

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆







best 基本解释

形容词最好的( good和well的最高级); 最愉快的; 最幸福的; 最合适的

副词最好地; 最出色地; 最高标准地

名词佼佼者; (个人的)最高水平; 最重要的优越性; 最好的东西,最合乎要求的事物


best 相关词组

1. to the best of ones ability : 尽全力;

2. make the best of : 充分利用;

3. as best as one can : 尽最大努力;

4. with the best : 不比任何人差;

5. try ones best : 尽力;

6. as best one can : 尽最大努力;

7. at ones best : 处在最佳状态;

8. make the best of things : 随遇而安;

9. best of all : 最;

10. to the best of my belief : 就我所知;

11. do ones level best : 全力以赴;

best 相关例句


1. The best thing for you would be to forget it.


1. We had best call for the doctor at once.


1. Even the best of us make mistakes.

2. We should do our best to help her.

best 情景对话



A:Can you tell me the best way to get to (downtown/ the theater/ the river)?

B:Take bus No. 4.


A:What is your best price on this item ?

B:$24.95 per hundred pieces

A:That will be fine with us .

B:Fine . I‘ll start the paperwork for your order right away .


A:This is the best material we have to offer .

B:Actually ,I don‘t think we need it to be this good .

A:I can let you have this kind cheaper .

B:Let‘s do that .

best 网络解释

1. best:be suitable to; 适宜

2. best:business enterprises for sustainable tourism; 可持续旅游商务企业

3. best:business edp system technique; 工商业电子数据处理系统技术

best 双语例句

1. Therefore, teachers should not only encourage students speaking often, speaking voluntarily, but also try their best to design roleplays in realistic and relaxed linguistic background, and have students develop their motivation in speaking english. Opportunities of speaking English need to be created, to develop students'parcitipation and involvement in class activities, motivate their interest and desire in English, and encourage their persistence in learning.

2. Learning Chinese online with us ensures that you can arrange your Chinese lessons to fit your schedule and best of all, you can learn Chinese wherever is most comfortable and convenient for you!

3. So off she ran to her grandmother`s chest and she brought him a hat of the very, very best and the soldier put it on.

4. So off she ran to her grandmother`s chest and she brought him a coat of the very, very best and the soldier put it on.

5. So off she ran to her grandmother`s chest and she brought him a pair of trousers of the very very best and the soldier put them on.

6. Best of all, it's free to participate in most Alumni chapters.

7. By taking several pictures from different distances, you can keep the ones that are the best.

8. Best to provide you with the most valuable and the best service.

9. Suddenly, it became clear to me: This was not my best-laid plan.

10. But as the saying goes, the best-laid plans of wolves and men...

11. Messing up some of your best-laid plans.

12. Even the best-laid plans will not be a miracle cure.

13. Meant to do a last blog of the year yesterday, but the best-laid plans..

14. No, you're not fond of seeing your best-laid plans go amiss, but how about making an exception? Bet you'll be glad you did....

15. In that sense, Mercury is about to be a bit of a gremlin from April 18 to May 11, messing up some of your best-laid plans.

16. Now the best way to deal with specific water valve, it can use to 5~8 years.


17. Now the best way to deal with special ball valve water, it can use to 5~8 years.

18. If the company itself has a preliminary valuation, it is best to disclose here.

19. Open a restaurant, I think you are the best one to be the Kitchener, you are amazing!

20. You know I plan to open a restaurant, I think you are the best one to be the Kitchener, you are amazing!

best 词典解释best



3. 最好的;绝佳的
The best is used to refer to things of the highest quality or standard.

e.g. We offer only the best to our clients...
e.g. He'll have the best of care.

4. 最大努力;最高成就;最好水平
Someone's best is the greatest effort or highest achievement or standard that they are capable of.

e.g. Miss Blockey was at her best when she played the piano...
e.g. One needs to be a first-class driver to get the best out of that sort of machinery.


5. 最好的结果;顶多
If you say that something is the best that can be done or hoped for, you think it is the most pleasant, successful, or useful thing that can be done or hoped for.

e.g. A draw seems the best they can hope for...
e.g. The best we can do is try to stay cool and muddle through.

6. 最;极
If you like something best or like it the best, you prefer it.

e.g. The thing I liked best about the show was the music...
e.g. Mother liked it best when Daniel got money...

