

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


reminder 基本解释


名词令人回忆起…的东西; 提醒…的东西; (告知该做某事的)通知单; 提示信

reminder 相关例句



1. I've had another reminder from the library.

reminder 网络解释

1. 日程提醒:E-MAIL :电子邮件 | REMINDER :日程提醒 | BUSYTONE :忙音

reminder 双语例句

1. I wrote this letter for you to keep, and when you need a reminder of how I feel.


2. But it still is a great reminder of American history.


3. I wanted to have a continual reminder to lose the weight.

4. It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life.

5. The land was not of any use to him, but the mere thought of parting with the most tangible reminder of his godfather had been unbearable.

6. Yes, it is a reminder of our strangeness; but it's also a reminder of our acceptability.

7. And for users it's a nice reminder to mark the page or add an annotation.

8. He needs our quotation, as long as they can to meet their needs, whether it is A or B, please reply as soon as possible, we can not make this single business, the customer a reminder of rush thank you!

9. Just a reminder, all orders will not be processed until they have been paid for.

10. However, in my part, it is the most deserved memory in my life. Celebration is not a simple day for going out for a dinner or entertainments, but a reminder of this special day after several years of departure. It reminds us these happy days we were together and to contact the old friends we shared the same room before.


11. For a long time, they were the only reminder of the largest Orthodox church ever built.

12. The transcendental concept of appearances in space, on the other hand, is a critical reminder that nothing intuited in space is a thing in itself, that space is not a form inhering in things in themselves [74] as their intrinsic property, that objects in themselves are quite unknown to us, and that what we call outer objects are nothing but mere representations of our sensibility, the form of which is space.

13. It is a morality play, that isolates, and sets against each other, the qualities which this courteous, passionate, and chivalrous people value most: which I take to be -- courage, manners (that is to say, appropriate style), pride of self cautioned by its opposite reminder that nothing conduces more to humility than the immediate prospect of a violent death.


14. It is a morality play, that isolates, and sets against each other, the qualities which this courteous, passionate, and chivalrous people value most: which I take to be--courage, manners(that is to say, appropriate style), pride of self cautioned by its opposite reminder that nothing conduces more to humility than the immediate prospect of a violent death.


15. It is a visual reminder of the plan and can be referred back to throughout the production stage.

16. They are a constant visual reminder of the crimes of 15 years ago.

17. This is the icon we're going with for now, but we'veupdates to this small visual reminder of Google.

18. I do not need a visual reminder every time i walk into that place.

19. We have kept the redundant exit as a visual reminder that the program won't run beyond run.
我们保留那个多余的 exit 是为了提供一个醒目的标识,说明程序不会在 run 以后继续运行。

20. The original background color, Symantec Yellow, offers a visual reminder of the brand`s dependability.

reminder 词典解释

1. 提示;使人回忆起某事的事物
Something that serves as a reminder of another thing makes you think about the other thing.

e.g. The British are about to be given a sharp reminder of what fighting abroad really means...
e.g. Violence has broken out in the capital, a stark reminder that the religious tensions are refusing to go away.

2. 缴费单;催缴单;催缴通知
A reminder is a letter or note that is sent to tell you that you have not done something such as pay a bill or return library books.

e.g. ...the final reminder for the gas bill.

reminder 单语例句

1. reminder

1. He said it is also a reminder for the government to pay attention to business ethics and social morality.

2. Lin's remark is a reminder of a number of citizens recently calling on people not to purchase housing in protest against the high prices.

3. The cold reception they received on Capitol Hill offered a striking reminder of the difficulty the president faces in the new political climate.

4. reminder的近义词

4. The easing of tension between China and the United States in the last few days is a fresh reminder how capricious bilateral relations are.

5. The lottery case is a reminder that an overhaul is badly needed to put the notary system on a healthy track.

6. The unfolding situation in Japan is another reminder of the potential consequences of any catastrophe at a nuclear power plant.

7. reminder的意思

7. Although it sends members a reminder list of the year's eligible films, the cast listed for each film carries no category designation.

8. Still the violence that shook Baghdad served as a reminder of the insurgency's persistence and adaptability.

9. The Chernobyl disaster is still a fresh, shuddering reminder of such a danger although more than 20 years have passed.

10. While it was not the type of quake that hit Chile, it was a reminder of how a big disaster could strike at any time.

reminder 英英释义


1. an experience that causes you to remember something

2. a message that helps you remember something

e.g. he ignored his wife's reminders

3. someone who gives a warning so that a mistake can be avoided

Synonym: admonisher monitor

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1242859.html
