
with the exception of是什么意思_with the exception of在线翻

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
with the exception of  
with the exception of 基本解释


with the exception of 网络解释

1. 除...之外:without question 关于,至于, | with the exception of 除...之外 | without question 毫无疑问

2. 之外:for example 例如 | with the exception of ......之外 | in the face of 面对,不顾,即使

3. 除......以外:with regard to关于 | with the exception of除...以外 | with the purpose of为了

4. 除......外:with reserve 有保留 | with the exception of 除......外 | with regard to 关于

with the exception of 双语例句

1. But in the process, with the exception of March 11, the extreme volume shrinking.

2. With the exception of the third Imam, Husayn, who became Imam after his brother abdicated his claim to the caliphate, the Imamate has been passed down from father to son.

3. Designed by the famous 371 rooms of refined elegance, with the exception of China's blend of romantic poetry and the West, but also into the Guangxi Zhuang Accor style bamboo for musicians all over the floor to add a lot of visual feast, and fully convey ShopThruPost and inclusive culture.

4. January arrives at 2 month in 2008 on 12th 12th, He Ping Xiang suffers to the large area frost disaster, entire countryside suffers loss to varying degrees, the people of Shiroishi Village bridge group drinks a project suffering freezing long range encroachment, damaged waterpipe unable usage, the masses life uses water to be in a paralysis, ice melts water during the past more than one months without exception by melting drink, recover since not having a fund, the masses can only carry water to the place besides one kilometre solving with water problem at present.
2008年元月12日到2 月12日,和平乡遭受到大面积的冰冻灾害,全乡遭受不同程度的损失,白石村桥顿组人饮工程遭受冰冻的长期侵害,水管破损无法使用,群众的生活用水处于瘫痪,一个多月来均靠融冰化水饮用,由于没有资金恢复,目前群众只能到一公里之外的地方挑水解决用水问题。

5. After the broad masses of employees of the Company to the joint efforts of more than 20 years, has become the province of Jiangsu has a certain impact on the medium-sized enterprises, the company's main products are coal handling equipment: Impeller for coal, the coal belt, belt-head Telescopic devices, roller screen, with the exception of aircraft debris, plow-discharge, a buffer drum; auxiliary boilers are: reducing temperature decompression device, reduce temperature devices, vacuum devices, silencers, plus all kinds of devices for medicine Heat equipment.

6. After teaching this Dharma-gate, the Buddha announced that he would enter into seclusion for half a month, with the exception of the bhikkhu who brought him alms food, he expressed his wish not to be disturbed, and everyone complied with the Bhddha`s wish, nobody disturbed him during his seclusion.

7. There were positive correlations of different degrees between the lengths ofdifferent internodes; between the culm cross-sectional thickness and the wallthickness of varying internodes(with an exception of few negative correlations).

8. And when a tight money market auction system for land and land prices, payment time, when all the real estate industry will face from different aspects of the tests, except the conservative has to do with its own funds the development of enterprises, Where liability companies felt the tension the chain of funds, without exception.

9. A Peking dispatch states that with the exception of the Peking University, which is still having precarious existence, all other schools proposed to be established, prior to the coup d`état, have been laid on the table, and the organizers have adjourned sine die.

10. There is a conflict with no exception to introduce the concept of Trust to the civil law states for the different definitions of property rights.

11. The result showed that no significant diffeneces were found in the six indices for schistosomal infection between 1990 and 1994 in residents of Wuhu City with exception of sex.

12. The next segment (-04) was produced in exactly the same manner, with the exception being the preheating of the core rod and sleeve mould.
未来部分(-04 )生产的一模一样的方式,除正在预热的核心杆套模具。

13. With the exception of this, the crystallization salt lamp gentle gloss is very effective regarding the mind treatment and the

14. At present, the UN Plaza market companies based in Guangdong, with the exception of setting up offices in Guangzhou, have a number of major cities in China set up a franchise.

15. Chemical raw materials: The main raw materials include a variety of electroplating and metal surface treatment agent, such as acetic acid in the Czech Republic, nickel, copper acetate, nickel fluoride, cobalt sulfate, cobalt acetate, hydrofluoric acid, Yunnan tin sodium, Taiwan's Ya-tin pyrophosphate, oron the anion exchange resin, cation exchange resin, scale inhibitors, cleaning agents, detergents, the phosphating agent, plate washer water, with the exception of the Prince of water, oil derusting water, the United States steel at room temperature blackening agent, on behalf of behalf of the black-white (open cylinder agents, supplements), and alloys such as gun color.

16. Chemical raw materials: include a variety of plating materials and metal surface treatment agent: sodium such as tin, stannous chloride, pyrophosphate Asian tin, copper sulfate, nickel acetate, copper acetate, nickel fluoride, cobalt sulphate, acetic acid cobalt, hydrofluoric acid, anion exchange resin, cation exchange resin, scale inhibitors, cleaning agents, detergents, the phosphating agent, plate washer water, with the exception of Prince agents, rust removal agent, the American Iron and Steel room temperature blackening agent, on behalf of behalf of the black-white (open cylinder agents, supplements), and alloys such as gun color..

17. With the exception of blending and subsequent filling operations, one biological agent only should be handled at a time within an area.

18. A result of Bread felon to mobilize people defected chuangwang Henan juren Li Yan and his brother, Li Mou, for Li Zicheng very enshrines, in the Li Yan, the impression that chuangwang ambitious and enthusiastic, humble corporal, treating others with sincerity, Zifeng frugal, caring people's hardships, such as when family members of soldiers, disciplined and orders without exception, the upper and lower homogeneous grouping.

19. Under normal circumstances, a printing plate in the 230~250 ° c in bakeout homothermal~8min under 5, peripherin-layer from the original green to reddish brown, but with the print version of the appearing, roasting, temperature and toasted version of time waiting for any one of the link control incorrectly, could have an impact on the quality of fluecured version, so that the sections, and all color an exception occurs.

20. However, China's major cities in the top office rentals rise, with the exception of Hong Kong among the top ten, the Shanghai from 27 up to 25, the rent per square foot of about 6446 yuan per year; Shanghai from 50 liters to 36, the rent per square foot of about 5635 yuan per year; Beijing ranked 50, this is the first time in Beijing to squeeze into the list before 50, the rent is about 4886 yuan per square foot per year.

with the exception of 单语例句

1. The overall pattern of daily threats to civic life remains basically unchanged, with the conspicuous exception of traffic accidents.

2. All the track and field finals will take place in the evening with the customary exception of the marathon.

3. Africa is the only continent with the exception of Antartica not to have been awarded the Olympic Games.

4. With the exception of the Yu Gardens, the city lacks distinctly Chinese historical landmarks.

5. It said the decision followed receipt of a dossier of new evidence submitted by all teams with the exception of Red Bull.

6. With the exception of corporate donors drumming up publicity, most donors contributed without wanting anything in return.


7. China's urban planners of the recent past faithfully presented the ethos of this era in their work with scarce exception.

8. With the exception of Hamilton, the leaders all came in to refuel and change tyres when the pit lane opened.

9. With the exception of one indoor fete in Dongcheng district, the activities will be staged in gardens or scenic areas.

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10. Shandong's farm exports were largely on a downward trend over the first eight months, with the exception of rebounds in February and June.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1214153.html
