

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

3. That is why our group elected to ride the cable car on its way closer to heaven.

4. The cassette tape makes repeated promises of heaven for those who carried out suicide attacks.

5. With the help of celestial cattle, the Cowhand flew to heaven with his son and daughter.

6. The central gates of both towers opened only twice a year for the emperor's ceremonial trips to the Temple of Heaven.

7. His church is an offshoot of mainstream Mormonism that believes polygamy brings exaltation in Heaven, and followers see Jeffs as God's earthly spokesman.

8. Viewing these fleecy cloud billows from above reminded us of archetypical depictions of heaven, and we half expected to see winged harpists flittering from puff to puff.

9. heaven

9. The colossal Longji Rice Terraces create a stairway to heaven in rural Guilin.

10. heaven

10. He feared that the heaven and earth may come together again, so he held the heaven with his hands and trod his legs on the land.

heaven 英英释义


1. heaven的近义词

1. any place of complete bliss and delight and peace

Synonym: Eden paradise nirvana promised land Shangri-la

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1228088.html
