhere.

e.g. Captain Cook safely navigated his ship without accident for 100 voyages...
e.g. The purpose of the visit was to navigate into an ice-filled fiord.

The expedition was wrecked by bad planning and poor navigation.
...the boat's navigation system.

2. (船只)航行于,横渡
When a ship or boat navigates an area of water, it sails on or across it.

e.g. ...a lock system to allow sea-going craft to navigate the upper reaches of the river...
e.g. Such boats can navigate on the Nile.

3. (驾车者)确定行车路线
When someone in a car navigates, they decide what roads the car should be driven along in order to get somewhere.

e.g. When travelling on fast roads at night it is impossible to drive and navigate at the same time.
e.g. ...the relief at successfully navigating across the Golden Gate Bridge to arrive here...

4. (鱼、动物或昆虫)找到正确的行动方向
When fish, animals, or insects navigate somewhere, they find the right direction to go and travel there.

e.g. In tests, the bees navigate back home after being placed in a field a mile away.

5. 小心翼翼地绕过(障碍)
If you navigate an obstacle, you move carefully in order to avoid hitting the obstacle or hurting yourself.

e.g. He was not able to walk without a cane and could only navigate steps backwards...
e.g. In the corridors he let her navigate her own way round the trolleys and other obstacles...

6. 驾驭,成功应付(困难处境)
If you manage to navigate a difficult situation, you deal with it successfully.

e.g. During childhood each of us has to navigate a pathway through a series of developmental stages...
e.g. This outlook helped her to navigate through her later years with success.

navigate 单语例句

1. navigate的意思

1. Trying to navigate the same route by car during rush hour can take as much as an hour.

2. At first I use my feet just as much as the cane to navigate my way through what to me feels like a labyrinth.

3. Shipping lanes in Australian waters typically require a seasoned captain to go aboard an incoming ship to help navigate around hazards.

4. The lobby will be transformed into a challenging obstacle course through which contestants will navigate their way while tossing a freshly made pancake.

5. navigate

5. That happened before the Bainbridge put a tow line on the lifeboat to help it navigate the choppy sea.

6. Transparency is society's mirror and the compass that helps navigate it through rough waters.


7. She said the IMF needed more resources for concessional lending to help vulnerable countries navigate an increasingly volatile world.

8. CLIA President Terry Dale explained that ships use the Gulf of Aden because it's an efficient way to navigate the region.

9. On a more pragmatic note, the fair offers debt counselors and mediators to help couples navigate divorce without lawyers.

10. The Department of Justice argues that Google's cooperation is essential in its effort to simulate how people navigate the Web.

navigate 英英释义


1. travel on water propelled by wind or by other means

e.g. The QE2 will sail to Southampton tomorrow

Synonym: voyage sail


2. direct carefully and safely

e.g. He navigated his way to the altar

3. act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance

e.g. Is anyone volunteering to navigate during the trip?
Who was navigating the ship during the accident?

Synonym: pilot

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1207967.html

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