

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆





enforce 基本解释

及物动词加强; 强迫服从; 实施,执行

enforce 相关例句


1. Don't enforce your will on the child, please.

2. He enforced high standards.

3. The police enforce the law.

4. The police department enforces the law.

enforce 网络解释

1. 强制执行:网站上有非常详细地解释的. 法庭在给我传票的同时也给我我一些小册子解释这些问题. 法庭的判决要求对方30天归还我的全部押金. 目前我进行到这里. 会继续更新,不知道对方还会有什么新花样么. 如果不还钱,是可以要求强制执行(enforce)的

2. 强制:而RHCE第五版的考试,与过去第四版最大的不同之处,除了使用的作业系统是RHEL第五版之外,更加进了SELinux的限制,我们姑且不论SELinux到底好还是不好,但是在软体的设定及操作上,往往因为SELinux被设定为强制(enforce)之后,本来会成功的的事情又会面临一些转折,

3. 实施:1 尽量使用非虚拟接口模式 (NVI) 让接口函数成为非虚拟的 .1) 非虚接口模式 (NVI) 的说明:基类对接口具有完全控制权,很方便在一个单一的、可复用的地方实施 (enforce)接口的前条件跟后条件、插入一些设备或做一些类似的事情.

enforce 双语例句

1. The reasons of our country`s philanthropy undertakings fall behind the times are these: the imperfect of legal system and doesn`t enforce the law strictly; the defects come from setting up a philanthropy organization, registering it and administration it; the management methods fall behind the times, financial accounting in utter disorder; lacks of philanthropy goal.

2. Although the tradition is multilayerly, the basic one is to dig its sediment, guide the direction and enforce it to dash against the great tide of the world along its own purpose------but not melt itself in the tide.

3. Improved footprint models, on the diffrerent points, enforce the function of prediction, avoid the structureless shortcoming, resolve the problem of different metric parameters in conventional model, and reveal more information about the impact of specific human behavior on eco-environment.?

4. Trust: an equitable obligation imposing on one or more persons a duty of dealing with property, over which he or they have control, for the benefit of other persons who may enforce the obligations.

5. That's the reason for the increasingly nasty and draconian measures now used to enforce software copyright.

6. This is also the Constitution and the Civil Procedure Law of China People's Court entrusted to one of the important judicial functions, including the implementation of the entry into force of the court made its own decision, determination or mediation books, including the enforcement of arbitral authority, arbitral awards made in just to give authority to enforce the effectiveness of the notarized claim instrument made by the executive authorities in accordance with the law and granted by the People's Court review of administrative decision or administrative penalties, such as decision.

7. To that end, the ISSA and the World Association of Public Employment Services should enforce their collaboration.

8. Moreover, should an underdog try to use the new law to enforce his rights, the corrupt and pliant judiciary would usually ensure he was wasting his time.


9. Alternatively, vendors can issue licenses that repeatedly expire to enforce a periodic lease payment.

10. The disparity may be due to how stringently local governments enforce the requirement.

11. Under market economy conditions, the universities how to enforce and improve the ideological and political work, and to cultivate more new type qualified personels who can adapt to the development of socialist markete conomy is a new problem.

12. Unlike much legislation this would be perfectly practical because it would be easy to enforce.


13. The Chinese courts apply different standards to enforce domestic and international arbitral awards. As to the domestic awards, the courts review merits of the case, while the courts review only procedure issues as to the awards with foreign elements.

14. Can be used as wall insulation foam blowing agent used in plastics that are F142b Products such as the Ministry of Construction to enforce energy conservation planning, polyurethane hard foam plastic has the broad market space will also enhance the foaming agent for F142b demand for the company to respond to this market is already ahead of layout, in 2007 will have F142b capacity 30, 000 tons, ready to enter this market.

15. International Shoe】 establish sufficient contacts or ties with the state of the forum to make it reasonable and just according to our traditional conception of fair play and substantial justice to permit the state to enforce the obligations which appellant has incurred there

16. Such a right may be conferred by way of property, as, for example, under a trust, but it can not be conferred on a stranger to a contract as a right to enforce the contract in personam.

17. All actions were either real or personal, the former being brought to enforce real rights, which we, according to our peculiar usage, call rights in rem, the latter to enforce personal rights, or rights in personam.

18. In accordance with the development of market economy in China, higher education should become more closely related to the market and enforce the new fee-paying system.

19. At present, we should initiate healthy consumption culture and oppose the extravagant one, encourage active consumption culture and restrict the excessive one, enforce independent consumption culture and weaken the convergence one, advocate balanced consumption culture and avoid the extreme one, intend harmonious consumption culture and boycott the unbalanced one.

20. Would you consider the inconvenience or impossibility to enforce the law which bans people smoking on street?

enforce 词典解释enforce

1. 强行实施,强制执行(法律、规定等)
If people in authority enforce a law or a rule, they make sure that it is obeyed, usually by punishing people who do not obey it.

e.g. Until now, the government has only enforced the ban with regard to American ships...
e.g. The measures are being enforced by Interior Ministry troops.

2. 强行实施;强加;迫使
To enforce something means to force or cause it to be done or to happen.

e.g. They struggled to limit the cost by enforcing a low-tech specification...
e.g. David is now living in Beirut again after an enforced absence.

enforce 单语例句

1. The government should budget more money to educate citizens and hire more officers to enforce civilized behavior.

2. He admitted that police would discuss the incident and consider ways to enforce the law in a more civilized manner.

3. enforce的意思

3. In a further indication of dissent in the ranks over the pullout, five soldiers face disciplinary hearings after refusing to enforce the Gaza closure.

4. The China Youth Daily called the coercion a " shocking disgrace " exposing officials'failure to enforce labor laws.

5. Government agencies must work to come up with effective mechanisms to set and enforce safety standards for all businesses involved in catering and food service.

6. The People's Bank of China has urged the country's commercial banks to strictly enforce regulations designed to tighten credit in the property market.

7. Yan says the country has used both administrative and legal measures to enforce protection.

8. enforce什么意思

8. China maintained the consistency in its exchange rate policy and continued to enforce the relatively narrow range for the renminbi exchange rate.

9. If a company is not in compliance, the EPA can enforce requirements to buy and install pollution control equipment.

10. enforce什么意思

10. It stipulates that if one party refuses to fulfill the decisions agreed, the other party can seek a court order to enforce the decisions.

enforce 英英释义


1. enforce的近义词

1. ensure observance of laws and rules

e.g. Apply the rules to everyone

Synonym: implement apply

2. compel to behave in a certain way

e.g. Social relations impose courtesy

Synonym: impose

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1240279.html
