
catch sight of是什么意思_catch sight of在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
catch sight of  
catch sight of 基本解释

看见; 瞥见; 见; 一下子看到

catch sight of 反义词

catch sight of什么意思

lose sight of

catch sight of 相关例句


1. I caught sight of her hurrying away but I didn't try to speak to her.

catch sight of 网络解释

1. 发现,突然看见:in sight 被见到,在望 | catch sight of 发现,突然看见 | out of sight 看不见,在视野之外

2. 看到,发现:catch ones eye引人注目 | catch sight of看到,发现 | come into effect生效;实施

3. 发现,看到,突然看见:catch sb.s eye 引起(某人)注目 | catch sight of 发现,看到,突然看见 | catch up with 赶上;指出...出了差错

4. 看见:catch up with赶上 | catch sight of看见 | do well in在...干得好

catch sight of 双语例句

1. Most important of all, apart from their hometown and parents, stude nts couldn't catch sight of any familiar face and have to suffer from homel essness, which can cause certain serious mental disease.

2. You may catch sight of the SUN rise from here when you get up before 5 in the morning.

3. A film producer happened to catch sight of her one morning waiting at a bus stop, as he drove past inhis car.

4. We may even catch sight of a polar bear on the ice.

5. Previously, I think I`m full of passion and enthusiasm. and each day I`m happy and help all kinds of people, observe everyone`s smile and on my long way to school, catch sight of different people in different way, is so funny to me and feel a lot, as a minister in the Student Union in Life Department, I practice myself and improve a lot, my behavior is acceptable by the teacher, my subordinate staff and me become good friend, but now is the working circumstances and we should change our role and use our other aspect to face so, low-pitched and modest, even cautiously. because you must legitimate the people`s relation, and grasp surroundings. hold the opportunity to show yourself and make efforts to let the boss know. to be a person is not an easy thing, coz you must consider all manner of things and people surround u, you are not the only one and compass in the team, at first, I think I`m stupid and don`t know how to do, a kindness uncle found my mistake and analyze the drawback I have been made, in the first instance, I feel so grievance and at a loss, even puzzled. I`m continuously summarize the manner and I finally know and understand it, so only use 3 months, I have a big change, I understand my duty and business and position, I want to be a jack of all trades, and our boss supply a platform to show myself, I`m very thankful and I will do my best to do, every trade has their own rule and proprieties, as a staff in the service industry, is not like in the company, some native intelligence is very indispensable. now I`m accommodate and love my job.
首先谢谢一直以来支持我和关注我的所有朋友们,不管是认识的还是不认识的,自从2006年八月开博以来,blog的兴起也热了一阵,在这里我们遇到了一些朋友,也渐渐的失去了一些东西,但是却把我们最真实的内心反映了出来,有过哭,有过笑,更多的是看到朋友们的评论时那一丝的欣慰和开心,谢谢你们一直都关注我,也谢谢你们陪我走了这么远,虽然人的一辈子不可能总是拥有,但是因为有了你们,让我的生命更加的绚丽多彩,让我从另一个侧面去了解也许一辈子都不会在马路上相间的朋友,让我认识你们的世界,让我看到更多,也想到更多,虽然生活是千变万化的,人也总会变的,但是我不会忘记你们,因为在这里记录了我们成长的足迹,更印证了我们的青春那跳动过的音符,人的一生只有一次,我很幸运也很早的接触到了,也感觉到了,所以真的要谢谢你们,也谢谢我家长让我生活在北京这样一个与时俱进的地方,可以随时吸收新鲜的血液,总之谢谢你们,现在由于海底光缆的问题,msn space 打开的速度很慢,所以我又开通了sohu的blog,希望大家还能象以前那样关注我,msn的我也不会删除,会继续保留,因为sohu的没有msn玩起来那么好玩,所以大家要是想看照片什么的,还是要到msn space里的,谢谢大家支持我~!!

6. Eg The police went to catch hold of the thief as soon as he came into sight.

7. From among the thesis may catch sight of the culture style that including Courtlike culture and Vulgar culture of Huaihai Ci under the influence of Northern Song Dynasty culture.

8. There they are, or rather, there they exist, far from every eye, in the sweet light of May or June, kneeling round a hole in the ground, snapping marbles with their thumbs, quarrelling over half-farthings, irresponsible, volatile, free and happy; and, no sooner do they catch sight of you than they recollect that they have an industry, and that they must earn their living, and they offer to sell you an old woollen stocking filled with cockchafers, or a bunch of lilacs.

catch sight of的翻译

9. There is gain and loss in your life so you may catch sight of those unseen and remember thosee软件 forgotten.

10. I don't want this worthless stuff!What's more, if you take off your clothes and I dress in this way, I don't know what others will say after they catch sight of us. Anyways, I don't mind it!

11. I loved to set foot in all those houses and catch sight of the shag rugs and La-Z-Boy armchairs with kids playing Monopoly and grandmas baby-sitting and all those wonderfully ordinary and, to me, magical scenes of life.

12. There is gain and loss in your life, so you may catch sight of those unseen, and remember those forgotten.

catch sight of的意思

13. So you may catch sight of those unseen, and remember those forgotten.

14. But we were able to catch sight of some hammocks hanging from branches, rocked by the wind, and I saw, nestling in them, the girls who had led us to that place.

catch sight of的近义词

15. I catch sight of her out of the corner of my eye.

16. As we are strolling down the path in the Schlossgarten, I catch sight of the first ice in Germany!

17. Long before we catch sight of them, we hear them:Two giggling boys tumble and prance around a muddy field on top of a muddy hill in a muddy county of one of China's poorest provinces, Guizhou.

18. However like this to you, You the black aperture of catchs sight of I am particular undoubtedly, Catch sight of me what to do.

19. Ldn't catch sight of any familiar face and have to suffer from homelessness, wh

20. She refered to me that she has catch sight of you at one time.

catch sight of 单语例句

1. catch sight of的翻译

1. Visitors to Topeka who catch sight of a Phelps demonstration are often appalled.

2. Gao happened to catch sight of the pickpocket stealing a wallet from a man ahead of him and his mother.


3. Beyond the foam atop your cup, you catch sight of a gondola fading away into the distance.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1217231.html
