

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

8. Take your time and explore and unearth your own fabulous fashion finds.

9. What could be simpler, put a URL into your address bar and unearth some juicy content.

10. With your charm, diplomacy and ability to unearth the best in people, you may end up great friends with somebody you never thought of as a buddy.

11. The intention of this thesis is to unearth and utilize resources of Chinese classic gardens.

12. Well, you have gift, but the gift just like the gem at the bottom of deep rock, it can not be brilliant if it doesn`t be unearth hardly and carved elaborately.

13. No amount of blaming, criticism, soul-searching, or grumpiness will ever unearth the reasons why changes happen.

14. 84A Unearth is an activated ability that functions while the card is in a graveyard.
502.84a 破坟属于起动式异能,只于该牌在牌手的坟墓场时产生作用。

15. Travelling as a guest of the state governor of Lagos, Babatunde Raji Fashola, his first engagement was launching the Lagos Street Soccer Championships, an initiative that aims to empower young children through sport, while also helping unearth Nigerian footballing prodigies.

16. During the year, the department strengthened its strategy to unearth unreported corruption, and underwent an organisational restructuring to provide more front-line investigators.

17. He thought, and turning to his groom, he said he would give a rouble to any one who would unearth a hare.

18. Matt Ffytche has managed to unearth his rare writings for the comfort of you, the indolent reader.
Matt Ffytche努力地创作杰出的作品去安慰那些闲散的读者。

19. If the data object is a structure, you still have to unearth the name of the table.

20. I've asked Shirley to see what she can unearth on them.

unearth 词典解释

1. 发现;揭露
If someone unearths facts or evidence about something bad, they discover them with difficulty, usually because they were being kept secret or were being lied about.

e.g. Researchers have unearthed documents indicating her responsibility for the forced adoption of children...
e.g. The frauds have been unearthed by investigators working for the Camden and Islington Health Authority.

2. 发掘,挖掘(埋藏物)
If someone unearths something that is buried, they find it by digging in the ground.

e.g. Fossil hunters have unearthed the bones of an elephant believed to be 500,000 years old.
e.g. ...saying that the treasure had been unearthed on his property...

3. 找到,发现(隐藏或丢失之物)
If you say that someone has unearthed something, you mean that they have found it after it had been hidden or lost for some time.

e.g. From somewhere, he had unearthed a black silk suit...
e.g. Today I unearthed a copy of '90 Minutes' and had a chuckle at your article.

unearth 单语例句

1. unearth的意思

1. The proposed rules also urge Internet companies to voluntarily censor their material, and unearth Internet copyright infringement caused by the Internet users themselves.

2. We have assembled senior police officers to try to unearth this criminal act.

3. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

3. The Ministry of Agriculture has recently launched a campaign to unearth fake or nonconforming feed to avoid security problems in feed products.

4. Technicians were called in to unearth the problem, and that was the first time she heard about organic matter in the soil.

5. Lei's lawyer Li Zaike said more work needs to be done to unearth more evidence.

6. He pledged that Thai police would unearth the truth about the case and deliver reports to the Chinese side as soon as possible.

7. unearth的反义词

7. It instructed trade unions at all levels to unearth the hidden problems and cooperate with the government in cracking down on offenders.


8. The court said state reforms should be accelerated to improve supervision of power and " unearth corruption from the roots ".


9. President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao have ordered a thorough probe to unearth the facts and punish the guilty.

10. However, the HK Magazine survey did unearth some less surprising facts.

unearth 英英释义


1. recover through digging

e.g. Schliemann excavated Troy
excavate gold

Synonym: excavate


2. bring to light

e.g. The CIA unearthed a plot to kill the President

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1237646.html
