

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
acumen 基本解释

名词敏锐; 聪明; <植>渐尖头; <动>短刺

acumen 网络解释


1. 敏锐:380视觉敏锐(Acumen) 提高目标的Stamina再生速度、并施加紫外线夜视和侦测隐形 Kun. Div. 75罗塞奈夫诅咒(Bane of Nife) 毒系持续伤害攻击法术 Kun. Con. 425风驰电掣(Celerity) 提高目标的攻击频率 Kun. Alt.

2. 敏锐,聪明:acupuncture 针灸 | acumen 敏锐,聪明 | vivid 生动的,鲜艳的

3. 敏锐的,聪明的:acute 尖的,敏锐的 | acumen 敏锐的,聪明的 | act = to do,to drive 行动,做

acumen 双语例句

1. Good business acumen can develop business concepts and strategies.

2. But if you have good business acumen, you can consider selling your ice cream stock to them, which they can resell to their current customer base.

3. Last but not least, audit work requires me to do different cases regarding different industries, and my internship experience developed my business acumen that can help me quickly get to know the business I deal with and have a much deeper understanding of it.


4. Enough vitamin C can make brain function agile, acumen, can raise intelligence quotient.

5. What I'm testing with this question is your business acumen.

6. He is a man of considerable business acumen.

7. It is not right to treat you, and you are acumen, don't take your heart with him.

8. You can't take away their acumen, and they will continue to use it for their own purposes.

9. But for much of the medical diagnoses, you have to rely on your clinical acumen.

10. There is a trend for business students to make use of business acumen for advocating environmental protection.


11. You will get a comprehensive business and language education, and develop your interpersonal skills and international business acumen.

12. Acumen reinvests its profits in other companies, thus stretching the initial donations further.

13. The dignity of the nasi is not emphasized, because acumen and scholarship prevailed in the schoolhouse, and there was no desire to let old precedences (see'Eduyot) come to the fore again.

14. I have a pre-existing personal and/or business relationship with the corporation, or one or more of its directors, officers or controlling persons, consisting of personal or business contacts of a nature and duration which enables me to be aware of the character, business acumen and general business and financial circumstances of the person with whom such relationship exists.


15. The country`s early start in mobile television owes as much to its sprawling suburbs as to its broadcasting acumen.

16. Male inflorescence axis straight or nearly so; leaf blade base sagittate or hastate to cordate (sometimes subtruncate or rounded and then inflorescence often ± erect), apex without distinct acumen.

17. This is summit summit hour of Lidongsheng, but also be the visit district with this look acumen, extremely strong direction-sense person, before be about to fall flashy.

18. More compact than a HUMMER H3 - 81 inches (2, 057 mm) wide, with a 103-inch wheelbase (2, 616-mm)- the HX concept is an open-air, two-door off-road vehicle that packs the off-road acumen for which HUMMER has become legendary, along with an easily convertible body that acclimates to varied trail conditions, cargo needs or passenger whims.
更紧凑比悍马H3 - 81英寸(2057毫米)宽的103英寸的轴距(2616毫米)-的HX概念,是一个露天,双门越野车的包的越野触觉为此悍马已经成为传奇,一个很容易兑换机构,沿着这条线索,以不同的条件,货物或乘客的需要随心所欲acclimates。

19. My business acumen has made me very successful.

20. My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects.

acumen 词典解释

1. 敏锐;聪明
Acumen is the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions.

e.g. His sharp business acumen meant he quickly rose to the top.

acumen 单语例句

1. His business acumen and capacity to learn didn't let him down.

2. acumen是什么意思

2. Many political specialists say the decision by the OAU leadership demonstrates keen political acumen and represents a peak in the organization's strategic and tactical wisdom.

3. acumen

3. Its home ownership program consists of building up a prospective home buyer's credit rating and financial acumen over six to 18 months.

4. Condoleezza Rice the same steely determination and political acumen with unflinching support for their bosses as well as an academic background.

5. Keep your home office well informed about your work, progress and new cultural business acumen learned while in China.

6. acumen的解释

6. They interviewed them and had them fill out questionnaires that measured their psychosocial maturity and basic intellectual acumen.

7. Tata's business acumen was again questioned when he announced plans five years ago to build the world's cheapest car.

8. As university students, they should have the acumen to discern right from wrong and good from bad.


9. Investors point out that film makers lack acumen to deliver high quality work.

10. And he not only has the experience, but also the political acumen to succeed in his endeavor.

acumen 英英释义


1. shrewdness shown by keen insight

Synonym: insightfulness

2. a tapering point

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1222738.html
