

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆



过去分词:learnt; learned

过去式:learnt; learned

learn 基本解释得知;学习,学会;习得;记住;学习;认识到;获知;
learn 相关例句


1. He has learned that dishonesty does not pay.

2. We learnt the news this morning.

3. I learned from his letter that he was in Spain.


1. He learns very quickly.

2. Why don't you learn from my mistakes?

learn 网络解释

1. 学会:50、只有努力学习(study),刻苦练习(practice),才会学到、学会(learn)知识,不要把希望寄托在偶然学会(pick up)的雕虫小技上!51、到店铺(shop)、商店(store)或超市、商场(supermarket)购物(go shopping/do some shopping)是许多白领女性打发周末大重要途径.

2. 请教:对于某些特定NPC,还会出现特别的指令菜单:如交易(trade),提款(withdraw),请教(learn)等等. 对于特定物品,如书,还会有研读(study)的指令出现. 说(say)只有在一个房间内的玩家可以看到. 私聊(tell)只有你和对方能够看到.

learn 双语例句


1. If you wish to get knowledge, youmust learn English.

2. Learning Chinese online with us ensures that you can arrange your Chinese lessons to fit your schedule and best of all, you can learn Chinese wherever is most comfortable and convenient for you!

3. And I have no idea why do I learn Wushu just for interest.

4. More and more foreigners come to learn the mysterious Wushu.

5. However, I should spend some time to learn wushu, because wushu is one of the traditional Chinese national events.


6. Annie: It seems we should also learn some wushu. Jeff, I remember that you have learned wushu before.

7. Wang Ping: They come not only to learn Wushu, but also to learn table tennis, track and field, swimming, gymnastics and so on.

8. But the tendency that at present economics also puts in a move in chess or a movement in wushu to learn formalism, caused the criticism of a few economist.

9. From now on, I will learn to strike a balance10 between work and life.

10. I will endeavour to return them to learn


11. Are you looking for an opportunity to learn valuable customer service and technical skills?

12. Second, she was bound up and one foot was hung up in the air, only had one foot standing to support her body, third, the master gave her a very tight ball tie to make her learn the extreme taste of Chinese rope bondage, last, she was tortured by traditional Chinese Tiger`s Bench.

13. Will the evildoers never learn- those who devour my people as men eat bread and who do not call on God?

14. Therefore, parents should be modest and open-minded to keep up with modern timesand to learn how to educate an outstanding child.

15. We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn.


16. I want to learn the language of my partner in the future, manderin or cantonese, so i can talk with her family.

17. Only learn to obey command can you command others.


18. What can Springfield learn from the 15-year experience of WPLP, its successes and failures, and how can this knowledge be transferred?


19. I should learn to give up sth for getting sth.

20. Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai branch campus environment, teaching and living facilities in the domestic first-class are called for students to learn in this life and provided good conditions.

learn 单语例句


1. In order to carry on their business, they started to learn English from scratch.

2. But Yang says he might postpone his graduation to learn more about business management.

3. He suggested that other companies can learn experiences from the champions on how to improve their competitiveness by combining social value into their business operations.

4. Newton tells China Business Weekly that she brought her wines to China to learn about local people and the local market.

5. learn

5. He read a lot of books to learn how to look after it and later spent most of his pocket money on buying more beetles.

6. He was surprised to learn half the villagers were making paper by hand and that half also share his surname.

7. learn的解释

7. Food and health authorities need to recognize the severity of the problem and learn this lesson by heart.

8. Experts researching on how gender affects learning have found that boys and girls are different by nature and they learn in different ways.

9. Boys need male teachers to learn how to act as responsible, intelligent adults when they grow up.

10. Students are required to learn some of his essays by rote, sometimes including punctuations.

learn 英英释义



1. learn的近义词

1. gain knowledge or skills

e.g. She learned dancing from her sister
I learned Sanskrit
Children acquire language at an amazing rate

Synonym: larn acquire

2. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally

e.g. I learned that she has two grown-up children
I see that you have been promoted

Synonym: hear get word get wind pick up find out get a line discover see

3. be a student of a certain subject

e.g. She is reading for the bar exam

Synonym: study read take

4. commit to memory
learn by heart

e.g. Have you memorized your lines for the play yet?

Synonym: memorize memorise con

5. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

5. impart skills or knowledge to

e.g. I taught them French
He instructed me in building a boat

Synonym: teach instruct

6. learn的解释

6. find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort

e.g. I want to see whether she speaks French
See whether it works
find out if he speaks Russian
Check whether the train leaves on time

Synonym: determine check find out see ascertain watch

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1222506.html
