

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


delicacy 基本解释

名词美味佳肴; 精美; 敏锐,敏感; 世故,圆滑

delicacy 同义词


名词diplomacy daintiness fragility treat finesse goody dainty fineness slightness

delicacy 反义词



delicacy 相关例句


1. The delicacy of his health alarmed us all.

delicacy 网络解释

1. 微妙:列文涅在意的灵敏的良好的触键根基在于上臂要感受到极端的轻,就如漂浮在空气中一般,以及没有丝毫的紧张或僵硬. 对他来说,没有音质(tone)的深度,微妙(delicacy)就毫无意义,每一个键都要触到底,手指一定要离键表面非常近.

2. 精致:在激烈的市场竞争中,精致(Delicacy)机柜依靠高品质的产品及贴心的服务与信誉赢得广大客户的肯定与支持. 公司不断引进国内外先进的生产设备及技术,并严格按照国际标准进行生产、管理,从原料到成品的每一个环节都经过严格的质检和测试,

3. 美味佳肴:美味佳肴(delicacy)一词通常是指那些使人愉悦的食物,不过,究竟怎 样的食物才算得上是美味佳肴,这似乎更多的取决于每个人的口味与感觉. 有 时,这个人喜欢的食物在另一个人眼里显得恶心甚至会触犯禁忌.

4. 精密度:这样元功能在语言系统中可以梳理为下图所示的情况:图2表示,语言系统可以分为六个轴,在级阶(rank)轴上有小句与词等单位,在精密度(delicacy)轴上有语法和词汇等单位,在系统轴上有系统和结构等单位,而在元功能轴上则有人际功能、语篇功能、经验功能和逻辑功能.

delicacy 双语例句

1. Due to the complexity and delicacy of social security, the activities ensuring social security is sure to encounter many problems.

2. Sea urchin roes are popular delicacy to human.

3. This Bun became a very popular delicacy in Georgian England as its special taste and lightness allowed it to be enjoyed with either sweet or savoury accompaniments.

4. Before we get too sentimental though, other dogs in China have a far more grisly fate, many still destined for the dinner table, dog meat, a popular delicacy.

5. In south China, the favorite and most typical dishes were nian gao, sweet steamed glutinous rice pudding and zong zi (glutinous rice wrapped up in reed leaves), another popular delicacy.

6. Believed to be effective aphrodisiacs and good-luck charms, reptiles, amphibians and other exotic animals have become a popular delicacy and ornament in many parts of Asia.

7. Mrs Saddletree was a woman of kindness, nay, of feeling, but not of delicacy.

8. He notes that the French delicacy pate de fois gras — the fatty liver of a duck or goose — is produced by over-feeding the animals with high-glycemic index grains.
他指出,法国的美食八德德航空营运督察gras -脂肪肝的鸭或鹅-所产生的过度喂养动物与高血糖指数的谷物。

9. Target mature 2D display technology was successfully constructed a unique style of exquisite delicacy of the King of the four domains.

10. Between cutting-edge experimentation and hand made delicacy, ability and art linked together: cross point, checks, flowers, ikat…it`s like working unique items and fitting them in to the individual.

11. A traditional garment and a pair of embroidered shoes, the water and ink are traditional, but the aura is contemporary and transpires feminine delicacy, which combines the old and the new.

12. The merit is the yummy treats is quick, the produce by rubbing material does not give off heat, the color fresh not to destroy the textile fiber, the feeling in the mouth slides thin, widely applies in foods and so on production meatball, gefilte fish, canned food, each kind of sausage, ham intestines, steamed stuffed bun, stuffed dumpling, grinds to the muddy flesh the poultry bone add-on to enter the product which in food makes, the feeling in the mouth tastily, unique, the color is fresh and tender, the meat fragrant rich and absorbs the calcium element in delicacy delicious food, with ease makes up the calcium, and can reduce the cost to enhance the product rate, to increase the elasticity, including the high quality protein, the organization is richly exquisite, may substitute the partial lean meat and the Kara rubber, the packing meat product.


13. The flowerer of yellow mountain is very abundant, among them many is an all rare delicacy, such as beauty flower, yellow mountain azalea, camellia, plum tree flower, liliaceous, crape myrtle(also call red on the 100th), arethusa and winter jasmine etc..

