

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆






precipitate 基本解释


及物动词下掷,由高处抛下; 使提前或突然发生; [气象] 使凝结而下降; [化]使沉淀

不及物动词[气象]凝结; [化]沉淀; 倒落,一头栽下

形容词仓促行进的,匆促的; 轻率的,冲动行事的水蒸气,降水; 突然发生的

名词[化]沉淀物; 结果,产物

precipitate 相关例句



1. The company was precipitated into ruin when the exchange rate dropped.

2. Her remark precipitated my decision.

precipitate 网络解释

1. 沉淀物:最後的数字只可是0或5.溶液浓度计算准确至四位小数.- 质化分析 (Qualitative analysis) 的实验不涉及任何数量化结果,那?便应详述实验中的可见观察结果 (visible observation),例如有否沉淀物 (precipitate) 及其颜色,有否气体放出及其颜色及测试其身份的结果,

2. 沉淀:水质当中所含钙离子与镁离子,会在槽液之中形成沉淀(Precipitate)物质,也会影响贯孔制程中所用的其他槽液. 所以槽液所须的水质,最好使用去离子水,至少也要使用经过处理之后的软水(Soft Water),以免影响槽液的操作进行.检查一下钻孔制程所用的钻针是否锐利,

3. 沈淀物:将上清液与沈淀物(precipitate)分开,分析步骤如下:2.0 c.c. 2.0 c.c. 加入上述试剂可将沈淀物溶解. Vortex混匀并放置常温10分钟. 若有不沈淀之杂质,用离心法将之弃除. 每一样品要在335-390 nm 波长扫描 (以空白管做为blank),

precipitate 双语例句

1. The results show that RRA treatment can provide the microstructure of a T6 temper in the matrix and the grain boundary precipitate structure possessed of a overaged(T7) condition. Thus strength of the alloy can be achieved the levels of T6 temper and the resistance to SCC better than that of T6 temper.

2. Saltwater it is as if bank sort tearfully right flow no stop, Ping the sad of psychical bitter, Like precipitate Wan abysm, Chueh cirri can climb rock.

3. This precipitate dissolves in an excess of aqueous ammonia.

4. In this paper, a simple coprecipitation technique had been successfully applied for preparation of pure ultrafine single phase Ta_2O_5-based solid electrolyte powders. Ammonia spirit was used to precipitate M~Ti~(4+、Zr~(4+)、Fe~(3+) and Ta~(5+) cations as hydroxides simultaneously. The effects of precipitating process conditions (such as consistency of reactant, content of PEG, pH and rate of titration) on the coprecipitation of the products and the calcination temperature were studied and the optimum process conditions for the manufacture of powders were determined. DTA, XRD, TEM, grain-size distribution meter and some other experiment methods had been employed to characterize the products. The effluent treatment was researched by lime and evaporation, and the content of F~- was tested by ion chromatograph.

5. Improves the skin gloomily, rough, to do and so on questions astringently rapidly only, including the high-purity laevo - rotatory vitamin C ingredient, may resist the melanin to precipitate, the promotion blood circulation reduction wrinkle, causes the flesh to unfold the youth the gloss, prevents the skin cell to suffer injury the aging, has function which the tight skin eliminates wrinkles by way of biochemistry whitening reduction.

6. How make use of With the the chance of Olympics Voluntary Service To Strengthen Ideological and Moral Construction of Teenagers, urge wishes spirit to precipitate, inside change into the inside spirit of large teenager, then push a society the Voluntary development of the.


7. The toxicity of supernate and precipitate from above treatments to 3 instar armyworm and mealworm larvae were tested.

8. The main drawback of the technique is the tendency of large and hydrophobic proteins such as membrane proteins to precipitate in the isoelectric focusing step.

9. The result is less sludge that is easier to dewater because of the reduced content of hydroxide precipitate.

10. The research based on mineral analyses and experiments show that in the sulphate system hydronic jarosite will precipitate when the concentratjon of Fe3+ and SO increases, and goethite will be formed by hydrolises, or goethite and hydrogoethite will be formed when the concentration of.

