

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
lymph 基本解释

名词淋巴(液); 痘苗; 溪水; 泉水

lymph 双语例句

1. This report describes a rare case of a concurrent epithelioid trophoblastic tumor and a teratoma in a para-aortic lymph node from a 39-year-old male patient with the initial diagnosis of testicular malignant mixed germ-cell tumor. The metastatic lesion was excised 2 years after orchiectomy and chemotherapy.

2. ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE:To provide reference for scientific research and lung cancer operation by studying the staining condition on mediastinal lymph node with chlorophyllin disclosing solution.

3. The chloropyllin disclosing solution can stain mediastinal lymph node quickly with no acute toxic adverse reaction.

4. As shows that the chlorophyll disclosing solution can stain lymph system and guide clearance of lymph nodes in radical resection of rectal carcinoma.

5. Most grasses are lymph purifiers, which is why animals eat grass when sick.

6. Objective:To compare the CT findings of mediastinal lymph nodes in tuberculous pleurisy and non-tuberculous pleurisy.


7. Fig 4 Positive IGFBP5 mRNA was distributed around the lymph nodules. In-situ hybridization×100

8. In front of the apex pulmonis, internal mammary artery ligation and vein, the former chest wall resection and pleural these vessels and lymph nodes that all together.

9. Bronchial lymph gland?

10. There were spontaneous pneumochorax 103 cases, lung biopsy 3 cases, pulmonary wedge resection 30 cases, pulmonary lobectomy 4 cases; hydrothorax 9 cases, pleural lesion 2 cases; mediastinum lesion 17 caese, mediastinum lymph node biopsy 3 cases, repair of pulmonary I case, repair of diaphragm 1 case.

11. Methods Fifty-one patients with ovary cancer underwent TAHBSO or Expand clearing operation, and all the lymph node were harvested from specimen. The number of lymph node dissection in TAHBSO was compared with that in Expand clearing operation.

12. There was no evidence of hepatotoxicity, renal toxicity and myelotoxicity in nude mice bearing human breast cancer given 〓I-EGF over a 4-wk observation period. Conclusions EGFR plays a crucial role in neoplastic infiltration, cell proliferation, lymph node metastasis and may be a significant prognostic factor for long-term survival in breast cancer. By quantitative determining the EGFR, DNA content and morphometric parameters, groups of node-negative cancer patients of high risk could be better identified for more effective clinical management. The complexes of radionuclide-iodine labelled EGF is a promising novel radiopharmaceutical agent for the imaging and radiotherapy of breast cancer in the future.

13. COX-2 may participate in VEGF-C lymphangiogenic pathway and play an important role in the lymph node metastasis of OSCC.

14. High LVD may indicate the risk of lymph node recurrence in patients with NPC.

15. objective to explore the ultrasonic features of metastatic abdominal tumors from nasopharyngeal carcinoma and its correlations with the histopathological type of primary foci. methods 40 cases of metastatic abdominal tumors from nasopharyngeal carcinoma confirmed pathologically from january 2001 to june 2005 were enrolled. the most typical one of all the ultrosonagraphic imagings was studied for the same case. color doppler blood flow imaging was used to detect the blood supply of intra- and peri- tumors in metastatic hepatic cancer. results hyperecho, hypoecho, anecho, iso-echo and mixed echo were presented in ultrasonography of all the patients. cdfi showed that the blood supply of intra- and peri-tummors in mhc was mainly from peri-tumor artery-vein double supply. the richness of blood supply was positively related to tumor s volume. conclusion histopathological type of nasopharyngeal carcinoma doesn t correspound to an exclusive ultrasonography of such metastatic abdominal tumor in liver, spleen, pancreas and retroperitoneal lymph nodes without result of differentiation from primary abdominal tumors. and the ultrasonic imagings of metastatic abdominal tumors from the same type of primary focus vary.
目的 探讨鼻咽癌发生肝脏等腹部脏器转移的超声图像与原发灶病理类型的相应关系。方法以临床已经病理确诊为鼻咽癌并且已发生腹部器官、组织转移的住院或门诊患者为研究对象,相同病例以多次b超中最典型的一次声像图统计;彩色多普勒血流成像主要检测转移性肝癌瘤内及瘤周的血供情况。结果不同病理类型的鼻咽癌发生肝、脾、胰、腹膜后淋巴结等腹部转移的声像图均可表现为高回声、等回声、低回声、混合回声、无回声等5种特征或其中部分特征;cdfi示mhc瘤内及瘤周的供血以瘤周动、静脉双重供血为主,各种不同病理类型亦无相应的专一性特征,血供丰富程度与瘤体大小成正比。结论不同病理类型的鼻咽癌与其发生肝、脾、胰、腹膜后淋巴结等腹部转移后的声像图之间无一一对应的特征表现,与其他原发性肿瘤发生腹部转移不能区别;相同病理类型的鼻咽癌,其腹部转移癌的声像图特征也表现为多样性。

16. Methods Preservation of intercostobrachial nerve during axillary lymph node dissection was adopted in 56 patients with breast cancer.
目的 探讨保留肋间臂神经在乳腺癌腋淋巴结清扫术中的可行性及临床应用价值。

17. Objective: To study the feasibility and benefit of preserving intercostobrachial nerve during axillary lymph node dissection for breast carcinoma.

18. Objective To study the value of preserving intercostobrachial nerveduring axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer.

19. Results We first found that anti-Thy-1 antibody can strongly stain a nuclear molecule in different type of lung cancer cells. Among lung cancer cases, 89 (56.7%) cases showed strong nuclear staining for Thy-1 specially. In univariate and multivariate analysis for 91 NSCLC patients we found TNM staging, lymph node status and Thy-1 over expression in nuclei were independent factors to affect the prognosis of NSCLC patients.
结果 Thy-1抗体特异性地在不同病理类型肺癌细胞的胞核中有强阳性染色,89(56.7%)为Thy-1细胞核染色阳性。91例非小细胞肺癌患者预后的单因素和多因素分析显示,TNM分期、淋巴结转移和Thy-1在细胞核中高表达是影响患者预后的独立因素。

20. You can by hand small pushes, so that lymph flow more smoothly.

lymph 单语例句

1. lymph的意思

1. Prusiner said, and at higher levels in the lymph glands of calves.

2. The warmth stimulated the vascularization, invigorated the immune system and reinforced the flow of the lymph.

3. Warning signals of a streptococci infection are a palate inflamed to a scarlet red, tonsils with whitish patches and swollen lymph glands in the neck.

4. Shi Hui is a Beijing mother whose only son died from lymph cancer as a sophomore in college two years ago.

5. The patients had stage 3 lung cancer, which has spread to lymph nodes outside the lung but not throughout the body.

6. lymph的解释

6. They have been diagnosed as having swollen mesenteric lymph nodes, said a source from the provincial health department.

7. lymph的解释

7. The children are suffering from swollen mesenteric lymph nodes and are aged three to eight.

8. Symptoms include swollen lymph nodes and fever after a person is scratched by a cat.

9. lymph

9. The water wand attachment enables the therapist to provide focused underwater massage, which improves the flow of lymph and increases the metabolism.

lymph 英英释义


1. a thin coagulable fluid (similar to plasma but) containing white blood cells (lymphocytes) and chyle
is conveyed to the blood stream by lymphatic vessels

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1237659.html
