
in tears是什么意思_in tears在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
in tears
in tears 基本解释

in tears的翻译

流着泪; 涔涔泪下; 含着眼泪

in tears 网络解释

in tears的意思

1. 流着泪,在哭着:in step with 与...一致/协调 | in tears 流着泪,在哭着 | in the course of 在...期间/过程中

2. 流着泪,含泪,哭:in support of 支援;支持;拥护 | in tears 流着泪;含泪哭 | in terms of 根据;以...的措词

3. 流着泪:in sum / / 总而言之 | in tears / / 流着泪 | in terms of / / 依据,按照;用...措词

4. 流着泪;含着泪;哭着:118、in step with 与...合步调,与...步调一致 | 119、in tears 流着泪;含着泪;哭着 | 120、in the course of 在...期间,在...过程中

in tears 双语例句

in tears在线翻译

1. Gradually, something seemed to get opened. The long-held toughness, long-endured pain and long-insisted ways in my body were all of a sudden released with tears trickling down my face. Lying on top of the black synthetic leather surface of the chiropractic bed, I began to recognize the part of me that I had long denied to see.

2. People are all amazed by the bright beauty of the blooming Flower of Victory, while few people realize her bud was once soaked in tears of efforts and blood of sacrifice.
帖主对此回复很满意,所以奖励 10 积分给溟生成功的花,人们只惊慕她现时的明艳!然而当初她的芽儿,浸透了奋斗的泪泉,洒遍了牺牲的血雨。

3. In my opioion, this is very right, if you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.

4. Yes, we maybe sad, may be crying, andmaybe heart-broken, but we don't dothis because we have to say goodbye, we do this because our tears and nostalgia show how much we cheirsh theold daysand how much we love those memorable moments in our lives.

5. No man in the world worth your tears, the one who is will never let you cry.

in tears的反义词

6. In a Biblical story, when Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden, Eve stood with tears in her eyes, looking out over the icy, flowerless Earth around her, blanketed with snow.

7. He said the tears and suffering Liu Xiang in the arena of expression, let us see the cruelty of the game.

8. The concomitant contusion of greater tuberosity was found in all 12 partial rotator-cuff tears.

9. Whether is it better, I ask, to be a slave in a fool's paradise at Marseilles- fevered with delusive bliss one hour- suffocating with the bitterest tears of remorse and shame the next- or to be a village-schoolmistress, free and honest, in a breezy mountain nook in the healthy heart of England?

10. Make congratulant telephone call when all circles friend, my tear is unable to bear or endure in tears to fall however.

11. Blue tears in the lilac face, thawing in the rain.

12. If i can not love you with smile. I will love you in tears!

13. I shed tears in sadness.

14. Listening to the rain, I burst into tears, no one knows my soul to soak in the body 23 liters of red blood, and I want that 23 liters of red with the blood flow with the water rushing down!

15. If I were to stumble into the kitchen in the morning and break my pot, I would probably be reduced to tears.

in tears在线翻译

16. The water said: I can feel your tears because you are in my heart...

17. Because the distance between heaven and on earth barrier with their love, for which she often Yurong lonely, in tears.

18. I watched him fade away in the crowd gradually, at this very moment tears effused out again.

19. I hope me become wind which shuttles in the interspace of pneuma. In this way, I have no tears.

20. Draw the tears from my eyes, No more believe in you.

in tears 单语例句

1. Tears streamed down the face of one man sitting in the passenger seat of an SUV that carried another victim away.

2. in tears的解释

2. The officer put up with it in order to hold off the woman's charge, but later broke down in tears.

3. in tears

3. Many in the audience were clapping their hands and wiping tears at the same time.

4. in tears

4. Anyone who sees a starving teenager in shabby clothing begging with tears in her eyes would feel compassion.

5. Feng compiled a book in 2005 called Confession in Tears, which was based on real experiences of drug addicts he had helped.

6. People in tears streamed away from the station as rescue workers carried bodies covered in sheets of gold fabric.

7. Woolmer's death has caused a sensation in the proper world of cricket and left the Pakistan national team in tatters and tears.

8. A coal dredger tears into the face of the Loy Yang Open Cut coal mine in Latrobe Valley near Melbourne.

9. During the devastating Sichuan earthquake in May, a dead mother moved many Chinese people to tears.

10. Young inmates in juvenile delinquent prisons are moved to tears after talking with her and hearing her story.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1237510.html
