

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆









gun 基本解释

名词枪; 发令枪声; 受雇杀人的枪手; 喷射器

及物动词射击(某人); 给…加大油门; 打猎


gun 相关词组


1. jump the gun : 起步过早, 偷跑;

gun 相关例句


1. I saw them gun down innocent women and children.


1. Soldiers carry guns.

2. He taught Mary how to shoot a gun.

gun 网络解释


1. (荒野枪神):<<荒野枪神>>(GUN)硬盘版<<荒野枪神>>(GUN)硬盘版 相关下载说明免责声明:<<荒野枪神>>(GUN)硬盘版 下载地址来自网络,仅供网友交流,请在下载后的24小时内删除.

2. 炮:机器人坦克车(VEHICLE)、炮(GUN)以及雷达(RADAR)都可以单独旋转,也就是说,在任何时刻,机器人坦克车、炮以及雷达都可以转向不同的方向. 缺省情况下,这些方向是一致的,都指向坦克车活动的方向.

gun 双语例句

1. I ask Congress to fund research into smart gun technology, to save these children's lives.

2. What is even worse is that some people defy the law of the country and spoliate the resources of others. Imagine if one day someone hold a gun with it pointing to your head, asking for your food, then what will you think?

3. He said he got out of his car with his gun.

4. And when he came out, l saw that he had a gun.


5. Methods Nine male Huanan dogs were wounded by super high velocity aluminium bullet shot from an explosive gun with the energy of 15360, 12643 and 8144 J respectively, the degree of injury of local tissues and the pathological changes of main organs were observed.
采用雄性华南犬9只,通过某型爆炸枪分别以15 360、12 643和8 144 J能量的超高速破片致伤动物,观察动物局部伤情特点和全身主要脏器改变。

6. Methods Nine Hunan male dogs were wounded by super high velocity aluminium bullet shot by the explosive gun with energies of 15360J, 12643J and 8144J respectively while other three dogs were wounded by steel ball with energy of 843J, then the injured degree of local tissues and the pathological changes of main organs were observed.
方法采用雄性华南犬12只,通过某型爆炸枪分别以15 360J、12 643J和8 144J能量的超高速弹丸致伤动物,并用常规武器以843J能量的钢珠作致伤对照,观察动物局部伤情特点和全身主要脏器改变。

7. Possession of extraordinary power, feng xian word, the five original nine-gun (that is now north-west of Inner Mongolia Baotou City) people.

8. The structure of circular spring buffer with throttling bar is available. It is an effective method for reducing recoil resistance of heavy machine gun.

9. He came in with a gun in his hand.


10. Because these tanks did not have armaments or engines, it was intended that they be given the simplest gadgets for installation of a DP light machine-gun and by 23-24 June placed on the terrain as immobile firing points to cover dead space, defiles, ravines, and so on.


11. Artillery target-search and gun-pointing adjustment radar is a very important branch in modern radar technology.


12. In this paper, the missdistance measurement equation of small caliber shipborne gun virtue fire to air is established, and the statistic character of the missdistance is analyzed.

13. Perhaps if we all rush him at once he'll drop his gun.

14. He refused to yield up his gun.


15. The player in fighting is OK still capture gun comes to hard the NPC of conquer surrenders.

16. In Connorsville, Wisconsin, it is illegal for a man to shoot off a gun when his female partner is having an orgasm.

17. The machine gun was next changed to a water-cooled wz.30 of the same caliber, in a new universal ball mounting with a telescopic sight.


18. I was a child, and one day, for some reason or other, I found myself together with my father, who was holding a gun in his hand, behind a bush, watching a bird that had perched on a branch not very far away.

19. In order to explore variable law of EM gun movement parameters, the motion process of plasma armature was analyzed in theory, and the mathematic model between armature speed and current was established.

20. The development and application of refractories used in iron runner, gun mud and hard extruding repairing material is introduced.

gun 词典解释

1. gun的翻译

1. 枪;炮
A gun is a weapon from which bullets or other things are fired.

e.g. He produced a gun and he came into the house...
e.g. The inner-city has guns and crime and drugs and deprivation.


2. 发令枪
A gun or a starting gun is an object like a gun that is used to make a noise to signal the start of a race.

e.g. The starting gun blasted and they were off.

3. 把…发动起来;给…加大油门;使加速
To gun an engine or a vehicle means to make it start or go faster by pressing on the accelerator pedal.

e.g. He gunned his engine and drove off.

4. see also: airgun;machine-gun;shotgun;sub-machine gun

5. 全力以赴;鼓足干劲
If you come out with guns blazing or with all guns blazing, you put all your effort and energy into trying to achieve something.

e.g. The company came out with guns blazing.

6. 抢先行动;过早地行动
If you jump the gun, you do something before everyone else or before the proper or right time.

e.g. It wasn't due to be released until September 10, but some booksellers have jumped the gun and decided to sell it early.

7. 坚持自己的立场;固执己见;一意孤行
If you stick to your guns, you continue to have your own opinion about something even though other people are trying to tell you that you are wrong.

e.g. He should have stuck to his guns and refused to meet her.

相关词组:gun down gun for

gun 单语例句

1. The 1968 Gun Control Act prohibits anyone found by a court to be " a mental defective " from possessing a gun.

2. The duo's career was derailed when Butler was jailed for three years in 2002 on gun charges.

3. Li asked Su to cut off one of his fingers to prove he was sincere about buying a gun.

4. gun的反义词

4. But their failure to cook up a better story is not because they didn't try, but because they are by nature clumsy hiding the smoking gun.

5. The decision was hailed as a victory by gun enthusiasts, sports shooters and supporters of Switzerland's citizen soldier tradition.

6. At least one man pulled out a gun and two people - including an elderly woman bystander - suffered gunshot wounds.

7. He said the presentation was likely to relate further examples of concealment rather than actionable intelligence that would constitute a smoking gun.

8. gun在线翻译

8. The prefecture said in a statement that the shots were small caliber, which would be the equivalent of a BB gun.

9. The First Presbyterian Church said anyone handing in a gun would get $ 50 which it suggested could be spent on candy or flowers.

10. State media said Yang's capsule was supplied with a gun, a knife and tent in case he landed in the wrong place.

gun 英英释义


1. the discharge of a firearm as signal or as a salute in military ceremonies

e.g. two runners started before the gun
a twenty gun salute

2. a pedal that controls the throttle valve

e.g. he stepped on the gas

Synonym: accelerator accelerator pedal gas pedal gas throttle

3. gun是什么意思

3. large but transportable armament

Synonym: artillery heavy weapon ordnance

4. a hand-operated pump that resembles a revolver
forces grease into parts of a machine

Synonym: grease-gun

5. gun的翻译

5. a weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel)


6. a professional killer who uses a gun

Synonym: gunman gunslinger hired gun gun for hire triggerman hit man hitman torpedo shooter

7. a person who shoots a gun (as regards their ability)

Synonym: gunman


1. shoot with a gun

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1225100.html
