
be absent from是什么意思_be absent from在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
be absent from  
be absent from 基本解释


be absent from 网络解释

1. 缺勤,缺课:write off报废,勾销,注销 | be absent from缺勤,缺课 | be abundant in富于,富有

2. 缺席:aerial root 气生根 | be absent from 缺席 | catipu [印尼]木槿树韧皮纤维(制绳用)

3. 制度,不在,没到场,没参加:base on以...为依据,以...为出发点 | be absent from制度,不在,没到场,没参加 | be absorbed in专心于

4. 不在;缺席:be about to 正要,即将(做) | be absent from 不在;缺席 | be absorbed in 专心致力于...

be absent from 双语例句

1. For, throughout the Middle Ages a friar belonged to the convent in which he had taken the habit, although through force of circumstances he might be absent from it for the greater part of his life.

2. Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties as each House may provide.

be absent from的反义词

3. My father was almost entirely absent from my childhood, having been divorced from my mother when I was two years old; in any event, although my father had been raised a Muslim, by the time he met my mother he was a confirmed atheist, thinking religion to be so much superstition, like the mumbo-jumbo of witch doctors that he had witnessed in the Kenyan villages of his youth.
我父亲在我童年时期几乎没有现身;不管怎么样,尽管我父亲曾经被作为穆斯林抚养,但当他与我母亲邂逅时,他已经是个坚定的无神论者了,他认为宗教是迷信的,就像他在年青时代在肯尼亚乡村亲眼所见的芒博。琼博(mumbo jumbo,西非某些部落里的守护神,附身于带假面的巫医,能驱邪并能使妇女事事顺从)这种巫医一样。

4. Myself and Zizou now absent from the potential takers, it fell to five beave men to step up to the spot The final was going to be decided by a form of Russian roulette, It's never great for these huge games to be decided in this way, but you just have to accept it.

5. As a result, he will have to be absent from school for two or three months.

6. I will be absent from office tomorrow.

7. I will be absent from home in the afternoon.

8. I will be absent from work tomorrow.

9. The main fi ndings were i copper was strongly bound to organic layer and seemed to be the main pollutant in the ecosystem while zinc was the most mobile element and did not accumulate to any specifi c part of the ecosystem, ii the forest mosses and epiphytic lichens were the most sensitive plant species and the seedlings of the vascular plants that had survived near the smelter were absent, iii there was a highly resistant soil decomposer community near the smelter although the activity of the soil animals and microbiota was low and their community structure altered, iv many insect species also suffered from pollution although the adverse effects caused by forest pests increased with pollutant load, v the low survival rate and breeding success of hole-nesting passerines near the smelter was caused by habitat changes and the quality of food, vi the adverse effects seem to be to some extent reversible after decreased pollutant load or remediation actions.
主要fi ndings是i铜强烈一定到有机层数、并且似乎是主要污染物在生态系、当锌是最流动的元素,并且没有积累对生态系时的任何specifi c零件,ii森林青苔和附生植物地衣是含羞草种类,并且在精炼工附近生存了是缺席维管束植物的幼木,iii有一个高度抗性土壤decomposer社区在精炼工附近、虽然土壤动物和microbiota的活动是低的、并且他们的修改过的社区结构、iv许多昆虫种类也遭受污染、虽然森林造成的不利影响虫增加了与污染物装载、v孔嵌套雀形目鸟的低生存率和繁殖的成功在精炼工附近是由栖所变动造成的,并且食物的质量,vi不利影响似乎在某种程度上是双面布料在减少的污染物装载或治疗行动以后。

10. It also can enact the salary and welfare policy, and according to the options (such as year holiday, private affair leave, be late, absent from work and so on). Through the cost center it can auto combine with the salary and welfare with total account, then output the account warranty and report form and save the whole log information which could be inquired anytime.

11. Any of the Personnel who is absent from work for a period of not more than one month owing to illness or injury by work accident shall be entitled to full contract wages.

12. If you are absent from work due to illness, you may be able to claim sick pay.

13. I like for you to be still:it is as through you are absent And you hear me from far away and my voice does not touch you It seems as through yours eyes had flown awayAnd it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouthAs all things are filled with my soul Your emerge from the things, fill with my soulYou are like my soul, a butterfly of dreamsAnd you are like the word melancholyI like for you to be still, and you seem far awayIt sounds as though you are lamenting, a butterfiy cooing like a doveAnd you hear me from far away, and my voice does not reach you Let me come to be still in you silenceAnd let me talk to you with your silenceThat is bright like a lamp, simple as a ringYou are like the night, with its stillness and constellations You silence is that of a star, as remount and candid I like for you to be still:it is as though you are absent Distant and dull of sorrow, as though you had died One word then, one smile, is enoughAnd I'm happy, happy that's not true

be absent from什么意思

14. The 50 or so species naturalized in Singapore but absent from Hong Kong could be explained by chance or climatic factors other than temperature, such as Hong Kong`s more seasonal rainfall.
新加坡的归化植物约有 50 种,可能因为机缘,因本港较多的季节性降雨量等温度以外的气候因素,而不在香港出现。

