

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


suffering 基本解释

名词受苦,遭难; 苦楚,苦难; 令人痛苦的事

动词受苦(suffer的现在分词); 蒙受

形容词受苦的; 患病的

suffering 相关例句


1. This would cause great hardship and suffering.

2. She bore her sufferings bravely.

suffering 网络解释

1. 苦楚:持续时间均为P回合,回合以主动性为10的生物的一回合为准 原始:50%目标 基础:70%目标 高级:90%目标 专家:100%目标 苦楚(Suffering) 消耗魔法值:5 削弱敌人部队,降低其攻击力.

2. 痛:颤栗(freezing)、梦想(dreaming)、承受苦痛(suffering)是他们所能做的一切. 小说<<寒夜>>是以作者1944年到1945年间的亲身经历为基础写成的. 那时,巴金住在尚未被日军占领的陪都重庆. 这部小说的主题不是抗日战争,而是一出婚姻剧,

suffering 双语例句

1. A society that avoids senseless suffering of decent human beings is a better society.

2. 120 paediatric cases, suffering from Lobular pneumonia by pulse magnetic field treatment, admitted by our department during the period of January 2008 and October 2008, designing observation group; 120 cases, which were Health check-up the same term, designing control group.

3. The serum levels of soluble interleukin 2 receptor(sIL-2R)were determined in 176 serum specimens from patients suffering from different diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, various types of tumour kidney transplantation, nephrotic syndrome, and lobular pneumonia.

4. Destruction and suffering are corollaries of war.

5. Many applications need this today but are suffering with unaccelerated client-side implementations.

6. For instance, if someone is suffering through a job loss or a difficult divorce, they may experience a persistent inability to get good sleep for anywhere from three weeks to six months.

7. In different income level, the effect from income transference to the saving is suffering the degression from positive to negative as the income goes down.

8. But most of the traditional intercom are using wireless mobile communication technic, which often suffering the limit of interuption, the transport distance and high cost.

9. Objective To observe the changes of local cerebral blood flow and symptoms concerning nerve function in rats suffering from acute cerebral hematoma before and after treatment.
目的 观测急性脑血肿大鼠局部脑血流量的改变及头穴针刺后局部脑血流量和神经功能症状的变化。

10. There are four distinct species of Tragedy--that being the number of the constituents also that have been mentioned: first, the complex Tragedy, which is all Peripety and Discovery; second, the Tragedy of suffering, e. g. the _Ajaxes_ and _Ixions_; third, the Tragedy of character, e. g. _The Phthiotides_ and _Peleus_.

11. And if you think that tourists are suffering, spare a thought for the poor animals.

12. But that was just a small part of the change she was suffering, she had new literary preferences as well, 'I became a Yaoi Fangirl, I loved reading homoerotic novels.

13. I don't agree with some sentences showed above, but I admit that these movies have an effect in our lives, such as Forrest Gump, form which we can benifit when we are suffering something that is not good for us.
看了这些我想起人鬼情未了。那些很感人很纯粹的感情。You jump I jump当年风靡好久

14. Among multitudes of bitter trials, the Buddha was given such manifest proof of his Dharma, his infinite pity for all creatures was inspired, and so he determined to help by showing all how their world of suffering may be transformed into happiness.

15. Since independence, the people in Singapore have been suffering from political indifference.

16. On the surface, one may appear to be suffering form the effects of heavy karma.

17. As we carry out our faith in this lifetime, we will experience some obstacles as well as various degrees of suffering arising from our karma.

18. It is a must for those who are dull-witted or have suffered breaks in their education, and for those who are suffering from the bad effects of a malefic Jupiter.

19. Philippines would have an uphil task to avoid suffering a similar fate.

20. Dr. Sheng points out that this is a fine example of the Deaflympics spirit, and that this spirit is exactly what Taiwan, which is suffering from an economic recession right now, needs in order to break out from the current situation.

suffering 词典解释suffering的解释

1. (肉体或内心的)痛苦,苦难,折磨
Suffering is serious pain which someone feels in their body or their mind.

e.g. They began to recover slowly from their nightmare of pain and suffering...
e.g. It has caused terrible suffering to animals...

suffering 单语例句

1. He had been taken to hospital by air on Monday after suffering heart failure.

2. Police said the woman reported suffering from " mental problems " in the past, and that they do not believe anyone put her up to the act.

3. In addition to the fear of cadmium poisoning, fishermen close to the polluted stretch of the river are suffering economically.

4. When a pregnant woman suffering from dystocia needed a Caesarean section to save her life, her husband refused to sign the " operation agreement ".

5. Benayoun is suffering from a nagging calf injury and was rated as a doubtful starter for the match.

6. Hong Kong's Sunday Morning Post said Fok had been suffering from cancer.

7. The woman has been suffering from rectal cancer since last May and she feels that her condition will get worse.

8. Gabor uses a wheelchair after being partially paralyzed in a 2002 car accident and suffering a stroke in 2005.

9. suffering的意思

9. Police said 105 people were still in hospital, many suffering carbon monoxide poisoning as well as severe burns and broken bones.

10. And many of the 37 miners suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning could already eat, he said.

suffering 英英释义



1. feelings of mental or physical pain

Synonym: hurt

2. psychological suffering

e.g. the death of his wife caused him great distress

Synonym: distress hurt


3. a state of acute pain

Synonym: agony excruciation


4. misery resulting from affliction

Synonym: woe


1. very unhappy
full of misery

e.g. he felt depressed and miserable
a message of hope for suffering humanity
wretched prisoners huddled in stinking cages

Synonym: miserable wretched

2. troubled by pain or loss

e.g. suffering refugees

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1210860.html

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