

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
Dec. 基本解释

十二月; [医] 倾泻,倾析

Dec. 双语例句


1. The Augusta Regional SPCA in Staunton will sponsor a Santa and Pet photo shoot from 9 am-4 pm Dec. 10 at Augusta/Valley Animal Hospital on Betsy Bell Rooad.
该奥古斯塔区域爱护动物协会在士丹顿将赞助圣和宠物的拍摄从上午9时至下午四时12月10日在奥古斯塔/谷动物医院对贝齐贝尔rooad 。

2. On the basis of the above-mentioned condition, the std No.4 cylinder crank pin and bearing were burnt on Dec. 16, probably due to their non-parallelism not being measured when being repaired on Aug. 6, in Pusan, Korea.
根据上述情况,导致该轮主机右 No.4 缸曲柄肖及轴承于某年 12 月 16 日被烧坏有可能是在某年 8 月 6 日在朝鲜釜山进行修理时,没有对不平行度进行测量所致。


3. The News Corporation completed its purchase of Dow Jones on Dec. 13 for more than $5 billion.

4. So I used corrot, praun, capscicum and egg fried together with the rice and also I brought some dumplings that I prepared some days before in the fridge.

5. MethodThe patients with suspected small intestinal diseases in our hospital from Sep 2005 to Dec 2008 were performed double-balloon enteroscopy. Their data were analyzed. ResultsTotal 98 patients (64 male, 34 female) were studied, with a mean age of 55.7 years.
回顾性分析我院2005年9 月~2008 年12月疑有小肠疾病的患者的资料,对经常规上、下消化道内镜检查均无异常发现的患者行DBE检查,并对其临床相关资料进行分析。

6. Athens'central Syntagma Square is lit up on Friday Dec. 11 during the official inauguration of the Greek capital's Christmas celebrations.

7. In this two-minute exposure, the rising moon illuminates clouds sweeping across the evening sky over St. Martin's In The Field, an Episcopal summer chapel, Thursday, Dec. 3, 2009, in Biddeford Pool, Maine.

8. Methods From Jan 1984 to Dec 1997, 206 adult(≥15 year-old) HD patients with stage Ⅰ~Ⅱ lesions were admitted into the cancer hospital of Chimese Academy of Medical Sciences. 130 cases received radiotherapy alone. 76 cases radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy.

9. There are 3 original Dec. bill for water and eletricity expense in company, and i have sent it to Miss zhang.


10. Phytoremediation is an effective measure to eliminate heavy metals, contaminants from soils, , an experiment was carried Out during March-Dec. 2004, on effect of a green manure crop, Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus siniucus L.) in a field of heavy metals contaminated soil in the vinicity of a smeltery in Guixi City of Jiangxi Province.

11. Please be noticed that the xmas party will be started on 5pm, sunday afternoon, 24th dec. we rent the conference centre where is in 7th floor of this building for this xmas party.

12. But it didn't announce the ban, called a debarment, until Dec. 23 --and then only after press reports about it.

13. Firstly, the concepts of dimensional element and dimensional element-chain are defined, and a geometric tolerancing model expressed by DE and its semantic mapping are also given. Secondly, the construction of DEC, the geometric measuring method for the calculation of error transfer coefficients of dimension-chain components and the realization of DECA are proposed.


14. However, 3 other patients also had a delayed washout pattern on DEC-MRI; of these, 2 patients had colloidal nodular goiter and 1 had follicular adenoma.

15. Zamenhof, who was Jewish, was born in Bialystok on Dec.

16. Dec 1992: AC Milan Players Demetrio Albertini, Ruud Gullit, Frank Rijkaard and Marco Van Basten form a wall in the European Cup match against PSV Eindhoven.
年12月 9日:AC 米兰队员阿帕天尼和荷兰三剑侠的古烈治、里杰卡尔德、云巴士顿在与European Cup比赛中排起了人墙。

17. Based on the test fishing survey outside the Peru 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone in Dec.2006 to Jan.2007, the characteristics of fisheries resource and water temperature distribution were investigated.