11. The overall evaluation of the wine is closely correlated with wine color, wine transparency, wine clarity and the existence of precipitate in wine.

12. We used potassium antimonate to precipitate exchangeable cellular Ca(superscript 2+)-calcium that is sufficiently loosely bound to combine with antimonite, to investigate the feature of calcium distribution during anther development of Lycium barbarurn L.
摘要在枸杞花药发育过程中,用焦锑酸钾沉淀的钙颗粒显示出了一个与花药发育事件有关的分布特征:在孢原细胞时期的花药中钙颗粒很少。你知道它的英文吗?? a。过于纤弱的,过于微妙的

13. Shanxi mature vinegar old also has not precipitate, not opacity, not the characteristics of Health White Paper, the longer the storage time for good.

14. Clouds usually precipitate as rain or snow.
云常 会凝结成雨或雪。

15. In the fallowing two years he experienced 20 similar episodes of paralysis of the left arm, each attack being precipitate d by a prolonged paroxysm of coughing.

16. Take out the daughter cyst under asepsis condition from the liver of the sheep which infects the echinococcosis under natural condition, cut to pieces, remove the cyst skin, flush with 0.9% asepsis physiological saline and precipitate three times, make the HE dyeing counting, make the suspension which is 1200 scolex/0.1ml, then vaccinate directly nearby spinal column, under the hind leg periosteum and in the medullary cavity of the leg bone of the health grown-up meriones meridianus to prepare the animal infection model, then carry on the medicine and the surgery treatment to the model.

17. Place the funnel with the filter paper and the precipitate in the neck of a 50mL volumetric flask.


18. Place the funnel with the filter paper and the precipitate in the neck of a 50mL volumetric flask. Dissolve the precipitate by washing the paper with 20% sodium hydroxide solution saturated with EDTA.

19. The main factors causing precipitate in yellow rice wine include proteins, tannin, Fe, and external conditions during storage such as temperature and oxygen etc.

20. The yellow ochre-colored iron precipitate s synthesized by two strains of different iron-oxidizing bacteria at different temperatures were analyzed by using ICP-AES, SEM, XRD and FTIR.

precipitate 词典解释The verb is pronounced /pr?'s?p?te?t/. The adjective is pronounced /pr?'s?p?t?t/. 动词读作 /pr?'s?p?te?t/,形容词读作/pr?'s?p?t?t/。

1. 使(通常指不好的事件或形势)突然发生;加速
If something precipitates an event or situation, usually a bad one, it causes it to happen suddenly or sooner than normal.

e.g. The killings in Vilnius have precipitated the worst crisis yet...
e.g. A slight mistake could precipitate a disaster.

2. (行动或决定)仓猝的,贸然的,突然的
A precipitate action or decision happens or is made more quickly or suddenly than most people think is sensible.

e.g. I don't think we should make precipitate decisions...
e.g. Many of our current problems have been caused by precipitate policy making in the past.

Somebody hired from another country is not likely to resign precipitately...
He hurried precipitately away.
precipitate 单语例句

1. They figure that by pursuing such an approach to precipitate a political crisis, they can hijack the issue and dictate terms to the rest of the voting public.

2. Chop small trees first, and let burning tree ash precipitate out the alkaline water.

3. precipitate在线翻译

3. A breakdown of the euro would precipitate a banking crisis that would be beyond the global financial authorities'ability to control.

4. Protectionist measures will not improve, but precipitate the US trade deficit.


5. Mandelson has dismissed the possibility of a trade war with China over surging Chinese textile imports and rejected'precipitate'EU action against Beijing.

6. precipitate

6. Those declines damaged consumer confidence and retirement accounts and might help precipitate a recession.

7. The water is then pumped into the production line, which is supposed to precipitate the sediment and purify the water.

8. Meteorological agencies in these areas are prepared to artificially precipitate rain when conditions permit, Zhai said.

9. precipitate的意思

9. " It's not the role of regulators to precipitate the crisis, " he said.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1230457.html