15. Therefore, the benefits of the absent person who was declared dead should not be neglected. The presumption of death infers death but is different from nature death. In legal prospective, the death is a presumed death.

be absent from的反义词

16. Above suspicion go abroad abrupt change absence of information be absent from the meeting absolute trust absorb the knowledge an abstract concept an absurd request an abundant year abuse the privilege academic research art academy accelerate circulation American accent accept an invitation receive wide acceptance be easy of access accessory of a car traffic accident accidental phenomenon receive great acclaim accommodate up to two people provide accommodation Thunder accompanies lightning.
准备,将要无可质疑到国外去突然的变化缺乏信息缺席会议完全信任吸收知识抽象概念荒谬的要求丰年滥用特权学术研究艺术学院促进循环美国口音接受邀请得到广泛接受易于接近汽车附件交通事故偶然现象备受称赞最多容纳 2 个人提供住宿雷随闪电而来。

17. These cancer cells might histogenetically be related to the transitional or metaplastic epithelium of prostate according to morphological analysis, (2) Mucinous adenocarcinoma, Xanthomatous carcinoma, ductal carcinoma, medullary carcinoma, endometrioid carcinoma, papillary carcinoma and signet-ring cell carcinoma were positive for PSA and 35βH11, these carcinomas might histogenetically be related to prostatic secretory epithelium, (3) Prostatic carcinoid showed positive to PSA, 35βH11, NSE and CgA, corresponded with endocrine cell originator, (4) Small cell carcinoma were negative for PSA, 35βH11, NSE and CgA, whether or not it originates from endocrine cells, storage cells or basal cell of prostate had yet to be proved, (5) 34βE12 marking was negative in cancerous areas of 27 cases, and the basal cells were absent in PPTC.

be absent from的解释

18. I will be on a leave and thus have to be absent from the convention tomorrow.

19. Outside reasons: beshort of integrate policy system of supporting MSSEs; lack ofmedium-size and small banks that serving MSSEs technically; absent ofnecessary assure institutions; be devoid of support from state commercialbanks; limitations of market system.

20. Be absent from be accustomed to be applicable to be ashamed of be aware of be beneficial to be blind to be bound for/to be capable of be characteristic of be common to be compatible with be confident of be conscious of be consistent with be content with be contrary to be convenient to/for be crazy about/on be crazy for be critical of be dependent on/upon be distinct form be diverse from be doubtful about/of be due to be eager for/about/after be economical of be equivalent to be essential to/for be familiar to be familiar with be fit for/be fond of be foreign to be good at be generous with/in be grateful to sb.
for be guilty of be helpful to be identical to/with 经不起诱惑缺席,不在习惯于适应于,应用于对-----感到羞愧意识到,知道对----有利对-----视而不见准备到-----去的,一定有-----能力的,可----的特有的,表示----特性的共同的,共有的适合的,一致的确信,相信意识到与----一致,与----相符对----感到满意与----相反对-----方便对-----着迷,热衷于渴望对----表示谴责,对-----感到不满依赖,依靠与-----不同,有区别和----不一样怀疑由于,应归于,将做---渴求-----节俭,节约等于,相当于必不可少的,基本的为------所熟悉熟悉胜任----,适合-----喜欢陌生的,与------无关的擅长于慷慨,大方对-----表示感谢对------感到内疚,犯----的罪对----有帮助与-----相同知识改变命运,思路决定人生

be absent from 单语例句

1. But 48 percent did admit that they do plan to take short holidays, or occasionally be late for work and in some instances just absent themselves from work.

2. be absent from

2. Absent a breakthrough from the documents or a cooperating witness, prosecutors may be forced to try to identify the leaker through Novak or other reporters.

3. ROME - Italy's top court on Wednesday started discussing the legality of a law granting the prime minister the right to be absent from trials.

4. be absent from的近义词

4. The argument that technologies supported by US taxpayers should not be owned by Chinese companies has never been absent from the US public opinion sphere.

5. He also pledged China will not be absent from the international support for Europe to resolve the debt crisis.

6. It is already common for celebrity members to be absent from these political meetings.

7. They even mocked the fact the women's volleyball team decided to be absent from the ceremony due to physical reasons.

8. Houston Rockets star center Yao Ming will be absent from a Chinese squad which will compete at a tournament in Las Vegas next month.

9. But a bird's eye view from a skyscraper reveals the color green to be conspicuously absent from the city.

10. But she has been noticed to be absent more often from the theatre when the movies start rolling.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1230387.html