18. The feast of the Immaculate Conception is observed on Dec.

19. TTYL 28 at 1:50pm GMT on Dec 11, 2008You can leave messages on my wall now.
我是说现在你可以我的 Wall上跟我聊天了。

20. Takes note of resolutions GC(49)/RES/9A on measures to strengthen international cooperation in nuclear, radiation and transport safety and waste management, GC(49)/RES/9B on transport safety, GC(49)/RES/10A on progress on measures to protect against nuclear and radiological terrorism, GC(49)/RES/10B on amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, GC(49)/RES/11 on strengthening of the Agency's technical cooperation activities, GC(49)/RES/12A on strengthening the Agency's activities related to nuclear science, technology and applications, GC(49)/RES/12B on the use of isotope hydrology for water resources management, GC(49)/RES/12C on the Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy, GC(49)/RES/12D on support to the African Union's Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign, GC(49)/RES/12E on the plan for producing potable water economically using small and medium-sized nuclear reactors, GC(49)/RES/12F on Agency activities in the development of innovative nuclear technology, GC(49)/RES/12G on approaches to supporting nuclear power infrastructure development, GC(49)/RES/13 on strengthening the effectiveness and improving the efficiency of the safeguards system and application of the Model Additional Protocol, GC(49)/RES/14 on the implementation of the Agreement between the Agency and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for the application of safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, GC(49)/RES/15 on the application of Agency safeguards in the Middle East, GC(49)/RES/16A on staffing of the Agency's secretariat, and GC(49)/RES/16B on women in the secretariat, and decisions GC(49)/DEC/11 on Israeli nuclear capabilities and threat, GC(49)/DEC/12 on the amendment to article VI of the Statute, and GC(49)/DEC/13 on the amendment to article XIV.
注意到2005年9月30日原子能机构大会第四十九届常会通过的各项决议和决定,即关于加强核安全、辐射安全和运输安全以及废料管理国际合作的措施的GC(49)/RES/9 A号决议、关于运输安全的GC(49)/RES/9 B号决议、关于防止核和放射性恐怖主义措施进展的GC(49)/RES/10 A号决议、关于修正《核材料实物保护公约》的GC(49)/RES/10 B号决议、关于加强原子能机构的技术合作活动的GC(49)/RES/11号决议、关于加强原子能机构有关核科学、技术和应用的活动的GC(49)/RES/12 A号决议、关于同位素水文学用于水资源管理的GC(49)/RES/12 B号决议、关于治疗癌症行动纲领的GC(49)/RES/12 C号决议、关于支持非洲联盟消灭采采蝇与锥虫病泛非运动的GC(49)/RES/12 D 号决议、关于利用中小型核反应堆生产廉价饮用水计划的GC(49)/RES/12 E号决议、关于原子能机构新型核技术研发活动的GC(49)/RES/12 F号决议、关于支持核能基础设施发展之举措的GC(49)/RES/12 G号决议、关于加强保障制度有效性和提高其效率以及适用示范性附加议定书的GC(49)/RES/13号决议、关于《原子能机构和朝鲜民主主义人民共和国关于实施与有关的保障监督的协议》执行情况的GC(49)/RES/14号决议、关于在中东实施原子能机构保障监督措施的GC(49)/RES/15号决议、关于原子能机构秘书处人员配置的GC(49)/RES/16 A号决议和关于秘书处妇女的GC(49)/RES/16 B号决议以及关于以色列核能力和核威胁的GC(49)/DEC/11号决定、关于《规约》第六条修正案的GC(49)/DEC/12号决定和关于《规约》第十四。A条修正案的GC(49)/DEC/13号决定

Dec. 词典解释


Dec. 单语例句


1. The Syrian government signed the observer mission protocol in Cairo on Dec 19, after the AL threatened to refer the Syrian crisis to the United Nations Security Council.

2. It usually coincides with Dec 21 to 23 in the Gregorian calendar and is the shortest day of the year.

3. " NYT does not have the ability to manage its capital structure organically, " Barclays Capital analyst Hale Holden said in a Dec 23 research note.

4. Click " Like " on the Le Chef Facebook page for a 50 percent discount on the a la carte dinner menu till Dec 18.

5. Berlusconi was hit in Milan on Dec 13, when a man threw the statuette of Milan's cathedral at his face during a rally.

6. He declared on Dec 27 on his micro blog that he would cease serving shark fin in his restaurant.

7. Deputy Prime Minister Naoto Kan said that the central bank's Dec 1 credit easing had a " considerable impact " on weakening the yen.

8. But ticket sales greatly exceeded expectations since organizers decided to add one more show on Dec 21.

9. Dec.在线翻译

9. The penguin chick was born Dec 23, is in good health and a star attraction at the animal sanctuary.

10. He served as the Party chief of the Tibet Autonomous Region from Dec 2004 to May 2006.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1237536.html
