
watch TV是什么意思_watch TV在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
watch TV
watch TV 双语例句

1. He was a sportswriter, so we got to watch all the games on TV together...

watch TV的反义词

2. Let's watch TV with a candle on.

3. Let`s watch TV with a candle on.

4. I like to turn on the a-c, grab a cold beer and watch TV on hot days.

5. I like to watch football matches on TV.

watch TV是什么意思

6. If you watch the football match on TV with me, how will you get home?

watch TV的翻译

7. A:If you watch the football match on TV with me, how will you get home?

8. Do you watch football matches on TV?

watch TV的解释

9. If you watch TV for a long time without contacting with others, it will lead to more introverted, uncheerful.
3 长时间看电视,不与外人交往,会使性格更内向,心情不开朗的。。。。。。

10. I am not allowed to watch TV shows with bad language.

11. The problem I have is that I would like to be able to watch TV whilst using the laptop.

12. I don't know, you can watch paper of TV forecast.

13. I watch TV at night with my parents.

14. I watch it on TV every night.

15. I watch TV at night.

watch TV的反义词

16. When I finished my homework and any other thing, I like to watch tv and waiting for his appearence. I like his songs, his dance, his smile, and his spirits to fighting all the the difficult. when I have some problem with my life, wo always thinking of him, I think he is not just a korea man, he is the brightest atar to let me see.

17. She likes to curl up on the couch and watch TV.

18. Just a few ideas: wake earlier, watch less TV, eat lunch at your desk, take a walk for lunch, disconnect from the Internet, do email only once today, shut off your phones, do 1 less thing each day.

watch TV的近义词

19. Tennis is not my cup of tea, let's watch TV instead.

watch TV的意思

20. Sometimes I have a rest and watch TV at home, sometimes go to the seashore.
在家休息看电视,有时候到海边玩,每月回一次爷爷家5 I* P:g; 6

watch TV 单语例句


1. Conducted by the University of Hong Kong and commissioned by ATV in December, the survey said 23 percent of 514 interviewees chose not to watch digital terrestrial TV.

2. Tens of millions of Chinese viewers clustered before TV screens to watch the moment.

3. CBS Interactive is launching an online feature that enables groups of viewers to collectively watch and interact with streaming TV content.

4. IPTV refers to TV broadcasting services based on Internet protocol, under which subscribers to the services can watch TV on a computer screen.


5. The most significant factor he says is the " there's nothing better on TV to watch " conundrum.

6. watch TV

6. City Councilwoman Jan Perry urged people to stay home and watch the memorial on TV.

7. City Councilwoman Jan Perry strongly urged people to stay home and watch the memorial on TV.

8. watch TV的近义词

8. Depp said he used to watch the TV show when he was a boy and always dreamed of bringing it to the big screen.

9. It would make it tougher for viewers to drop their cable TV subscriptions and watch shows online instead.

10. I stay home, watch TV and eat a lot of fast food.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1237575.html