7. (用于构成以good和well开头的复合形容词的最高级,如well-known的最高级为best-known)
Best is used to form the superlative of compound adjectives beginning with 'good' and 'well'. For example, the superlative of 'well-known' is 'best-known'.

8. see also: second best;Sunday best

9. (用于道别或信件末尾)万事如意,一切顺利
You can say 'All the best' when you are saying goodbye to someone, or at the end of a letter.

e.g. Wish him all the best, and tell him we miss him.

10. 最好的是
You use best of all to indicate that what you are about to mention is the thing that you prefer or that has most advantages out of all the things you have mentioned.

e.g. It was comfortable and cheap: best of all, most of the rent was being paid by two American friends.

11. 尽全力;竭尽所能;尽最大努力
If someone does something as best they can, they do it as well as they can, although it is very difficult.

e.g. The older people were left to carry on as best they could.

12. 充其量;顶多;至多
You use at best to indicate that even if you describe something as favourably as possible or if it performs as well as it possibly can, it is still not very good.

e.g. This policy, they say, is at best confused and at worst non-existent...
e.g. At best they were effective as antidepressants for no more than four months.

13. 尽力;竭尽所能
If you do your best or try your best to do something, you try as hard as you can to do it, or do it as well as you can.

e.g. I'll do my best to find out...
e.g. It wasn't her fault, she was trying her best to help...

14. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

14. (综合考虑起来)是最好的
If you say that something is for the best, you mean it is the most desirable or helpful thing that could have happened or could be done, considering all the circumstances.

e.g. In the long run, it was for the best...
e.g. Whatever the circumstances, parents are supposed to know what to do for the best.

15. (尤指冰释前嫌后)最好的朋友;知己
If two people are the best of friends, they are close friends, especially when they have had a disagreement or fight in the past.

e.g. Magda is now married to George Callerby and we are the best of friends.

16. 最好(有些人认为此用法不规范)
If you say that someone had best do something or that they'd best do it, you mean they ought to do it. Some people consider this to be non-standard.

e.g. You'd best take a look.

17. best的反义词

17. (因经验丰富)最清楚,最明白
If you say that a particular person knows best, you mean that they have a lot of experience and should therefore be trusted to make decisions for other people.

e.g. He was convinced that doctors and dentists knew best.

18. 看起来处于自己最迷人的状态
If you look your best, you are looking as smart and attractive as you can.

e.g. I made sure I was very clean and looking my best.

19. 乐观地尽可能利用(逆境)
If you make the best of something, you accept an unsatisfactory situation cheerfully and try to manage as well as you can. In British English, you can also say that you make the best of a bad job .

e.g. She instilled in the children the virtues of good hard work, and making the best of what you have.

20. to the best of your ability -> see ability
the best of the bunch -> see bunch
to hope for the best -> see hope
to the best of your knowledge -> see knowledge
best of luck -> see luck
the best part -> see part
at the best of times -> see time
the best of both worlds -> see world

best 单语例句

1. Our goal is to integrate our business across the 20 some breweries and implement global best practices to increase the efficiency of the operations.

2. Analysts from Analysys International also said that the failure of Best Buy's business model in China is not good for the industry as a whole.

3. American business is in the best position to tell where American interests lie.

4. The travel manager's role is to put forward recommendations they feel best suits their organization's culture and business needs.

5. I don't believe highly financed business operations will help these directors maintain their status as the best in Chinese film circles.

6. " I decided to calm down and carefully think about what my best business opportunity was, " he said.

7. China's wind energy resources represent a significant new energy business opportunity and are considered to be among the world's best.

8. The partners are then expected to commit to passing on the model of CSR best practice with an additional three business partners of their own.

9. The Renmin University Business School's MBA program is considered one of the best in China.

10. It is the best place for business travel, making friends and having conferences on this planet.

best 英英释义


1. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

1. the supreme effort one can make

e.g. they did their best

2. the person who is most outstanding or excellent
someone who tops all others

e.g. he could beat the best of them

Synonym: topper



1. get the better of

e.g. the goal was to best the competition

Synonym: outdo outflank trump scoop


1. (superlative of `good') having the most positive qualities

e.g. the best film of the year
the best solution
the best time for planting
wore his best suit


1. it would be sensible

e.g. you'd best stay at home

2. in a most excellent way or manner

e.g. he played best after a couple of martinis

3. best的意思

3. from a position of superiority or authority

e.g. father knows best
I know better.

Synonym: better

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1234709.html
