

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
pregnant 基本解释

3. He said there against what you body does not check, I said no, but also examined to what he says I have inflammation, inflammation cured first, he said that after eating drugs, he said that if a That is to say that he has the drugs, three or four hundred a day of flowers, may be the last so that we did not think that he said it was not only so small, he said you are not urgent, it is checked in, there is no problem I do not want the door just started looking at that, may I wish it did not matter how much money to spend, the most important to bear in the end, I insist on seeing it on the door, who can think, what a day of high consumption, could eventually I have not pregnant, and now there is no way I am the door, if the doctor does not say that I am able to eat that bad on the quasi-drugs, we do not get the drug of interest, in order to buy this kind of inter-provincial, I Internet search portal, we hope to see.


4. Can ah, there is no need for us to get nervous, I pregnancy when they are asked a doctor, the doctor said that a pregnant person on the tension in this, the tension that, in fact, there is no need to, if not on the skin must maintain care and summer must pay attention to the sun, because of pregnancy when a long easily spotted, so the skin care is still very necessary, if a pregnant do not have anything, it is also afraid that is afraid to make their own side of蓬头meet unexpectedly, feelings can be good, so why not be a good mother does, as long as not to use poor-quality cosmetics, there is no problem.

5. In order to explore the effects of maternal iodine deficiency during pregnancy on the nervous system of the infants. an epidemiological survey of pregnant women in the endemic region was carried out. They were divided into three groups: treatment group. placebo group and normal group.

6. For the surrogate mother will be subject to exploitation, the court that the surrogate mother was pregnant before the birth whether the agency's decision that she was completely by chance to decide whether a contract.


7. At this point if the intake of calories and protein in pregnant women lack of placental trophoblast will reduce the number of epithelial cells, mainly reducing the number of free villi, so that the total area of villous space reduced fetal prevented the supply of oxygen and nutrition.


8. And Methods:The riboflavin and iron status were investigated among 322 in the 2nd trimester and 58 in the 3nd trimesters pregnant women.

9. Results: Among 12600 pregnant women, 84 were positive by TP-ELISA (positive rate 0.67%), 41 were positive by TRUST(positive rate 0.32%).

10. Methods: Use TP-ELISA and TRUST to detect syphilis infection among 12600 pregnant women, and collect 87 positive blood serum to storage at-70℃ preparing for reinspection by three test methods.


11. Lapper, a Brighton artist, was modelled when eight and a half months pregnant.

12. However, pregnant mothers can pass the virus to the fetus, and a severe anemia with fetal hydrops and intrauterine demise can result.

13. Case 1 is a 24-year-old woman who developed severe headaches when she was pregnant with her first child.


14. Methods:Formulate detailed observed and operational guidelines for pregnant women and puerperant, optimize obstetric emergency care flow and emergency rescue plan, organize and implement, and evaluate by the everyday evaluation management system.

15. It`s each for himself trying to grab a seat even at the expense of pregnant women and those with babies.

16. Methods Of 3205 pregnant women, 219 cases were found to have PIH.


17. In mid-July to know that she`s pregnant, and instead of feeling good.

18. Results In these cases, 7 were early pregnancy, 16 were second trimester, 9 were late pregnancy. These gravidas accepted operation once diagnosed and all of them continued to pregnant.(in the operation, 4 trimester cases and 3 late pregnancy cases were diagnosed as appendicitis with perforation 2 trimester cases were appendicitis with gangrene ), only one with tresis vulnus.
结果 32例中7例早期妊娠,16例中期妊娠,9例晚期妊娠,一经确诊立即进行急诊手术治疗(其中4例中期妊娠和3例晚期妊娠术中诊断为阑尾穿孔;2例中期妊娠术中诊断为坏疽性阑尾炎),术后继续妊娠率100%,仅一例并发切口感染。


19. He is charged with killing pregnant Marine Lance Cpl.

20. He's wanted in the death of his pregnant colleague, 20-year-old Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach.
他被通缉是因为他跟他一怀孕的20岁同事Maria Lauterbach的死有关。

pregnant 词典解释

1. 怀孕的;妊娠的
If a woman or female animal is pregnant, she has a baby or babies developing in her body.

e.g. Lena got pregnant and married...
e.g. Tina was pregnant with their first daughter.

2. 耐人寻味的;意味深长的;心照不宣的
A pregnant silence or moment has a special meaning which is not obvious but which people are aware of.

e.g. There was a long, pregnant silence.
e.g. ...a deceptive peace, pregnant with invisible threats.

pregnant 单语例句

1. pregnant是什么意思

1. Ni said that in a number of cases busted in southwestern China, dealers were found to have been using pregnant women to carry drugs.


2. Jia said the high rate of caesarean births in the capital is partly due to the fear of pain among many young pregnant women.

3. When a pregnant woman suffering from dystocia needed a Caesarean section to save her life, her husband refused to sign the " operation agreement ".

4. pregnant什么意思

4. When a pregnant woman had a difficult childbirth last week, her husband refused to sign his name on the Caesarean operation agreement.

5. She dropped out of the fashion scene when she married venture capitalist Chris Burch in 1996 and almost immediately became pregnant.

6. The county hospital also dispatched medical personnel to take care of pregnant women and infants.

7. pregnant的近义词

7. Rumors that Hong Kong film star Andy Lau's wife Carol Chu is pregnant are once again swirling.

8. pregnant什么意思

8. Watts sparked rumors she was pregnant after appearing on the red carpet at the Oscar ceremony on Sunday with a noticeably fuller figure.

9. She claimed that a Carrefour official told a Walch director that she was not suited to work at the store because she was pregnant.

10. pregnant的反义词

10. In order to get the tellers to release the cash, he held a pregnant customer hostage and threatened her life.

pregnant 英英释义


1. carrying developing offspring within the body or being about to produce new life

2. filled with or attended with

e.g. words fraught with meaning
an incident fraught with danger
a silence pregnant with suspense

Synonym: fraught(p)

3. pregnant

3. rich in significance or implication

e.g. a meaning look

Synonym: meaning(a) significant

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1234593.html

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