

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

7. On the other side of the ball, if you're facing up against Paul Pierce controlled by the AI, you'll know his tendency will be either to push in and shoot or try a pro step move.

8. Highlights include wiseacre comedian Denis Leary as an un-ladylike ladybug, Joe Ranft as the German-accented caterpillar, David Hyde Pierce as a stick bug, and Michael McShane as a pair of unintelligible pillbugs.


9. Pick pickup picnic picture pie piece pierce pig pigeon pile b 请宁 y v.
拾,采,摘;挑选,选择 n。

10. Fortunately, subesquently, a pierce female II and she could keep with me. helf uphill not good, well, look at others make their omn good, can not coach the command, i guess i will throttle when zhe brake bar.

11. It seemed as though it might be possible to pierce this worm-eaten barrier.

12. The centre scene shows the boy prince seated on a couch, engaged in discussion with the doctors of military science and of literature (one holds a scroll and another an official tablet). Of the lowest scene only the top half is preserved, but this is enough to show that it represented Sākyamuni`s prowess in contest; a similar scene of the iron target drums lined up is to be found in the series of scrolls of the Kako genzai inga-kyō in Japan. Sākyamuni alone was able to pierce them all with his arrow.

13. Now, behold, thou trustest upon the staff of this bruised reed, even upon Egypt, on which if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and pierce it: so is Pharoah king of Egypt unto all that trust on him.

14. Now, behold, thou trustest upon the staff of this bruised reed, even upon Egypt, on which if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and pierce it: so is Pharaoh king of Egypt unto all that trust on him.
18:21 看哪,你所倚靠的埃及是那压伤的苇杖人若靠这杖,就必刺透他的手。埃及王法老向一切倚靠他的人也是这样。

15. Tein: Everything I'm hearing suggests that the Celtics are targeting only minimum-salary guys at this stage because KG, Allen and Pierce will cost more than $56 million alone. So they probably can't get Brevin Knight or any of the top remaining free agents.
TEIN:我听得到的每件事情都是凯队现在的目标就是那些最低薪水球员,因为三巨头的工资超过5千6百万美元了,所以他们可能得不到Brevin Knight 和那些剩下的好的自由球员了。

16. Pierce stood slaveholder`s position on the South, to send troops to suppress opposition to slavery immigrants.


17. A bullet will probably pierce the exterior glass layer, but will be stopped by the really strong polycarbonate layer before it can pierce the inner layer of glass.

18. To night deftly amid wild drink and talk, to pierce the polished mail of his mind

19. Tonight deftly amid wild drink and talk, to pierce the polished mail of his mind


20. To attack or pierce with a pike. Tonight deftly amid wild drink and talk, to pierce the polished mail of his mind

pierce 词典解释

1. 刺入;刺穿;刺破
If a sharp object pierces something, or if you pierce something with a sharp object, the object goes into it and makes a hole in it.

e.g. One bullet pierced the left side of his chest...
e.g. Pierce the skin of the potato with a fork.

2. pierce在线翻译

2. 给…穿孔;给…打眼
If you have your ears or some other part of your body pierced, you have a small hole made through them so that you can wear a piece of jewellery in them.

e.g. I'm having my ears pierced on Saturday.
e.g. ...her pierced ears with their tiny gold studs.

3. (光线)穿透;(声音)响彻
If a light or sound pierces something or pierces through it, it is suddenly seen or heard very clearly.

e.g. A spotlight pierced the darkness...
e.g. Then he spoke, in a voice that pierced the thick air...

4. 使心如刀割
If a thought, feeling, or sound pierces someone's heart, it makes them experience a feeling, especially sadness, very strongly.

e.g. This sound, like all music, pierced my heart like a dagger.

5. 穿过;突破
If someone pierces something that acts as a barrier, they manage to get through it.

e.g. German armoured divisions pierced the Russian lines.

pierce 单语例句

1. Lakers thug Ron Artest and Pierce could cancel each other out in this heavyweight bout.

2. BOSTON - Paul Pierce fought through nagging injuries to carry the Boston Celtics to another victory.

3. " I wanted to finish my career as a Celtic, " Pierce said.


4. I can use a fork to eat meatballs, pierce frozen dinner wraps and even spoon my cereal.

5. These young men would soon pierce their faces with long steel rods, in through one cheek and out through the other.

6. Jason Kidd and Jason Collins both notched 19 points for the Nets while Paul Pierce counted 27 for the Celtics.


7. Paul Pierce had 11 points for Boston, which had lost seven of nine coming in.

8. pierce在线翻译

8. Elsewhere in Fort Pierce, a large steel railroad crossing signal downtown was twisted like a corkscrew.

9. The Sixers led with five minutes left before Pierce stole the ball near midcourt and took it in for a dunk.

10. The game was tied at the time and Pierce scored 13 points before the end of the half to put Boston in control.

pierce 英英释义



1. make a hole into

e.g. The needle pierced her flesh

2. pierce的反义词

2. penetrate or cut through with a sharp instrument

Synonym: thrust

3. pierce的翻译

3. cut or make a way through

e.g. the knife cut through the flesh
The path pierced the jungle
Light pierced through the forest

4. move or affect (a person's emotions or bodily feelings) deeply or sharply

e.g. The cold pierced her bones
Her words pierced the students

5. sound sharply or shrilly

e.g. The scream pierced the night

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1244743.html
