

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆







adapt 基本解释



及物动词改编,改写; 改变…以适合(for)

adapt 相关例句



1. The movie was adapted from a novel.

2. The author is going to adapt his play for television.

3. The boys adapted the old barn for use by the club.

4. He adapted himself to the cold weather.


1. He has not yet adapted to the climate.

adapt 网络解释

1. 改装:将现存解决方案有效改装(adapt)以适应新问题的能力. 最后,各主要领域都有了构件框架、构件模板、构件库、甚至事前组装好的解决方案. 开发的重点从组装现成的构件能力,转移到将一个构件框架实例化后应对一个具体问题的能力.

2. 适配:如果数据类型标志为0,那么两个浮点数就表示直角坐标,如果数据类型标志为1,那么两个浮点数就表示极坐标. 这样,直角坐标和极坐标的数据都可以适配(Adapt)到complex_struct结构体中,无需转换和损失精度:

3. adapt:analog digital automatic programmable tester; 模拟数字自动可编程测试器

adapt 双语例句


1. The above two measures, in order to adapt to the substrate surface smoothness higher process and technology operations.

2. The influence in personal network and information:(1)To make friends with people from the same country not only promoting personal networks but also help them in mental; (2)The cross-national interflow help new female immigrants understand Taiwan customs and adapt to Taiwan; (3)Adult literacy education help new female immigrants to establish confidence and sense of security.

3. Further research including motor speed in the learning is conducted to adapt the control method to varying speed.


4. The information flow of yingtian corporation is reseached in this paper, In order to make yingtian corporation adapt the new environment of economic commerce and the new marketing method, and purchase feeding material from providers in the way of the inviting public bidding and the competitive bidding on the plat of economic commerce, and put the order form producing and sales into practice on the

5. Tourism resources: state of the tourism resources available for exploitation about 7 categories, 33 kinds, 146, of which 56 natural landscape, accounting for the entire 37.6 percent of tourism resources; 90 human landscape, accounting for 62.4%, and some resources set humanities and natural as a whole; these resources are the types of wide, high grade, the stock of large, strong features, both at home and abroad to adapt to the needs of tourists of different levels, and original, diversity, mystery of that great potential for development.

6. The cooperation platform will be a series of Heidelberg and Tianjin of, on the one hand the equipments and the design, operation concept into campus, and through a series of related training and education services for students in high to participate in practical activities as soon as possible to understand and adapt to future practical work skills; on the other hand, open up a new window, so that excellent University Business card printing and membership card making talent to be able to understand in Heidelberg, in order to attract more talents franchise business card printing and membership card making business and improve the competitiveness of enterprises.

7. The pocket money in the child's hand is more and more, formerly the parents give the children's pocket money, request them the savings get up until the children have already need and know how to spend just use; The society in nowadays is a merchandise society, many parents give kid the purpose of the pocket money let them master and as early as possible adapt a society.

8. Developed a simple CNC turret punch press, high-power upgrade the general CNC feed products, the vast number of small and medium-sized enterprises to adapt to the requirements of product processing, has greatly improved production efficiency by users.

9. People in/from Guangzhou always find it difficult to adapt themselves to the northern climate, especially in winter.


10. In order to adapt the signal to that range, there is an analog gain stage prior to digitizing.

11. This counsel derives from the idea of requisite variety and from my interpretation that it takes complex thinking and perception to register and adapt in a complex world.

12. In order to adapt to market developments, the company at the continuous development of PVC fabric produced at the same time it also brings in Hypalon material production process.

13. A method to calculated steel weight quickly is presented, and it's also adapt to other metal material.


14. Therefore, we should adapt to the situation, drawing lessons from the successful experience of the abroad and according to the situation of our country, exert own compara tive advantage, and develop the Chinese multinational company quickly.

15. Fifth, dry the fruitage to gain the cast powder that sparse earth activates Y2SiO5. the invention has many advantages, for example, high luminous inteneity, controllable powder granula and smooth-faced granulas, so it adapt to different dishware, especially, emanation in field and projectional T Invention name

16. Bryophyte can adapt to various environments, distribute in many extreme surroundings, and has rebuilding ability to environments.

17. The influence of process and performance of precoated sand used in laser rapid molding on laser sintering molding process, moulding precision and casting quality was discussed, and a kind of precoated sand sintering material which adapt to using laser rapid molding method to manufacture casting moulding directly is gained.

18. Suzhou has been passed more than half a year, but still not completely adapt to the weather here, some acclimatized, severa cold, cough nearly a month, then the body does not feel like the past. before the cold season, will have to the thick closes on the body, it seems like the exercise should.


19. More andmore people, especially the moral educational workers, areconcerned about the new problem —— how to adapt moraleducation to the new situation.

20. The establishment and socialist market economy adapt the administration system, the realization governmental function transformation continues to deep the reform an important aspect of our country.

adapt 词典解释

1. adapt在线翻译

1. 适应
If you adapt to a new situation or adapt yourself to it, you change your ideas or behaviour in order to deal with it successfully.

e.g. The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change...
e.g. They have had to adapt themselves to a war economy.

2. 使适合,使适应(新用途或新情况)
If you adapt something, you change it to make it suitable for a new purpose or situation.

e.g. Shelves were built to adapt the library for use as an office.

3. 改编;改写
If you adapt a book or play, you change it so that it can be made into a film or a television programme.

e.g. The scriptwriter helped him to adapt his novel for the screen...
e.g. The film has been adapted from a play of the same title.

4. see also: adapted

adapt 单语例句


1. Bosideng's story highlights the expansion of private companies in China, a trend that is forcing global investment banks to adapt their business models.

2. adapt的解释

2. " Species can adapt but the conditions need to change sufficiently slowly, " said Foden.

3. They get destroyed because they can't adapt to what's happening in China.

4. The UN believes that regions with sophisticated environmental management capacity can better adapt themselves to climate change.

5. The Party must adapt itself to the march of events and changing circumstances, improving its system and style of leadership and raising its governing capacity.

6. Often they change and adapt to become part of a new heritage - but they are certainly not forgotten.

7. " The system must be improved to adapt to the new conditions, " Yi said.

8. What customers actually do is input the information and location of their firms, and then choose from finished advertising templates to adapt the company logo and commercial text.

9. The closely held draft document foresees a flexible agreement that would allow the two governments to adapt and shift responsibilities as conditions change.


10. Chinese policymakers have to face this reality and upgrade legislation timely, apart from setting restrictions and taking other necessary measures to adapt to the changing times.

adapt 英英释义



1. adapt在线翻译

1. adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions

e.g. We must adjust to the bad economic situation

Synonym: adjust conform

2. make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose

e.g. Adapt our native cuisine to the available food resources of the new country

Synonym: accommodate

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1220608.html
