

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
exiguous 基本解释


exiguous 网络解释

1. 稀少的, 细小的, 些须的:exigent 紧急的:需要立即行动或补救的 | exiguous 稀少的, 细小的, 些须的 | plier 钳子(如老虎钳,手钳,扁嘴钳等),镊子

2. 稀少的:exiguity 些须 | exiguous 稀少的 | exile 放逐

3. 太少的,不足的:contiguous 比邻的 | exiguous 太少的,不足的 | amity 亲善

4. 些须的:exiguityminificationminutenesstittletoothful 微小 | exiguous 些须的 | exiguousinfrequent 稀少的

exiguous 双语例句

1. 300 pieces of idioplasm resources of the Tibetan edible cultivation spring naked barley is identified for characteristic of shape, agronomic characters, rust-resisting property and grain thick protein, β-grape polymerization sugar and Vitamin E and so on from the Tibetan different region, which are analysed result in, for one thing, multiplicity of Tibetan spring naked barley is quite rich for the variation of the awn, leaves and the grain color, and multiple property are highest; Secondly, it has some fine hereditary characters of early maturation, big spike, many grains, many arrises and the strong anti-rust quality; Thirdly, genetic potential which is used possibly is enormous for characteristic of dense spike, exiguous spike, naked grain, the hook awn, short stem, the anti-rust and so on; Fourthly, thick protein, β-grape polymerization sugar and Vitamin E of grains are rather difference to environmental condition of the various areas.


2. But resource is always exiguous, we have to face choicehow to distribute it.

3. Today, the resources of frequency bandwidth become more and more exiguous because of the high-speed development.

4. The concept of will exiguous sex introduces labor theory of value to be necessary already, possible also.

5. The nonlinear dynamic stability of transmission tower is a hot topic in theoretic research, but it is exiguous in china.


6. Exiguous sex belongings and exclusiveness property are held, and also be consistent on value.

7. The value regulation that market economy needs is the value theory that can mirror exiguous sex.

8. Cheng Kaixun says, the whole nation has 1000 railway stations about, and effective station has 500 only, other station fares are exiguous, without commercial value.

9. Besides, they will display eight far-between gems, such as: diameter of Arka red coral bead is 40mm, value 20.000.000RMB jade necklace, 91carats Columbia emerald and 70carats exiguous red chalcedony cat`s eye, and so on.

10. It mainly used for porcelain mould, industrial arts, room-out rilievo, decorations, room-out internal clapboard, plaque, wire etc. It suits for porcelain mould& technology required good fluid, high intensity, high absorbing waer ratio, low expanding technology index, high mold intensity, good endure grind, increase frequent time, cost down the mould ensure quality production of our company is able to produce kinds of technology index gypsum powder according to clients requirement, exiguous and coagulation time may adjust according to clients requirement.

11. He structure of every layer is very exiguous column crystals, and the thickness of every layer is different along with the difference of the plating technological parameters.


12. Grew on the normal temperature, it was shown that the deposits of calcium antimonate being the indicator for Ca(superscript 2+) localization mainly concentrated within the vacuoles and intercellular spaces and there was also some Ca(superscript 2+) deposits in cell walls. But when Garyota urens L. was treated by the temperature of 2℃ for 48 h, the level of Ca(superscript 2+) increased in cytoplasm and plasma membrane, but decreased in vacuoles and intercellular spaces considerably. At the same time, the ultrastructure of chloroplasts suffered from chilling: the membrane of chloroplasts had been damaged, the layer of thylakoids was exiguous and unclear, the photosynthetic rate decreased evidently. And when Garyota urens L. was treated by the temperature of 2℃ for 120 h, the deposits of Ca(superscript 2+) mainly concentrated within the cytoplasm, nucleus and plasma membrane and there was also some Ca(superscript 2+) deposits in vacuoles, and the ultrastructure of some cells was simultaneously damaged severely: Chloroplasts structure, vacuole membrane and nuclear membrane had been damaged fully, the structure within the cell had become unclear, and the cell only have respiration.
研究结果表明,未经低温处理的董棕幼苗叶肉细胞,焦锑酸钙沉淀颗粒大量出现在液泡和细胞间隙中,细胞壁中也可见少量沉淀,而细胞基质中则看不到焦锑酸钙沉淀;经2℃ 48 h低温处理后,细胞基质和细胞膜上焦锑酸钙沉淀增加,而液泡和细胞间隙中的焦锑酸钙沉淀则显著减少,并且超微结构已初步显示出寒害的特徵,叶绿体外膜部分破损,类囊体片层稀疏且排列不规则,光合速率明显下降等;经2℃ 120 h低温处理后,细胞间隙内的焦锑酸钙沉淀极少,有的也紧贴在细胞外壁上,而细胞基质和细胞膜上则分布有非常多的焦锑酸钙沉淀,在核基质和液泡中也可见到少量的焦锑酸钙沉淀,并且超微结构遭到了显著破坏,叶绿体结构完全被破坏,核膜与液泡膜严重破损,内部结构模糊,细胞只表现为呼吸作用,不进行光合作用。


13. Effectiveness axiology can show the one side of exiguous sex, labor theory of value can show the one side of opulent sex.


14. IT者网站提供英文翻译, 未经授权请勿转载】 Through seeking advice from the communication of the user with operation of a few websites, discovery among them not little person more or less make mistake of a few simple, below list simply a few common primary errors, I wish can be inspired somewhat to you Primary mistake one: Put in the column of content sky or page Some websites because in advance already structural frame became good the whole column of the website, when still doing not have the content that finish to add with the page in some columns so, roll out hurriedly, not little column and page content are exiguous as a result, or some does not have content at all.

15. To the end of the month, mainstream of suitable anhydride of Hua Dong area clinchs a deal be in 11200 yuan/or so tons, search downstream dish less, trafficker and shipment of suitable anhydride manufacturer are relatively small fan, exchange views exiguous; Hua Na market clinchs a deal to be in more 11100-11200 yuan/ton send downstream client, downstream not saturated colophony is received dish likewise insipid; Market of China north region clinchs a deal the mainstream is in 11200 yuan/ton send, clinch a deal insipid.

16. The attention and research about red panda is just fewer to giant panda in the last two century, for its beautiful fur, exiguous and cabined distribution, particular behavior, undetermined taxonomic position, and so on.

17. Compact advocate if say edition is fast, mix edition is fast, the blank between character and character does not want remnant too much, because such meetings give a person a kind of inattentive sense, the likelihood causes information content exiguous becoming aware; stresses a focal point by accident is to point to, the content of key column should give out in significant position content, perhaps give a key to tag.

18. Living in the wonderfulspace of your own, appreciate the delicate and artistic furnitureand taste the exiguous movement of life slowly!

19. The research, has improved grinding technology of high-carbon alloy steel slender axis, and the phenomena of exiguous flaws were overcomed.


20. Experimental Study on Immunity Function of Carapax Trionycis in Ultra-exiguous Powder Form

exiguous 英英释义



1. extremely scanty

e.g. an exiguous budget

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1228061.html