14. She has the required vulnerability, coyness and delicacy that befit her character Lucky.

15. Hotel Special Guangdong Modern Cantonese chefs and a variety of delicacy Yan Shark Participation to the reception dinner, 0:00, meetings, wedding, birthday, team, etc. main functions.


16. It manages to reproduce the warm and intimate feeling of a good jazz club: the timbre is pleasant, pasty and warm, but at the same time it is very neat and clear: the high section stands out for its excellent extension, its wideness and its extreme delicacy which is used in the reproduction of the drums, the background noise of the customers, a mix of laughs, voices and tingling glasses.
音色悦人、温暖、具形体感,但又同时呈现出清晰乾净的空气感。从宽阔且细致感鼓声以及背景中清晰可辨的顾客嘈杂声、酒杯清亮的撞击声可以感觉出Audia Flight One的高频段延伸地极为出色。


17. But consciousness of law of a few illegal pedlar is thin, use wrong step to add low sulphurous acid to the middle of bean sprouts dish sodium, its purpose is to make dish delicacy of qualitative colour and lustre, tender white, change without brown, the expiration period is long.

18. You can hardly doubt the purport of my discourse, however your natural delicacy may lead you to dissemble; my attentions have been too marked to be mistaken.

19. Being proud of our original design and fine craftwork, we commit ourselves unwaveringli to add more delicacy to your stylish life forever.

20. He had run down the gallery steps, feeling suddenly unworthy of such solicitousness and delicacy-he was too clumsy, too foolish.

delicacy 词典解释

1. 娇美;精美;雅致;纤细
Delicacy is the quality of being easy to break or harm, and refers especially to people or things that are attractive or graceful.

e.g. ...the delicacy of a rose.
e.g. ...a country where the feminine ideal is delicacy, slimness and grace.

2. 微妙;棘手;难处理
If you say that a situation or problem is of some delicacy, you mean that it is difficult to handle and needs careful and sensitive treatment.

e.g. There is a matter of some delicacy which I would like to discuss...
e.g. He sensed the delicacy of the situation.

3. 审慎;体贴;周到
If someone handles a difficult situation with delicacy, they handle it very carefully, making sure that nobody is offended.

e.g. Both countries are behaving with rare delicacy...
e.g. He's shown considerable delicacy and tact in feeling the public mood.


4. 珍馐;佳肴
A delicacy is a rare or expensive food that is considered especially nice to eat.

e.g. Smoked salmon was considered an expensive delicacy...
e.g. We were served course after course of mouthwatering local delicacies.

delicacy 单语例句

1. The Japanese were mesmerized by the magnificent view of the Chinese royal palace, and the delicacy of the court life.

2. If you go to Jiangsu province in springtime, cattail is a delicacy that you should not miss.

3. delicacy的解释

3. People who have had the chance to taste the delicacy invariably speak highly of it.

4. delicacy

4. The delicacy truly baked itself into the national conscience in the working class communities of the north of England.

5. The a la carte at Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao is offering the seasonal delicacy for lunch and dinner until the end of June.

6. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

6. The fried curried crabs which I mentioned above were a visually attractive delicacy and also the signature dish of the restaurant.

7. delicacy的反义词

7. It's the season of hairy crab, a delectable delicacy and a great joy for the city's connoisseurs.

8. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

8. Long considered a delicacy, hairy crabs are at their best in autumn.

9. While the white meat from the legs and claws was fragrant and tasty, the real delicacy came in one golden mouthful of roe.

10. delicacy

10. The festival is for lunar worship and moon watching and moon cakes are regarded as an indispensable delicacy on this occasion.

delicacy 英英释义



1. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

1. lightness in movement or manner

Synonym: airiness


2. the quality of being beautiful and delicate in appearance

e.g. the daintiness of her touch
the fineness of her features

Synonym: daintiness fineness

3. subtly skillful handling of a situation

Synonym: diplomacy discreetness finesse

4. lack of physical strength

Synonym: fragility

5. smallness of stature

Synonym: slightness


6. refined taste

Synonym: discretion

7. delicacy

7. something considered choice to eat

Synonym: dainty goody kickshaw treat

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1228212.html
