

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

17. Those who once again in the school boring and sarcasm, only when, unexpectedly became unable to turn the good and evil hostile.

18. The Psalmist does not hold back in his derision of the futility of idol worship, nearly to the point of sarcasm.

19. To a certain extent, I think Jiang Heng's women with flirtatious looks is a repetitive statement of sarcasm, it conveys information contrasting with its superficial appearance, or even of opposing and conflicting content.

20. I don't appreciate the sarcasm, but I'll do it.

sarcasm 词典解释

1. 讽刺;嘲笑;挖苦
Sarcasm is speech or writing which actually means the opposite of what it seems to say. Sarcasm is usually intended to mock or insult someone.

e.g. 'What a pity,' Graham said with a hint of sarcasm...
e.g. His voice was heavy with sarcasm...

sarcasm 单语例句

1. The tone of his poems written after the demotion thus turned from that of sarcasm to that of slight melancholy.

2. But strangely, the exaggeration they display often imbues their words with a palpable overtone of sarcasm.

3. sarcasm的意思

3. In a sense, they occupy the middle ground between the real thing and sarcasm.

4. Behind this sarcasm however, there's a grain of truth to this point.

5. sarcasm

5. This showed that his online experience was raw, and made him the object of sarcasm and " lectures " from other netizens.


6. Complaints, doubts and sarcasm about the event dominated major online forums on Wednesday and Thursday.

7. From the bottom of my heart all I want to do is unleash a barrage of sarcasm.

8. While it's generally believed that American sarcasm doesn't really work for Chinese audiences, this didn't seem to be a problem.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1234758.html
