

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


handkerchief 基本解释


名词手帕; 方巾,围巾

handkerchief 网络解释


1. 小手帕:小手帕 有两种小手帕(Handkerchief) 一种是用来擦鼻涕,擦手的. 通常是白色的棉布制成. 便于清洗. 另一种是放在西装上衣口袋里的小手帕. 这是装饰用的. 你愿意就用,不愿意就不用,没 问题. 带手帕的方法又很多,最简单的是把它们捏在一起,

handkerchief 双语例句

1. Divided and sub-divided again and again, families scrape a living on pocket-handkerchief-sized holdings.

2. Collections: Small Island and Man, Concert (Hong Kong Polygram Modern Art Foundation Game; The Portrait of a Rebel; Red Color and Apple (Apple Organization, Washington, USA Still Life; 105 Single-Eyed Peoples Deputy (Ji Fengxuan Gallery, Hong Kong; '06 Christie's Auction, HK Idol (Ji Fengxuan Gallery, Hong Kong; '06 Sotheby's Auction NY Girl and Handkerchief Ji Fengxuan Gallery
收 藏:《小岛与人》、《音乐会》,香港宝丽金现代艺术基金。《游戏》,PHILLIPE CHARRIOL FOUNDATION。《一个叛逆者的肖像》,PHILLIPE CHARRIOL FOUNDATION。《红色与苹果》,美国华盛顿苹果机构。《静物》,参加中鸿信拍卖行春季拍卖会。《独具慧眼的105位人民代表》香港季丰轩画廊收藏(于,2006年参加香港嘉士德秋季拍卖会。《偶像》,香港季丰轩画廊收藏(于2006年参加香港苏富比秋季拍卖会)。《女孩子与手帕》,香港季丰轩画廊收藏。

3. Patient of data of 1 case of illness, male, 46 years old, colonitis of sex of liver cirrhosis, ulcer, inputting armour yellow acid in process of fluid of inject of sodium chloride of handkerchief bead sanded star, the patient appeals to abdominal distension, follow the doctor's advice give drop of 20mg of rice of Fu a place of strategic importance to fight crock, into the discovery after crock the liquid becomes white instantly muddy, shut instantly adjust clip changes infusion implement, the patient did not appear harmful response. Sodium chloride of bead sand star applies to handkerchief of yellow acid of 2 discussion armour the infection that sensitive bacterium causes, apply to cholecystitis, bile duct abscess of phlogistic, liver, have the better effect that fight bacterium, in clinical in use very extensive.

4. After parleying with the French senior officer, who came out of the house with a handkerchief on a sword to announce that they surrendered, Dolohov got off his horse and went up to Petya, who lay motionless with outstretched arms.


5. When you sneeze, you need to use a handkerchief.


6. It is advisable to use a tissue handkerchief or a dish towel.


7. He should wear twinkling patent leather boots and in the breast pocket of his sack coat there should be a white handkerchief protruding about three quarters of an


8. He should wear twinkling patent leather boots and in the breast pocket of his sack coat there should be a white handkerchief protruding about three quarters of an inch above the vent.


9. Receives 17 regarding the Pacific Ocean island country handkerchief fatigue agreement to detain in the central Chinese Uygur national minority in Guantanamo by the detainer, Beijing is referred these people is the terrorist, should return to China.

10. This handkerchief belonged to the old gentleman, who had simply let it fall from his pocket.


11. A large handkerchief of brightly colored silk or cotton, often worn as a''.

12. A large handkerchief of brightly colored silk or cotton, often worn as a turban.

13. The edges of the handkerchief were rolled and whipp ed; jeans with rolled-up legs; swatted the fly with a rolled newspaper.

14. He always has a white handkerchief in the b r e a s t pocket of his jacket.

15. A large blue handkerchief, such as the nvalides use, was folded into a fichu, and concealed her figure clumsily

16. A large blue handkerchief, such as the Invalides use, was folded into a fichu, and concealed her figure clumsily.

17. Its method is: Will after the face is abluent, dip in with clean handkerchief or towel the apply of hydrogen peroxide solution of on 30% at facial, every time 3 to 5 minutes, daily 1 come 2 times, use consecutively 7 to 10 days.


18. Between poets, Rheinhold Cacoethes, in his bow tie and shabby old coat, would get up and make a little funny speech in his snide funny voice and introduce the next reader; but as I say come eleven-thirty when all the poems were read and everybody was milling around wondering what had happened and what would come next in American poetry, he was wiping his eyes with his handkerchief.

19. After a long while, slow Robert found his friends and his sister fooled, and when he took a handkerchief off by the time found themselves a good long walk around the scenery and just made a change, smooth lawn gone, replaced rugged mountains, on the ground lay bare the greatly small stones, blackish green, a cluster of shrubs and have a cluster, like the old metallocene wild beard, tall trees like the sun blinds between the leaves of a string array project harp, as in the light of the leaves is full of beautiful, a stream winds its way in ancient oh, in the breeze once in the air are under leaves on the ground dozen roll beautiful figure into streams, and streams are remitted together acres downstream.

20. I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border.

handkerchief 词典解释

1. 手帕
A handkerchief is a small square piece of fabric which you use for blowing your nose.

handkerchief 单语例句

1. Doi became emotional when speaking with reporters, choking up with tears and wiping his face with a handkerchief.

2. The Writing Cliff will show seal characters and official scripts when watering the cliff and wiping away the water with handkerchief.

3. The long hair bound with a bow made from a handkerchief would attract much adoration.


4. If she laughs, she should cover her mouth with a handkerchief or a silk fan.

5. Why can't we use a handkerchief at home instead of tissues?

6. So when the favorite handkerchief was quietly handed over to him, he knew what the girl felt.

7. In the era of material scarcity, a handkerchief was a good decoration for a girl wanting to look beautiful.

8. handkerchief的意思

8. My grandma used to put some on her handkerchief and kept the handkerchief in her pocket.

9. When she touched the handkerchief with her face, it was like being touched by his warm hands.


10. The handkerchief began to accompany a child starting a day in the kindergarten.

handkerchief 英英释义


1. handkerchief的反义词

1. a square piece of cloth used for wiping the eyes or nose or as a costume accessory

Synonym: hankie hanky hankey

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1210948.html
