
qualify as是什么意思_qualify as在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
qualify as  
qualify as 基本解释通过考试等取得当…的资格;把…描述为…;
qualify as 网络解释

qualify as的解释

1. 作为...合适:put...in place 把...放在合适的位置 | qualify as 作为...合适 | quarry operation 采石场的运作

2. 把...看作:把...介绍[推荐]给recommend ...to ... | 把...看作qualify ...as ... | 把...看作是visualize ... as ...

qualify as 双语例句

1. After years of operating, we have gained rich experience in bulk cargo transportation and chartering as well the trust of the shipping companies and factories. In the mean time we calculate a high qualify working team with high efficiency, good at managing and operating, and responsible.

2. I want to qualify as a doctor.

3. I hope to qualify as a doctor.

qualify as

4. I hope to qualify as a teacher.

5. As long as you are making a certain amount of money monthly, you can qualify for a payday loan.

qualify as的意思

6. I believe I qualify as a management trainee in your company.

7. Persons wishing to qualify as solicitors must complete a vocational course of study organised by the Law Society at Blackhall Place in Dublin combined with a period of apprenticeship with an established law firm.

8. For an expenditure to qualify as an intangible asset, there must be reasonable evidence of future benefits.

qualify as的反义词

9. Cocoa is a ten-year-old poodle2 and I am a sixty-nine-yea-old lady, so you can see we both qualify as senior citizens.
科科是头 10 岁的卷毛狗,而我是个 69 岁的女人,所以我们俩都够格当老年公民。

10. Cocoa is aten-year-old poodle2and Iam asixty-nine-yea-old lady, so you can see we both qualify as seniorcitizens.

qualify as在线翻译

11. Control and qualify the motor manufacturing as per engineering requirements.

12. The striker seems set to leave the Viola at the end of the season, as it seems unlikely that the Gigliati will qualify for the Champions League, which is one of the world champion`s priorities

13. Sure, you still have to qualify and convert leads, but no other business-to-business marketing medium comes close to economically delivering the number of predisposed prospects as search engine optimization.

14. It's an old building, but that doesn't qualify it as an ancient monument!

15. As we said, the best way to qualify for low insurance rates is to guard against accidents, thefts, and losses.

16. Note: The required efficacy for outdoor fixtures using an efficient light source to qualify as ENERGY STAR has been increased.

qualify as

17. Li was the only person from Asia to qualify for the Forbes 2009 list of the planet's most generous people, which included legendary donors such as currency speculator George Soros and Microsoft's Bill Gates.

18. Catrina called me and told me that she got few chances for job interview, I asked her why she was applying a new job, she told me that she is getting boring for current job due to she already went through all level knowledge and she is looking forward to learn more, as you know that we have learned wide range and depth field in professional Accounting field, but we just used them so limited skills at our work place, like Catrina case, the only way for her is changing job frequently, then she will have difference skills and experiences, one day she will be qualify to be a higher level professional person such as CPA member.

19. Other challenges Form/fill/seal equipment for flexible packaging applications would qualify as a pet peeve for McDonald.

20. Note: Fixture manufacturers may use the NEMA-ALA Lamp and Ballast Matrices as a source for obtaining required information to qualify fixtures.
注释:灯具制造商可以使用 NEMA-ALA 灯管,镇流器矩阵作为基本资料,取得所需的信息,以获注释得授权。

qualify as 单语例句


1. They can be stored and made available on demand more easily, and thus qualify as controllable basic supply services.

2. In order to qualify as FDI the investment must afford the parent enterprise control over its foreign affiliate.

3. It was China's first defeat after three successive draws and the third place meant nothing as only the top two of the group could qualify.

4. As the public housing program involves a subsidy, it must therefore define who is eligible to qualify and who is not.

5. qualify as

5. There were 143 enforcement judgments and orders issued during the past year that potentially qualify as eligible for a whistleblower award.

6. The film has enough battle scenes to qualify as an epic, and enough twists and turns to make it unpredictable till the end.


7. As a result, he did not score high enough to qualify to go on to college.

8. Capello took over as England manager in January 2008 after England's failure to qualify for Euro 2008 under Steve McClaren.

9. UN officials said the attacks did not qualify as a material breach, and President Bush did not ask for a Security Council meeting.

10. qualify as的意思

10. The minimum water needed for the reserve to qualify as a wetland is about 100 million cubic metres each year.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1242987.html

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